We believe everyone has a right to safe, accessible drinking water. You can provide that water - and transform lives - in Africa and Haiti. Your donations can drill new wells, repair existing wells, and much more. End the cycle of sickness and poverty that comes from drinking dirty water.

Lifewater Canada has been selected for the FOURTH consecutive year by Charity Intelligence, an independent organization that assesses the performance of more than 800 Canadian charities, as one of the nation's top 10 for the impact it achieves for donors. Based on these rankings, MoneySense magazine is calling us a "Top 2022 Charity".
Top 10 Impact Charity
MoneySense Top 2022 Charity
- Read Charity Intelligence's announcement
- Read Lifewater's news release

About Us
Learn about our mission, development goals, operational targets, strategies, board members, staff, and much more.
See the Projects
See photos and other details about new wells, hand pumps, and other projects for which we urgently need donors.
Project Costs
Learn the average cost to sponsor a new well, rehabilitate a broken-down well, or of other water projects in Africa or Haiti.
Where We Work
Focus in on where life-saving water and sanitation projects are happening -- and where more are urgently needed.
Stories & Testimonials
Read how Lifewater donors are improving lives, and hear first-hand from villagers, employees, partners, and volunteers.
Our Donors
Meet some of the donors like you who make safe, accessible water possible.
News Media
Read news releases and review what news outlets are saying about us, plus Lifewater videos and articles about water.
Get information about how to volunteer with Lifewater. Also, download our free 160-page Drilling Manual.

Why is safe water so important? Because without it, children and their families must drink dirty water from swamps, ponds, and other potentially deadly sources. When children are sick, they cannot go to school. When adults are sick, they cannot earn the money needed to care for their families. In this way, contaminated water prevents families, communities, and entire regions from reaching their God-given potential.

We received this grim message recently from a pastor in Kenya: “The outbreak of waterborne diseases is frequent and has claimed the lives of many children below the age of five.”

The World Health Organization says at least two billion (or one in four) people on our planet are drinking water each day contaminated by feces, and 829,000 people are dying each year from diarrheal diseases caused by contaminated water and inadequate sanitation and hygiene. Someone – usually a child – is dying every 38 seconds. Each well you drill or pump you repair helps hundreds of people escape the waterborne diseases that either kill them or trap them in an endless cycle of sickness and poverty.

Donors like you, through Lifewater Canada, have drilled more than 2,130 wells so far while also rehabilitating more than 880 out-of-service wells, replacing 4,800 broken pumps, building about 150 communal washrooms (toilets and handwashing stations), and holding countless health and hygiene workshops. But there is still an enormous need for more.

Provide the life-saving gift of safe, accessible water. You'll never regret it. 


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Lifewater Canada VIDEOS: 

Every $1 you give provides a child with safe water for a year!

457 Heather Crescent
Thunder Bay, ON P7E 5L1

+1 807-622-4848
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