Greenhouse and Nursery Production Form

Name: _______________________________ PIN: ____________________________

  1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Partnership Percentage (If applicable) % % % % % %
Vegetables Square Metres Square Metres Square Metres Square Metres Square Metres Square Metres
6932 Mushrooms            
7028 Cucumbers, Greenhouse            
7050 Lettuce, Greenhouse            
7066 Peppers, Greenhouse            
7092 Tomatoes, Greenhouse            
7090 Tomatoes, Cherry, Greenhouse            
7101 Plants, Potted            
6950 Bedding Plants, Flowers            
6952 Bedding Plants, Vegetables            
6949 Flowers, Fresh Cut, Greenhouse            
6951 Flowers, Fresh Cut, Field            
7102 Perennials, Plugs/Liners            
7104 Perennials, 4 inch            
7106 Perennials, 1 gallon, Indoor            
7108 Perennials, 2 gallon, Indoor            
7110 Perennials, 1 gallon, Field/Container            
7112 Perennials, 2 gallon, Field/Container            
7134 Perennials, Rootstock – field-grown            
Trees and Shrubs (Perennials)            
7114 Trees and Shrubs, Plugs/Liners            
7116 Trees and Shrubs, 4 inch            
7117 Trees and Shrubs, Ball and Burlap Field Stock            
7118 Trees and Shrubs, 1 gallon, Indoor            
7120 Trees and Shrubs, 2 gallon, Indoor            
7122 Trees and Shrubs, 5 gallon, Indoor            
7124 Trees and Shrubs, 1 gallon, Field/Container            
7126 Trees and Shrubs, 2 gallon, Field/Container            
7128 Trees and Shrubs, 5 gallon, Field/Container            
7129 Trees and Shrubs, Caliper, Field Stock            
% of Saleable Perennials (incl. Trees and shrubs) % % % % % %

 Note: - Exclude all non-productive area such as aisles, headers, and roadways.
- If you use containers that are larger or smaller than the categories listed above, use the closest category.
- The % of Saleable Perennials (incl. Trees and shrubs) = Perennials intended for sale / Total perennial production