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CCPPP Responds to Misleading Commentary in Report on Canada’s Infrastructure Gap Print E-mail

The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP) disagrees with conclusions against public-private partnerships presented as part of a newly released report by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) on Canada’s Infrastructure Gap. The study, which pinpoints Canada’s infrastructure deficit at $145 billion and identifies chronic underfunding by government as the cause, recommends that governments resist the tendency to use infrastructure funding as a lever to promote, among other things, public-private partnerships.

About the Council Print E-mail

The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships was established in 1993 as a member-sponsored organization with representatives from both the public and the private sectors. As proponents of the concept of public-private partnerships (PPP's), The Council conducts research, publishes findings, facilitates forums for discussion and sponsors an Annual Conference on topics related to PPP's, both domestic and international. Each year the Council celebrates successful public-private partnerships through the National Awards Program held concurrently with the annual conference in November.

Highlights from 2012 CCPPP National Conference - The Power in Partnership Print E-mail

National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo delivers a keynote address on Tuesday November 27 at the conference.


15th Annual Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships Awards for Innovation and Excellence Announced Print E-mail

Toronto, November 23, 2012 – The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP) is proud to announce the 2012 recipients of the National Awards for Innovation & Excellence in Public-Private Partnerships. The awards recognize outstanding Canadian public-private partnerships (P3) in the areas of project financing, service delivery, and infrastructure. The 2012 slate includes two highways, five healthcare facilities and P3 Champion, Monique Jérôme-Forget.

Premier Alison Redford Named Honorary Chair of CCPPP Print E-mail

TORONTO, November 27, 2012 – The Honourable Alison Redford, Premier of Alberta, has been named Honorary Chair of The Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP) at today's 20th anniversary conference of the organization.

"We are delighted to have Premier Redford as our Honorary Chair," said CCPPP Chair Dale Richmond. "She is a strong supporter of using public-private partnerships as a way to leverage the skills of government and the private sector to deliver key infrastructure faster and at less cost than traditional procurement."


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