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ISO and UN Global Compact reinforce cooperation on social responsibility standard
ISO powers up storage of hydrogen fuel cells for safer transport
ISO, ITU and IEC cooperate on "networked car" event at Geneva Motor Show
Caterpillar's CEO on the need for International Standards
ISO/PAS 28003 gives requirements for auditing and certification of supply chain security management systems
ISO management system standards deliver results for operators large and small in public and private sectors
The next chart-topping CD – The IT Security Standards Collection
Why did ISBN users begin making New Year 2007 resolutions in 2005?
Serbia and Montenegro assigned ISO country codes
'How to get benefits of ISO 9001:2000' – for service sector
Producing sustainable standards of excellence – ISO's oil and gas committee honoured with the Lawrence D. Eicher Leadership Award
New ISO/IEC standard to increase confidence in management system certification
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ISO Management Systems
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ISO Standards handbook: Piston Rings and Pins
JTC1 Collection on IT Security
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ISO 9001:2000 -
A workbook for service organizations
The ISO Survey of Certifications 2005
ISO Annual Report 2005
ISO Annual Report 2005
ISO Café
Everything you always wanted to know about ISO Standards

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