Bill to Ban Bulk Water Exports Introduced

Department of Environment (to Sept. 00)

March 28, 2000 15:00

Legislation to manage and protect one of our province's most
valuable resources -- our water -- was introduced today by acting
Environment Minister Michael Baker.

The Water Resources Protection Act will prohibit the removal of
bulk water from Nova Scotia. Global warming and an uncertain
future regarding the need for water underlines the necessity for
this act, said Mr. Baker.

"This bill bans the bulk removal of water exceeding 25 litres.
Our water must be managed to suit our needs first and foremost,"
said Mr. Baker.

With this act, Nova Scotia joins other provinces which have
legislation in place supporting a consistent national approach to
managing our country's water supply.

This measure does not apply to those entrepreneurs in Nova Scotia
who are currently bottling water under licence and exporting it

"By processing limited quantities of our own water, we maintain
control of the resource and allow for export of a value-added
product," he said. "When managed properly, we can sustain our

This legislation does not change the way food manufacturers, fish
processors and other businesses use water to do business. The
minister said this government wants to make it easier for Nova
Scotian companies to compete in Canada and around the world.

This act also provides for the use of bulk water in fire-
fighting, security or humanitarian emergencies.


     The province plans to ban bulk water exports.

     Acting Environment Minister Michael Baker says the ban will

apply to water exports over 25-litres.

     Baker says the province is introducing the act today to

respond to global warming concerns and future water needs.

     With this bill, Nova Scotia joins other provinces which have

similar controls in place.

     Water bottlers in Nova Scotia and companies that use water

to do business will not be hurt by this bill.


Contact: Steve Warburton
         Department of the Environment

kjd                      March 28, 2000     3:57 p.m.