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Conferences & Special Events

Armchair Discussions For 15 years, our armchair discussions have provided a weekly opportunity to interact with colleagues and some of the most accomplished professionals and academics in their fields—and it’s free! Gain timely knowledge of public service priorities and government developments in an informal and creative setting where you can freely share ideas, get answers to your questions, and learn key management strategies.

Armchairs are held every Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m, at 65 Guigues Street in Ottawa. Registration is free of charge and exclusive to public servants. Please note that we will be requesting government identification on site.

Registration takes place between 8:00 a.m. to 8:20 a.m., and presentations start promptly at 8:30.a.m.

If you are having difficulties registering online, please call:

Toll free: 1-866-703-9598
NCR: 819-953-5400
TTY (tele type): 819-934-6194

> Armchair Archives
> Video Recordings

Next Armchair Discussion:

Date: November 2, 2006

Managing Change: How to Achieve Sustainable Success

Speakers: Sharon King and Joanne Newman

November 2 , 2006

Managing Change: How to Achieve Sustainable Succes

Government is modernizing the way it does business, to provide better and faster service to Canadians, as well as integrating and streamlining its internal functions.  All of this requires focus on priorities and to do it more effectively.

The one constant these challenges present is change. Government at all levels must make managing change a key ability in order to remain effective and equip its leaders.

Sharon King, President of Starfield Consulting Limited has employed some fundamental change management principles at various levels of government with positive results.  She will share these principles and her experiences along with the results of a research study with forty public sector leaders, (Managing Change: How to Achieve Sustainable Success), who have successfully managed sustainable change in complex initiatives.

Speakers: Sharon King and Joanne Newman

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Video Recordings

Limited copies of the Armchair Discussion video recordings are available through inter-library loan. Loans are for a maximum period of 2 weeks. If you wish to borrow a copy, please contact your departmental library and request the Armchair Discussion date(s) and / or subject(s) you are interested in. Your library will take care of contacting the School to place your order.

If you would like to share your ideas for the next season, do not hesitate to send your suggestions to


Last Modified: 2006 - 10 - 27