Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
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Canada's Access to Medicines Regime

Map of the world

Schedule 3 to the Next link will open in a new window Patent Act

WTO-Member Countries Eligible to Import Under the Regime

An Act to amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drugs Act (Paragraph 21.03(1)(c))

Albania Egypt Nicaragua
Antigua and Barbuda El Salvador Nigeria
Argentina Fiji Oman
Armenia Former Yugoslav 
Republic of Macedonia
Bahrain, Kingdom of Gabon Panama
Barbados Georgia Papua New Guinea
Belize Ghana Paraguay
Bolivia Grenada Peru
Botswana Guatemala Philippines
Brazil Guyana Romania
Brunei Darussalam Honduras Saint Kitts and Nevis
Bulgaria India Saint Lucia
Cameroon Indonesia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Chile Jamaica South Africa
China Jordan Sri Lanka
Colombia Kenya Suriname
Congo Kyrgyz Republic Swaziland
Costa Rica Liechtenstein Thailand
Côte d’Ivoire Malaysia Trinidad and Tobago
Croatia Mauritius Tunisia
Cuba Moldova Uruguay
Dominica Mongolia Venezuela
Dominican Republic Morocco Zimbabwe
Ecuador Namibia  
Last Updated: 2006-07-28 Top