For the Media

News release


Overview of the Agricultural Policy Framework

The Government of Canada, along with provincial and territorial governments and the agriculture and agri-food industry, is putting in place a comprehensive agricultural policy that will increase the profitability of the entire agri-food sector. The Agricultural Policy Framework (APF), cost-shared with the provinces, will provide the tools and the choices for producers to strengthen their businesses. It will allow them to meet the demands of consumers in Canada and around the world while responding to increased global competition and keeping up with rapid technological change. Linking the following elements together in a comprehensive approach will ensure that the Canadian agriculture and agri-food sector has a solid platform from which to maximize economic opportunities in the global marketplace.

Food Safety and Quality

Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector enjoys a global reputation for consistently delivering safe, high-quality food. Many players in the industry are already moving to adopt systems that will offer documented evidence of safety and quality to meet consumer demands. The APF will help industry develop these systems to trace their products through the entire food chain to consumers and expand food safety and quality monitoring at the production level. The food safety surveillance and information systems that governments currently have in place would be strengthened.


Environmental stewardship is key to both the industry's long-term sustainability and its profitability. The industry is well aware of this and is already taking action to manage known environmental risks. The APF sets out areas where governments can provide help, including better information and research on the links between agriculture and the environment, the development of best management practices, and stepped-up action on environmental priorities on farms through agri-environmental scans and environmental farm plans.

Business Risk Management

Business risk management is an integral part of the Agricultural Policy Framework. The APF is looking at new approaches to current safety net programs that address business risks on the farm, such as yield losses because of weather. The new approach to business risk management would not only protect farmers against traditional and emerging risks but would also encourage the use of new practices and strategies to reduce risk in the future. Governments are working with industry stakeholders to build on the best of existing risk management programs, such as crop insurance and the Net Income Stabilization Account, to provide effective tools for the evolving sector. The goal is a more integrated system of programs that cover risk, provide producers with more choice, and promote future growth and profitability.


As agriculture is knowledge intensive, producers are increasingly engaging in continuous learning to keep pace with change. Renewal efforts include enhanced public and private business management and consulting services, management and marketing information to assist farmers to enhance their profitability, and networks to better link scientific advances to the creation of new economic opportunities.

Science and Innovation

Advances in science and technology have long been part of the success of Canada's agriculture and agri-food sector and one of the goals of the APF is to make the sector the world leader in innovation. The APF emphasizes the coordination of research and innovation efforts across governments, the sector and private research institutions to achieve maximum return on investments in the key areas of food safety, the environment and innovative production.

Gaining Recognition for Quality and Maximizing International Opportunities

As global competition intensifies, we have to continually innovate to stay ahead of our competitors in meeting market demand. The first step is building the infrastructure to make Canada the world leader in food safety and food quality, environmentally responsible production and the creation of innovative agri-based products and services that meet or exceed market demands. The next step is gaining recognition at home and abroad for our success in being the world leader, and ensuring our industry has the access to foreign markets to make the best use of its global leadership in food production. The Government of Canada will continue to work with industry to advance the trade interests of the sector by developing targeted market strategies for key, fast-growing international markets while pursuing Canada's objectives in the World Trade Organization. This is the key to reaping maximum benefit from the APF for the sector.


Industry stakeholders will continue to be consulted extensively in the further development of the Agricultural Policy Framework.

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