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Audit of Pardons Application Decision System Renewal Implementation Project

Table of Contents

Management Response

The NPB Evaluation and Audit Committee accepts the conclusions and the recommendations of the audit report on PADS-R prepared by the Centre for Public Management Inc. However, the Committee considers that the context leading to the urgent development of PADS-R should be explained in more detail in the report as it clarifies the reasons for the approach taken by the Board with the project.

In the fall of 2003 (Sept/Oct) the National Parole Board was informed that the software Filenet behind PADS would not be supported past December 31st 2004 . Additionally, RCMP advised the NPB that the existing CPIC connection would no longer work after March 2005. Therefore, the PADS-R project had to be commenced immediately. Given the urgency of the situation, the governance documents, and plans, etc, were finalized after project work started. The urgency of the start-up meant actions such as an RFP were not possible and other contracting vehicles were required immediately. Additionally TBS funded PADS-R (i.e. 50% up front) without a detailed Business Case, as it agreed with the urgency of the situation.

Although the NPB did not take the usual steps in the development of PADS-R, the project is a success due to the skill and dedication of the NPB staff and consultants that were hired. PADS-R users are very pleased with the new application that is much more efficient and user-friendly than the previous one.

Any project is an opportunity for learning. This audit assisted the NPB in achieving the most from its experience with PADS-R. When planning large projects in the future, the NPB will be guided strongly by the recommendations of this audit report. It will, in particular, choose a management approach that reflects a careful assessment of the complexity of the project, of the extent of the change management challenge, and of our internal capacity to lead and pursue the project successfully.

Appendix A: PADS-R Audit Interviews List

Mike Marshall, Consultant

Peter Blackmore, Consultant

Yves Bellefeuille, Director C&P

Marc Seguin, Director IMSD

George Sieniecky, Manager IM

Sean Moylan, Senior Programmer Analyst

Greg Edwards, Manager CTSS

Terry Rempel-Mroz, Manager AMS

Katherine Galliger-Spicer, Senior Systems Analyst

Collette Galipeau, Pardons Manager

Mary Rounopolous, Policy Analyst

Jean Yves Mailloux, Consultant, former Project Manager

Pat Liston, Former CIO

Denis Stevens, Executive Director

Pierre Couturier, Director, Performance Measurement