Agriculture and Agri-food Canada - Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada

Publications: Other Reports

Western Grain Transportation Reform and Agricultural Diversification

Executive Summary

Agricultural diversification has occurred in the Prairie Region, most appreciably in terms of the change in the mix of crops being grown. The production of high value crops have increased, wheat acres have decreased, and more forage and pasture crops are being grown. Economic diversification in the Prairie Region has increased by 20% since 1990 largely as a result of an increase in activity in the livestock sector. Economic diversification in Alberta has increased over the period and has remained above the Prairie average. Farm diversification, a measure of diversity based on farm types has shown little change. Overall the data on diversification is consistent with what was expected in the period following the end to the WGTA.

To receive a hard copy of this report or for additional information, please contact:

Denis Tully (, Chief, Policy Analysis
500-303 Main Street; Winnipeg, Manitoba; Canada R3C 3G7
Telephone: (204) 983-0569; Fax: (204) 983-5300