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Transportation and Public Works



The Finance Section is responsible for the fiscal management of the Department.


The Section is responsible for the Payroll, Personnel, Human Resources and Occupational Health and Safety services provided within the Department. 

    Provide Leadership n Financial Management
    • Development of Department's Financial and administration policies
    • Administer Federal cost-shared programs
    • Ensure that the Financial Administration Act, Public Purchasing Act, and Treasury Board Policies and Procedures are followed

    Administer Budget Development and Controls
    • Status Quo budget
    • Detailed budget
    • Quarterly forecasts
    • Develop and monitor the Department's business plan
    • Monitor budget on a day-to-day basis by discussing problems with Deputy Minister/Directors, and recommending corrective action where necessary.
    Monitor day-to-day Operations of the Accounting Office
    • Accounts payable
    • Accounts receivable
    • Procurement
    • General Ledger
    Inventory Management - Audits and Reconciliation to the GL Accounts
    • Public Works Stores
    • Mechanical Branch (Parts, Tires & Fuel)
    • Traffic (Sign Shop and Lighting)
    • Bridge Materials
    • Land (Tax Sales Inventory)
    • Computer Equipment (GE)
    Administrative Services
    • Receptionist
    • Records Management
    • Postal Services
    • Telecommunications
    • Photocopier & Printing Services
    • Office furniture, fixtures and equipment
Quick Links
Jones Building
Official site of the Department of Transportation and Public Works

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