Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Service Canadien du Renseignement de Sécurité, Gouvernement of Canada,


CSIS publishes various unclassified information products on a wide range of national security and intelligence issues.

  • CSIS Annual Public Report: An annual review of the global threat environment and the implications for Canada and CSIS programs, presented each year to the Parliament of Canada.

  • Commentary: Essays on security issues from independent experts and CSIS strategic analysts.

  • Perspectives: Papers resulting from CSIS research in public safety and national security topics.

  • Legislation: Laws that govern CSIS and the Canadian security and intelligence community.

  • CSIS Backgrounders: Information addressing security and intelligence issues, and CSIS priorities and operational activities.

  • Other Publications: A collection of miscellaneous publications and reports published by CSIS and other organizations.