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Search Help - how to search the website

Words or groups of words

This is the most simple type of search. Simply enter words or groups of words that describe what you want to search for.

To search for a specific groups of wssords and not for the words alone, use quotes.

To illustrate this better, the search Institute of Genetics without quotes will look for documents containing either Institute, of, or Genetics or all three. The search with quotes will only look for documents containing the whole phrase "Institute of Genetics".

Quotes are particularly useful when searching for phrases containing special characters like dashes or numbers, for example a telephone number.

Requiring/excluding words

Often you will know a word that will be guaranteed to appear in a document for which you are searching. If this is the case, you can request that the word appear in all of the results by attaching a "+" to the beginning of the word.

On the other hand you can quickly reject results by adding a term that appears often in unwanted articles with a "-" before it.

Case sensitivity

If you search a word in lower case, the engine will retrieve all documents containing this word regardless of its capitalization.

If you search a word containing capital letters, the search becomes case sensitive and will only retrieve documents that are an exact match.

Special characters

Following the same principle as with the case sensitivity, searching for a word without specifying any accents will find both words without and with accents. This is particularly useful when searching for documents in another language, like French.

Specifying accented letters on a word will limit the search to words with the exact same accents.


You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard indicating that you want to find all words containing a match for the specified pattern of letters.

To avoid searches that would be too general, the wildcards must be preceded by at least three letters.

Special functions

The search engine doesn't just search text. Here are all of the other ways you can search our pages:

anchor:text Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the text of a hyperlink. Example:anchor:"Click here" would find pages with "Click here" as a link.
image:filename Finds pages with images having a specific filename. Example:image:president.jpg finds all pages with an image called president.jpg
title:text Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the page title (which appears in the title bar of most browsers). Example:title:"medical services" finds all pages where the phrase "medical services" appears in the title.

Results ranking

The search engine will display results according to a score generated according to the following criterias:

Created: 2003-06-10