Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
Leading the way to an addiction free society

Prevention & Education
  • Counselling & Assessments
  • Youth Residential Rehabilitation Services
  • Prevention & Education
  • School Based Programs

    Impaired Driving


    AFM youth services provides youth clients (12 years - 18 years) with the information, skills and opportunities to successfully address their concerns about alcohol or other drug use or gambling involvement.



    Parents Intervention Program
    This program is offered on a monthly basis over the course of four evenings. For further information or to register, parents may contact:

    Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
    Youth Services Training
    200 Osborne Street N.
    Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V4
    Telephone: 944-6235

    This program is designed for parents and caregivers who are concerned about their chid’ls use of alcohol and other drugs or gambling. Through the Parents Intervention Program, participants will be provided with:

    • Information about our programs and how your child may benefit
    • Information about the signs of harmful alcohol and drug involvement, and problem gambling
    • Suggestions for dealing with alcohol and drug-related behaviour and its effects on the family
    • An introduction to a community support group
    Parents are not responsible for their child’s alcohol and drug use or gambling problems, but they are one of the most important influences in their child’s life. The guidelines offered to parents through this program will assist them in supporting their child, while helping to establish a more manageable living environment.

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    © 2003 Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
    1031 Portage Avenue
    Winnipeg, MB R3G 0R8
    Phone: 204-944-6200
    Fax: 204-786-7768
      Canadian Health Network   DISCLAIMER: This web site provides general information only and is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. If you feel you need further information, please contact our office.

    AFM is not responsible for and may not be in agreement with information provided on other web sites that are linked with AFM's web site.