Government/Major Initiatives >Niagara Water Quality Protection Strategy Print this page Bookmark this page
Niagara Water Quality Protection Strategy

Water is essential for all life. Water is necessary to maintain the health of the environment and people in Niagara, but it is also necessary for all the activities that make our communities healthy and vibrant – activities such as agriculture, business, recreation, and natural resource management.

The Niagara Water Quality Protection Strategy (NWQPS) will provide “Water for Life” by managing water resources and coordinating efforts between diverse groups.

The NWQPS was developed by the Regional Municipality of Niagara, in partnership with the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, and the Ministry of the Environment with help from watershed municipalities, and local stakeholders.

The Strategy was presented to Regional Council on November 6, 2003. Over the next few months, regional and conservation area staff will begin implementing many of the recommendations identified in the Strategy.

General Information:

For more information on the Strategy, please refer to the reports or newsletters available on this site or contact:

Bob Steele, Project Manager
Project Manager / Coordinator Niagara Water Quality Protection Strategy
Regional Municipality of Niagara
Water and Waste Water
2201 St. David’s Road
PO Box 1042, Thorold, ON L2V 4T7
Phone: 905-685-1571 ext. 3745
Toll-free: 1-800-263-7215

 Revised: Monday, February 06, 2006
 Copyright © 2006 The Regional Municipality of Niagara
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