
Office Location & Hours


Administrative Contacts List


Tax Installment Payment Plan


Business Licensing


Taxation and Assessment


Utility Billing


Water Rates


Utilities Pre-Authorized Payment Plan



Town of Nanton Office Location

Mailing Address:

Town of Nanton

Box 609

1907 - 21 Avenue

Nanton, AB  T0L 1R0


(403) 646-2029


(403) 646-2653

Office Hours

8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Monday to Friday







Chief Administrative Officer, Mary Robley


Director of Corporate Services, Jennifer Beagrie


Customer Service/Accts Rep, Bev Schlosser


Administrative Assistant, Lisa Lockton


Development Officer, Georgina Sharpe


Special Constable, George Woof




The Town of Nanton Office Staff administers all services provided by the Town, in conjunction with the appropriate departments.  Some of these areas include:


Business Licensing


Business Licenses are required by any individual or group for the purpose of carrying on all or any business, trade or occupation within the Town of Nanton.  This includes home occupations as well as businesses operating in the Commercial or Industrial areas of Nanton.  Each applicant is required to submit a Business License Application form (link to form) to the Town Office, prior to the issuance of a license.  For further information, click on the following related Bylaws: 

Business Bylaw # 1105

Amendment regarding MD of Willow Creek Residents # 1122

The Town Office maintains a listing of businesses that purchase annual licenses.  For your information, click to view the listing.



Taxation and Assessment

The purpose of Municipal Taxation is to fund programs and projects supported by the Town itself.  The budget is created to reflect the needs of this community.  Capital projects and long term planning are taken into account when planning for Nanton’s future needs.

The Town of Nanton sets its tax rates according to its budgetary requirements.  These rates, and the assessed property values, are used to determine property taxes.  The tax rate is typically set by Council in May after the assessment values are received from the Town’s Assessor, Wayne Lamb of Benchmark Assessments.  The Combined Tax Assessment and Property Tax Notice is then mailed to all property owners.  After receiving the Notice, the property owner has the opportunity to appeal the assessed values.  An Open House is held annually for the taxpayers to meet with the Assessor and discuss any assessment concerns.

The Town of Nanton’s tax due date is June 30.  Any mailed tax payments must be postmarked on or before this deadline in order to avoid penalty.  The Town of Nanton offers a Property Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) whereby the customer is directly debited equal monthly payments throughout the calendar year, without having the June 30th due date.

Tax Installment Payment Plan Brochure

Tax Installment Payment Plan Form

Tax Rate Bylaw # 1168



Utility Billing

The Town of Nanton levies its customers every two months for water, sewer and garbage fees.  On or about the 20th day of the second month of each levy period, the Public Works Staff read all the water meters.  These readings are input by the Utilities clerk, for the purpose of the bi-monthly levy. 

Any notifications of changes regarding moving in or moving out, at any time within these periods, are the responsibility of the customer and are administered by the Town Office Staff.  A new reading will be taken at this time, provided the staff is given sufficient notification by the customer who is either moving in or out of their location.   




Residential and Commercial Rates (charged bimonthly)

  • $24.00 minimum, up to 4,000 gallons

  • $6.25 per 1,000 gallons from 4001 to 8,000 gallons

  • $6.70 per 1,000 gallons over 8,001 gallons

To view the complete Town of Nanton Water and Sewer Bylaw and the rates, click on:

Water & Sewer Bylaw # 1164





Utilities Pre-Authorized Payment Plan

Interested in paying your water/sewer/garbage utility bills directly through your bank account?  Under the Town’s Pre-Authorized Payment Plan for Utilities, the account holder will still receive the bimonthly levy, however, the Town will directly debit your bank account on the 15th of the month following the levy.  Click on the attached form and drop off or mail to the Town Office to sign up for this payment plan.

Pre-Payment Application Form

