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Updated January 2004

Services offered by CICS
The Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat (CICS) is a neutral conference support body which provides the administrative services required for the planning and conduct of federal-provincial-territorial or provincial-territorial conferences or meetings of First Ministers, Ministers and Deputy Ministers.

CICS services are available to federal, provincial and territorial government departments which may be called upon to organize and chair such conferences or meetings. CICS offers a wide range of services which can be adapted according to the specific requirements of each event. These services include:

Conference Coordinator
A Conference Coordinator will be assigned to help a department plan its conference. The Coordinator will offer advice and guidance on matters pertaining to the organization of the conference or meeting. Arrangements will be made based on discussion with the Chair / Co-Chairs.
Conference Team
The Conference Coordinator will be accompanied by a core team to provide services on-site as well as by interpreters, translators and a technician.
On-site Services
On conference site, CICS will provide secretarial services such as fax and message services, word processing, photocopying, document control and distribution. Translation, registration, accreditation and security services will also be provided.

Telephones and computers with Internet access are made available for delegates’ use. CICS also ensures simultaneous interpretation services in the conference room and for press conferences.

The CICS office will open one hour before the start of the conference and will close one hour after, unless otherwise requested. Services may also be available after the set-up, the day prior to the meeting.


Conference Rooms

A number of rooms are required for each conference. The following is a guide for the dimensions, locations and renting of rooms for Ministerial and Deputy Ministerial meetings. Additional requirements for other meetings (First Ministers) should be discussed with the Conference Coordinator.


Conference Room
50' X 75'
One full day before the start of the conference
CICS On-site Office
20' X 30'
As close as possible to the conference room
One full day before the start of the conference
Translator Room
6' X 10'
As close as possible to the CICS on-site office
One full day before the start of the conference
Communiqué Room
20' X 30'
As close as possible to the CICS on-site office
One full day before the start of the conference
Media Room
20' X 30'
Away from the conference area
The afternoon before the start of the conference
Delegate Area
Foyer of conference room or seprate room
One full day before the start of the conference


Conference Room
50' X 75'
One full day before the start of the conference
CICS On-site Office
20' X 30'
As close as possible to the conference room
One full day before the start of the conference
Delegate Area
Foyer of conference room or seprate room
One full day before the start of the conference
CICS will be responsible for setting up the rooms in accordance with conference requirements. The set-up is done the day prior to the meeting. Please note that all conference rooms should be secure and allow access 24 hours a day. In addition, the host government may find it useful to have a separate room for its staff.

CICS provides flags and delegation name plaques for the conference room as required. The conference table is most often set up in a hollow rectangle. Generally, each delegation will have one microphone and two seats at the table, with additional seating available behind the respective delegations. Usually delegations will be seated in confederation order, except for the Chair/Co-Chairs who will be seated at the head of the table.


CICS is responsible for the security of the conference room and will ensure that only registered delegates, guests or presenters wearing identification passes are allowed in the room. Security personnel are hired as needed.
Administrative Note
With the approval of the Chair/Co-Chairs of the conference, CICS will send out an administrative note to all delegations which informs delegates of the conference arrangements.
CICS can provide translation services before, during and after the conference, as required. However, any document requiring translation prior to the conference should be forwarded to CICS at least two (2) weeks in advance. CICS will endeavor to accommodate translation requests received after this deadline but delivery in time for the meeting will depend on the volume and timing of such requests.
Distribution of documents
CICS can assist with the distribution of conference documents prior to or following the conference.
List of Delegates
CICS will prepare identifications passes as well as a preliminary and a final list of delegates.

A list of expected ministers may also be prepared upon request for distribution to the media.

Delegates' Registration
CICS is responsible for the registration of delegates. Passes will be distributed at the time of registration.
Delegations requiring audio-visual equipment for their presentation should inform CICS of their requirements prior to the conference.


Unless otherwise requested, CICS will tape the proceedings of the conference. The taped record will be maintained as a confidential intergovernmental record in the CICS archives for a period of three (3) years. Copies will be made available to the Chair/Co-Chairs upon request and can be made available to delegates with the approval of the Chair/Co-Chairs.
CICS can assist with media accreditation by preparing passes and a sign-in log sheet.
Communiqué Drafting Process
To facilitate the communiqué drafting process, CICS will work with the Chair of the drafting committee. Services will include word processing, translation, printing and distribution of the communiqué. Both English and French versions of the communiqué will be distributed simultaneously on conference site and will be posted in both official languages on the CICS website at
Press Conferences / Official Scrums
CICS will assist in the preparation of press conferences and official scrums. Press conferences are most often held in the conference room where simultaneous interpretation and a sound system are available. Other possible arrangements should be discussed with the Conference Coordinator.
Summary of proceedings / Records of Decisions

CICS can ensure the translation and distribution of summary of proceedings, record of decisions or minutes taken at the meeting by the Chair/Co-Chairs.

Cost of Services
CICS incurs the cost of all services it provides. However, the host government is responsible for all costs related to the rental of conference rooms and hospitality events. Special requirements should be discussed with the Conference Coordinator as some of these costs may need to be assumed by the host government.

The procurement of goods and services offered by CICS for a conference is made well in advance of the conference date(s). Cancellation of conferences is therefore a costly proposition to all governments. It is the responsibility of the host government to inform CICS of any potential cancellation of meetings at the earliest date, to avoid any unnecessary expenditures which may arise due to cancellations.


Please contact:

Canadian Intergovernmental Conference Secretariat
222 Queen Street, 10th Floor
P.O. Box 488, Postal Station A,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 8V5
Telephone: (613) 995-2341
Fax: (613) 996-6091

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