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Correctional Service of Canada

Media Room

News Release





OTTAWA, October 21, 2004 - Mr. Don Head, Acting Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada, announced today that current practices in parole supervision are being strengthened immediately. These steps are being taken as precautionary measures to intensify CSC parole officer safety in light of the recent tragedy involving the unprecedented death of one of its parole officers. Ms. Louise Pargeter died in the line of duty in Yellowknife while conducting a home visit on October 6, 2004.

"This is the first case of a parole officer being killed in the community performing their public safety duties - a tragedy we never want to see repeated. We are taking immediate, additional steps to enhance the safety of our staff while a number of investigations into this tragic incident are ongoing," said acting Commissioner of Corrections Don Head. "Our long-term approach will be guided by the recommendations stemming from these investigations. As well, we will be initiating safety discussions with our parole officers, our unions, and our colleagues in provincial and territorial corrections in the next few weeks. We will ensure our staff have the tools, the training and the support they need to perform this essential community service safely."

The following steps will be taken immediately to strengthen current practices:

  • All offenders with a criminal history involving a death or sexual assault will normally have home visits performed by two individuals for at least the first three months of their supervision period. At the end of this time, the situation will be reassessed with the Area Director before any changes in supervision are undertaken;
  • If a parole officer feels any case they are working on demands additional support for safety reasons, the case will be discussed with the immediate supervisor and a safety plan developed to deal with home visits including any additional measures required to ensure staff safety;
  • CSC will look at all existing technology to assist parole officers in carrying out their work safely;
  • All home visits to remote areas will be discussed with the Area Director to ensure that safety precautions and appropriate plans are in place prior to any visit;
  • In addition, prior to any home visits of the remote types mentioned above, police services in the area will be notified;
  • We will ensure that all parole officers participate in an annual community safety refresher session;
  • This issue will be a regular standing item at regional Occupational Safety and Health Committee meetings.

The joint CSC/NPB Board of Investigation is currently being set up and will look at the circumstances surrounding this tragic incident.

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For information:

Michèle Pilon-Santilli
Correctional Service of Canada, NHQ (Ottawa)
(613) 371-7127
