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Reports and Agreements

Manitoba Municipal Efficiency Program (MMEP) Final Reports NEW
A Guide to Hiring Your Chief Administrative Officer
Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
Municipal Finance and Advisory Services - June 2006
Roles, Responsibilities and Resources of Municipal Government in Manitoba - Final Breakout Report  
Flooding and Wet Conditions in Manitoba - Final Report
The AMM has completed its report on flooding and wet conditions in Manitoba.
May 2005 Report: Community Response to AMM's 2003 Recommendations re: Economic Development  
Creating a Vision:
Association of Manitoba Municipalities' Report on Economic Development
AMM's Housing Report 2003  
Municipal Election Officials: Salaries & Benefits Survey  
Task Force on Rural Water Funding:
Addressing the Water Needs in Manitoba
Sample Resolutions
Municipal Access Guidelines
Municipal Rights-of-Way Application Form
Guide to Development Agreements - 2004

Manitoba Treaty Land Entitlement Agreements - guidelines, criterias, forms

The Civic Addressing Standard for Manitoba NEW  
Water in the Prairies - Manitoba Edition  
Water Efficiency Booklets for:

Small and medium sized communities


Motels/small hotels




Water Plant Operators




  • Task Force on Education Funding Report
  • Capital Region Review
  • Water: A Proposed Strategic Plan for Manitoba
  • West Nile Virus Information