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About This Web Site

The Contract History data base contains data on contracts awarded by Public Works and Government Services Canada on behalf of federal government departments. For a more complete explanation please see the Home Page and read the Disclaimer. The web site allows you to browse and search for government procurement data on the Internet. It follows basic functionality that you will see in other Internet applications.


How to Use Context Sensitive Help

Context sensitive help is available in a number of places within this site. It is indicated by the word 'Help', or by an underlined word. Click on it to obtain help about that particular item.

e.g., in the Expert Search screen, click on 'Award Date', and you are taken to the help file where the meaning and use of award date is described. You may then move around within the help file if you wish, or use your browser's back button to return to the previous screen, in this case the Expert Search.


Simple Search

This allows you to search for contracts by the commodity class, customer office, vendor or contract. You may enter one or more word(s) or part thereof or alpha-numeric string to query one category of information. Enter this into the 'Search for:' box, then click on the appropriate button to launch the search. This will provide a List Screen of records that match your search.
Example:Enter 'electrical' in search box, then press 'Commodity Class' to see commodities with 'electrical' in their descriptions.


Expert Search

This allows you to search for contracts, customer offices, commodity classes or vendors, based on any combination of item values. You may focus your query by narrowing down the search using a series of criteria.

Simply enter what you wish to search for in the appropriate boxes, and click on the button corresponding to the type of results you wish returned.

e.g., Enter 'Vancouver' in Vendor City, 'boats' in Commodity Description, and press the 'Contract' button to see contracts where vendors located in Vancouver supplied boats. This provides a List Screen of the items matching your search criteria.


List Screen

The list screen returns a list of records matching your search criteria. It shows you the total number of records found, and the sequence numbers of the matched records. At the bottom of the screen is the "Search History" criteria. This is good to remember when going several levels deep into a search. To view the details for a record, click on the underlined record. This takes you to the Detail Screen


Detail Screen

The detail screen displays full details of the record you selected.

If you are at the Contract Detail Screen, you will see underlined items. These are links - clicking on them takes you to that record, and allows you to initiate a new search from there.

At the bottom of the screen under 'Search History' is the criteria searched on. This is good to remember when going several levels deep into a search. The buttons at the top takes you to a List Screen of items corresponding the the existing search criteria.


Search History

The search history is displayed at the bottom of the List Screen and the Detail Screen. The search history remembers and lists the criteria and the corresponding categories for each drill down level of your search.

e.g., If you searched for commodity 'juice', then selected one of the items returned and then asked to see related vendors, your search history would look something like this:

Simple Search History
Search Criteria:Commodity: juice

The first item, labeled 'Search Criteria', indicates what you entered in the search. Each subsequent line indicates the data that was returned and that you selected to see further details.


Glossary of Terms

Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) An Advance Contract Award Notice (ACAN) allows departments and agencies to post a notice, for no less than 15 calendar days, indicating to the supplier community that it intends to award a good, service or construction contract to a pre-identified contractor. If no other supplier submits, during the 15 calendar-day posting period, a statement of capabilities that meet the requirements set out in the ACAN, the competitive requirements of the government's contracting policy have been met.

If other potential suppliers submit statements of capabilities during the 15 calendar-day posting period, and meet the requirements set out in the ACAN, the department or agency must proceed to a full tendering process on either the government's electronic tendering service or through traditional means, in order to award the contract.

Commodity Class The commodity type as designated under NAFTA:
Commodity Description The description of the good or services procured through the contract.
Commodity ID The Goods and Services Identification Number. A code assigned by PWGSC to uniquely identify an item or service.
Contract AmendmentWhere there is an amendment to an original contract it is indicated at the end of the contract number by one of the following:

000 indicates original contract
001 - 999 indicates an amendment, including task authorizations already covered within an approved funding envelope (for details, see the fact sheet)
S01 indicates assignment of contract to a new vendor
T01 indicates a contract termination

Note, however, that you cannot use these suffixes when searching for a contract.
Contract Award Date The date the contract was awarded. To search on this field you must enter both the 'from' date and the 'to' date. Enter the date as YYYY/MM/DD e.g., from 2003/06/30 to 2006/04/01
Contract Number The number assigned by PWGSC to uniquely identify a particular contract. It is composed of the five-digit customer ordering office, a fiscal year (two digits), a customer-assigned sequence number (usually four digits), a contract sequence number, the awarding purchasing division and the amendment number
e.g., 'F1603-9-0001/001/VAN/000' or 'F1603-010001/001/VAN/000'

Do not use the amendment number during your search, only the main contract number,
e.g., F1603-02-0001/001/VAN or F1603-010001/001/VAN
Contract Value The dollar value of the contract in Canadian funds with GST included where applicable. Please note that additional funds from an approved envelope may be allocated under a contract for a variety of reasons (for details, see the fact sheet)
To search on this field you must enter both a 'from' value and a 'to' value. Enter only the dollar value (no dollar signs, commas or decimals) e.g., from 24999 to 100000
Customer ID The unique identifier for a particular customer organization. Customer offices are grouped within the Customer identifier.
example: Customer is: F - Fisheries and Oceans;
Customer office is:F6813 - CCG SUPT RESCUE & ENV.RES
Customer Department The name of the customer organization.
Customer Office Name The name of the customer office which is the delivery point for the contracted goods or services.
Limited TenderingLimited tendering is a process which allows deviations from the competitive process including the ability to contact a sole or single supplier or a number of suppliers individually. This in fact means that it is possible to have a competitive procurement within a limited tendering process. There are 15 possible codes which identify the limited tendering reasons.

Trade Agreement Description The trade agreement(s) whose rules governed the procurement:
  • Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT)
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (WTO-AGP)

Last Update: June 2007


Last Updated: 2007-11-15 Top of Page Important Notices