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Text Box:  Corporation of the Municipality of Leamington

Notice to Water Consumers

In December 2004, the municipality of Leamington was advised by the Union Water System that the wholesale water rates being assessed to the municipality are being increased effective February 1, 2005.  The increase reflects the capital and operating costs anticipated by the Union Water System over the next ten years. 

Leamington has always been proactive in regards to full cost pricing of municipal water services; -- our rate structure has always been adequate in meeting past and future capital projects. It is suggested that water rates assessed to Leamington residents have remained constant over the years. Unfortunately, with the anticipated capital and operational initiatives suggested to both the Union Water System and the municipal distribution system the water rates will need to be adjusted to service our system improvements now and in the future. Following are the water rates, which were approved by council effective the April 1, 2005 consumption billing.

Click here for the current Residential and Commercial Rates adobe


Text Box:

Corporation of the Municipality of Leamington

Notice to Consumer Sewer Surcharge Adjustment


The Municipality of Leamington retained CH2M Hill Canada Ltd. to complete a Pollution Control Centre (PCC) Master Plan.  The plan was completed and approved by the Leamington Municipal Council in January 2004.  The said study presents a multi year plan to resolving the various operation and capital upgrade initiatives identified through the study. The plan identified capital improvements of 33 million dollars over a development period of five years. In 2004 council authorized upgrades to the sludge management facility, provision of the ultraviolet disinfection unit and replacement of its administration building…totalling a capital expenditure of approximately $5.8 million dollars. Construction will commence in 2005.  As well, council has authorized administration to proceed with the engineering for the next phase of construction scheduled for 2006.  The engineering fees to undertake this initiative are scheduled at $3.0 M. Unfortunately, with the capital initiatives suggested for 2005—the municipal sewer surcharge will need to be adjusted to service our system improvements now and in the future.

Click here for the current Residential and Commercial Sewer Surcharge adobe

"Building on the Past ... Preparing for the Future"