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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Wetlands, Oceans, & Watersheds
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Watersheds for Kids


we all live in a watershed

EPA Announces New Blue Ribbon Water Quality Trading Awards Program (November, 2006)

National Wetlands Awards Nomination Forms Now Available (November, 2006)

We all live in a watershed -- the area that drains to a common waterway, such as a stream, lake, estuary, wetland, or ultimately the ocean -- and our individual actions can directly affect it. EPA and its partners are working together on a watershed basis to protect the nation's water resources.

More About Watersheds...


Watershed Tool of the MonthExit EPA Disclaimer
EPA's Water Quality Trading Assessment Handbook

Spotlight: Watersheds at Work
Bear River Watershed, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming - Water Quality Trading Program and Model

Featured Sites

Missippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia

Committee on Ocean Policy

Wadeable Stream Assessment

´Waters of the U.S.´ Issues

Webcast Seminars

Watershed News

Map Your Waters


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