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Supplier Registration Information  

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The Supplier Registration Information (SRI) site is a database of registered suppliers interested in doing business with the federal government. The information provided by suppliers is used by federal government departments to identify sources of supply for the goods and services they buy. By registering in SRI, you make your company's name and supply capabilities widely available to federal government buyers. For purchasing requirements subject to any of the trade agreements departments use the electronic tendering service, MERX, to post their notices of proposed procurement.


Information contained in the Supplier Registration Information database is accessible by various levels of government in Canada and will be used for purchasing and invoicing purposes only. The information constitutes a government record and as such is subject to applicable laws and regulations, including the National Archives Act, the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act (where personal information is provided). By submitting the SRI form you agree to the release of information held in the SRI system to various levels of governments in Canada (federal government departments and agencies, Crown corporations and provincial or municipal governments).

Registration alone does not mean that you will be awarded a contract. You still need to respond to bid solicitations and will be competing with other businesses based on factors including price, quality and delivery.

Government departments or agencies may request further information from your company. For example, product and quality standards will still have to be verified before bids can be accepted for some requirements.

How to Register

To register in SRI, you must have a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number (BN). If you already have Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Services Tax (HST) number, then you have a Business Number. The first nine digits of your GST/HST number are your Business Number (eg: 123456789RT0001). If you do not have a number, contact Canada Revenue Agency at:

Registering in SRI is a two-step process.

1) Creation of an account:

  • Click on the "Continue" button and enter your Business Number (BN). A list appears if there are one or more of your company's offices already registered.

  • Complete all boxes including your e-mail address and create a User name (8 characters or more) and Password (6 to 10 characters, including one digit). Remember your User name and Password as these will be used later to access your existing SRI account.

  • Click on the "Submit" button.
Once you have submitted this basic information, your BN will be verified by Canada Revenue Agency; you will then be provided with a Procurement Business Number (PBN) by e-mail to uniquely identify your registration in SRI. PBNs are only sent during regular work hours from Monday to Friday. If you have not received an e-mail within 2 working days of submitting your account, please call 1-800-811-1148.

2) Completion of your account information

General information about your company is required to create your record.

Log into your existing SRI Account

  • Upon receipt of your PBN from Canada Revenue Agency, click on the URL in the e-mail; or go to the Business Access Canada home page and click on "Access Your Account".

  • To log in, enter your PBN, username and password then click the "Submit" button. (If you forget your Username and Password, contact the system administrator at Complete all the boxes on the Company Information, Address, Contact and Commodities pages.
List the commodities

Indicate the goods and/or services you can supply. Note: Government buyers will usually do a search by commodity to find suppliers so it is important to list the commodities you sell to ensure you are "found".

  • In the first screen that appears, indicate in which geographic area(s) you can supply. Then click on "Update".

  • In the next screen, click on the file folder icons to view sub-categories until you reach the final level and find the commodity(ies) you supply. You can return to previous levels by clicking on an open file folder. To enter a commodity, click on the grey circle to the left of the description of the commodity. The same list will appear again (with the already-selected commodity marked) for you to make additional selections from the list or do a new search.

  • You can also find commodites by doing a keyword or commodity code search.

  • Once you have completed your selection of commodities, you can return to your company information or to see the list of commodities you have selected as recorded in SRI.

Other Databases

Once you have completed your registration in SRI you may wish to register in other databases. In the "Adding Commodities" section of SRI a link is provided to a list outlining what commodities each database covers. You will need your Procurement Business Number (PBN) to register in these systems.

Updating your Account

  • Enter your PBN, Username and Password then click the "Submit" button.

  • Use the "View/Edit" buttons to edit Address, Contact and Commodity.

  • "Edit This Entry" to edit other information on the page, except the Legal Name and PBN (contact the system administrator about changing these).

Deactivate/Activate your account

Supplier may temporarily deactivate their listing (e.g. for a temporary plant shutdown) so that their record shows as inactive when accessed by government buyers. To do this, select "Deactivate" on the "Company Information" screen. Click on "Activate" to re-establish your company in SRI.

Keep Your SRI Record Up to Date

You should periodically check your SRI Record to ensure the information is current so you don't miss any opportunities to bid. If you have any changes including those for the commodities you sell, you need to update the record. New commodities are added to the SRI listings from time to time and some of these may be applicable to you. Check now and then under "What's New". Please note that there is no periodic verification done with companies registered in SRI.

Date page generated: 2006-12-10

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