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The Canadian Harm Reduction Network is the virtual meeting place for individuals and organizations dedicated to reducing the social, health and economic harms associated with drugs and drug policies.

Our goals are:

  • To develop in Canada a network of harm reduction workers, agencies, organisations, individuals and groups of individuals, including people with current drug use experience, for the purpose of exchanging information and providing mutual support
  • To educate the public, politicians, legislators and the media about the efficacy and legitimacy of Harm Reduction for redressing the consequences of the use and distribution of illicit drugs
  • To ensure that drug policies in Canada exemplify true Harm Reduction
  • To work collaboratively to end the war on drugs and on the people who use them

Network Blog

Welcome and Good Bye!
Just when I have this blog space to share all my thoughts with you, I'm going to Europe for the summer! I'll be back in August. In the meantime, Helen, our webmaster has agreed to post job oportunities and to monitor the forums.

Please take a moment to register in the site so you can participate in the forums and comment on the blog.
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