Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Logo Title - Ministry of Natural Resources
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Satellite view of Great Lakes
The Great Lakes contain one-fifth of the world's freshwater. They are Ontario's single greatest source of water and a global treasure.

Ontario shares the Great Lakes with our U.S. neighbours, generating a strong foundation for growth and economic activity between the two countries. The Great Lakes Basin is home to 90% of Ontario's population and 40% of Canada's economic activity.

At the provincial level, MNR plays a lead role in managing water levels and flows. For example, the MNR manages water diversions , primarily through the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act, which requires approval of works forwarding, holding back, or diverting water.

MNR's Role in Managing Great Lakes and other Boundary Waters

On the Great Lakes and other boundary waters, MNR works closely with several agencies on interjurisdictional water issues. Some of these agencies include the International Joint Commission, the Great Lakes Commission, the Council of Great Lakes Governors and other provincial and federal departments.

The MNR represents the province on a number of inter-provincial and international water control boards such as the Lake of the Woods Control Board, the Ottawa River Regulation Planning Board and the International Niagara Board of Control.

Their purpose is to oversee boundary water levels and flows and to balance the interests of major water users and stakeholders.

Links to some of MNR's partnering agencies are provided on the left.

Protecting Great Lakes Basin Waters

The governments of Ontario, Quebec and the eight Great Lakes states have negotiated draft agreements to protect and conserve the waters of the Great Lakes Basin.

The agreements commit the provinces and states to manage and regulate proposed water uses according to a minimum environmental standard. The agreements follow through on commitments made by the provinces and states in the 2001 Great Lakes Charter Annex.

View the full Protecting Great Lakes Basin Waters article

Great Lakes Charter

The MNR administers the Great Lakes Charter in Ontario on behalf of the premier. The Charter was signed in 1985 by Ontario, Quebec and the eight Great Lakes states to conserve and protect Great Lakes Basin waters through the control of water diversions and consumptive use .
View the full Great Lakes Charter article

There are approximately 250,000 lakes in Ontario. These lakes, including the Great Lakes, have a total surface area of 181,153 sq. km. (69,944 sq. mi.) which is about 17% of the total area of the province. For comparison purposes, freshwater covers 8% of the total area of Canada and 2% of the area of Alberta.

External Link International Niagara Board of Control

The web sites linked to are created by organizations outside of the Ontario government, and those organizations are responsible for the information contained within their respective sites. These sites may not be available in French. Any specific comment or inquiries regarding those sites should be directed to the individual organization.

Modified 30-07-2004
© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004