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> Milton Friedman Passes On

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> Press Room


Latest Press Releases

> California's Medical Marijuana Laws Get Nod From Court -- 11/16/06

> San Francisco Board of Supervisors Vote Overwhelmingly to Deprioritize Adult Marijuana Offenses; Now Officially Lowest Law Enforcement Priority -- 11/15/06

> Major New Research Estimates Cost of Lifetime AIDS Care at $618,000 -- 11/13/06

> More Press Releases

DPA is the nation's leading organization working to end the war on drugs. We envision new drug policies based on science, compassion, health and human rights and a just society in which the fears, prejudices and punitive prohibitions of today are no more. Full mission statement.

 Milton Friedman
  Remembering Milton Friedman

Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman passed away on November 16 at the age of 94. One of the world’s foremost public intellectuals, Friedman was a longstanding drug war dissident and longtime supporter of Drug Policy Alliance.

    More Headlines
> Colombia Sends an Anti-drug Bouquet to U.S.
> Condoms Urged in US Prisons to Curb AIDS in Blacks
> Smokers Beware

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MarijuanaEvaluation of Herbal Cannabis Characteristics by Medical Users: a Randomized Trial

In a randomized controlled crossover trial, Medical cannabis users reported liking the product with the most THC best!


Marsha Rosenbaum 60 x85Johnny Irwin's "Dear Mom" Letter

Eight years ago the SF Chronicle asked Marsha Rosenbaum, DPA director of the Safety First Project to write a letter about drugs to her son Johnny, who was then entering high school. That letter has now been translated into at least a dozen languages, adopted by the million-member California State PTA, and provided talking points for parents all over the world. Now, as Johnny graduates from college, he has responded to his mother's admonitions in the following letter. More materials from the recent DPA event, Upward & Onward, in which this letter was read, are archived here.


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More new content

 Brooklyn Bridge 60x85
  Presentation on Vancouver's Heroin Prescribing Program and Safe Injecting Site

David Marsh, MD, medical Director of the Vancouver Heroin Prescribing Program (NAOMI) and Safe Injecting Site (INSITE), will present on both of these innovative harm reduction programs. DPA executive director Ethan Nadelmann will introduce Dr. Marsh. The event will take place in New York City on November 27 at the Open Society Institute.

November 27, 2006
New York, NY


More events

>  Medical Marijuana Is an Issue of Compassion
    Ruidoso News (NM) [11/17/06]

>  Judge Turns Down County Challenge to Medical Pot  
    San Diego Union Tribune (CA) [11/17/06]

>  A Cigarette Ban Not Realistic, Utahns Say 
    Deseret Morning News (Salt Lake City, UT) [10/29/06]


More news
Policing the Globe 29 x 46  

>  Policing the Globe: Criminalization and Crime
    Control in International Relations

    By Peter Andreas and Ethan Nadelmann

Prison and Gallows 29x45


>  The Prison and the Gallows
    By Marie Gottschalk

Pusher Myths 29 x 44  

>  Pusher Myths
    By Ross Coomber


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 > Beyond Zero Tolerance

 > Safety First
 > ProtectLiveMusic.org
 > Drug Testing Fails Our Youth
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 > Real Reform
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 > The Alliance Connecticut

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 > Proposition 36

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 > Help Stop AIDS & Hepatitis C

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What People are Talking About

"None of the measures proposed by reformers involved provision of a legal supply of any drugs. Any reform that leaves the provision of product to the black market is worthless. Those who have volunteered to provide the medicinal marijuana are not protected and are largely indistinguishable from those who sell for profit. That fact is never lost on drug war scam artists who decry our efforts as "having a secret agenda of legalization" - that immediately morphs all legal users into crazed crackheads and meth addicts getting away with heinous crimes. "


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Alliance Publications

Check out these titles published by the Alliance:

> Repeating Mistakes of the Past: Another Mycoherbicide Research Bill

Proposition 36: Improving Lives, Delivering Results

Beyond Zero Tolerance

> Safety First

> Making Sense of Student Drug Testing

> The Marijuana Conviction

> Marijuana Myths, Marijuana Facts

> About Methadone and Buprenorphine



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