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Correctional Service of Canada


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Perimeter Work Clearance -
SOP 700-13

Why was the policy changed?

SOPs 700-13 have been reviewed as a result of a recent incident when an offender on a perimeter work clearance escaped. A number of changes have been made to the policy to reduce the likelihood of similar incidents occurring. These include additional safeguards around the eligibility, frequency, duration and supervision requirements of perimeter work clearances. The decision-making authority was also changed.

What has changed?


Eligibility for perimeter work clearance is being restricted based on the offender's security classification and/or unescorted temporary absence eligibility. Offenders awaiting decision on a referral to the NPB for detention are not eligible.


In minimum-security facilities, although direct and constant supervision is not required, supervision requirements must nonetheless be specified.

In medium-security and multi-level institutions:

  • offenders with a medium-security classification who have successfully completed an unescorted temporary absence(s) within the last year and offenders with a minimum-security classification shall not require constant direct supervision; however, supervision requirements must be specified.
  • offenders with a medium-security classification who have not successfully completed an unescorted temporary absence(s) within the last year shall require constant direct supervision, i.e. sight and sound.

Frequency and Duration

Perimeter work clearance will be limited to a maximum period of 60 days. A new plan is required for the renewal of another 60 day period. Also, any clearance on a calendar day for any number of hours equals a day of clearance.

Assessment and Review of Applications

The content guidelines have been updated.

The case of each offender on Perimeter Work Clearance must be subject to ongoing monitoring to determine the existence of factors that would justify a cancellation of the work clearance and result in a reassessment of the case.

Decision-Making Authority

Minimum-Security Institution - The review process will be carried out by the Program Assignment Board or its equivalent. Approval of the perimeter work clearance will be done by the Institutional Head, or a designate not lower than a Unit Manager.

Medium-Security or Multi-Level Institution - The review process will be carried out by the Unit Board. Approval of the perimeter work clearance will be done by the Institutional Head.

Recording of Information

Information related to the status of a perimeter work clearance, including a cancellation, will be registered in the Offender Management System (OMS).

Cancellation and Reassessment of a Perimeter Work Clearance

Where a perimeter work clearance is cancelled, a period of custody of at least seven days is required to provide the opportunity for staff to perform a new assessment of the case and determine if another perimeter work clearance meets the objectives of the Correctional Plan.

How was it developed?

The proposed changes were developed with input from the ADCs (Operations), RAs (Reintegration), the Women Offender Sector, the Security, Policy, OMS, and Aboriginal Initiatives Branches at NHQ as well as Legal Services.


Institutional Heads as per the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.

Who will be affected by the policy?

CSC staff and offenders.

Expected cost?



Anne Kelly
Director General,
Offender Programs and Reintegration
(613) 995-6547


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