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National Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emission Accounting and Verification System

The National Carbon and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Accounting and Verification System (NCGAVS) for Agricultural Land is a transparent and verifiable accounting system for estimating the amounts and uncertainties of soil carbon stock changes and GHG emissions at the provincial, regional, and national level. The accounting system includes land use and management databases linked to ecological models and temporal and spatial scaling processes. Standard methodologies for measuring soil carbon and GHG emissions from agricultural land are key components of NCGAVS and provide the basis for future GHG monitoring and verification programs in agriculture. At present, work focuses on developing and establishing an accounting system for soil carbon change, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions from agricultural land. A multi disciplinary team of AAFC, NRCan, EC and University scientists develops the national accounting system that will be in place by March 2005. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from enteric fermentation and methodologies for verification will be incorporated into NCGAVS at a later stage.

NCGAVS will help report the amount of agricultural carbon sinks and GHG emissions as required under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. The accounting system will be linked to the National Inventory of GHG emissions at EC and may serve as a backbone for the inventory of carbon credits in domestic and international emission trading schemes. NCGAVS supports and links with the environmental indicator project (NAHARP) within AAFC, and other soil carbon and GHG research programs of the USA and Mexico. Ultimately, NCGAVS supports the assessment, development and monitoring of government policies and programs designed for the effective utilization of natural resources in sustainable agriculture. The system will be useful to policy makers, economists, scientists, producer organizations, industry and others.

For further information, please contact:
Carlos M. Monreal
Phone: (613) 759-1053

B. McConkey Email:
Phone: (306) 778-7281

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Date Modified: 2003-06-09
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