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Management Action Plan

Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness
Initiative (SFRPHI)

Ref: SFRPHI Audit Report 2005-616
dated April 12, 2006

Recommendations Departmental Response OPI/OSI Action Plan Target date
1. The ADM RPB, implements the process required to redefine PWGSC’s role in the SFRPHI from that of a strategic partner to a service provider. Agree with proposed reduced role of service provider, if Minister so decides.
TBS defines a horizontal initiative as an initiative where there is shared authority and responsibility among partners, joint investment of resources, shared risk among partners, and mutual benefits and common results.
This is clearly not the case for PWGSC in SFRPHI, as PWGSC does not have a mandate for social programs such as the Homelessness Initiative. It is worthy to note that the initial decision to be a partner in the program was one made by our Minister at the time, Mr. Galliano.
To effect this change, the ADM RPB will prepare a Briefing Note (BN) to the Minister for consideration and approval of the reduced role of PWGSC from partner to service provider in SFRPHI, outlining the rationale and arguments in support of the proposed model.
In addition, RPB will prepare a letter for the Minister of HRSDC and the President of CMHC advising them of the decision on partnership versus service provider. This will be attached to the BN to the Minister.
30 September 06
1.1 The results of the process are to:
ensure that PWGSC’s role is redefined from that of a partner to that of a service provider with no direct accountability for the initiative’s outcomes;
agree, this would eliminate our dual and sometimes conflicting roles as partner and expert advisor;   if approved, the Minister’s decision relating to the partnership and/or service provider role will be communicated to the other two partners in the program, HRSDC and CMHC, at the appropriate level (Minister/DM/ADM), followed by a signed letter from the Minister. 30 November 06
1.2 clarify the lines of accountability, especially with respect to reporting on results agree, this is not a PWGSC program;   PWGSC should reach an agreement with HRSDC to the effect that reporting on program results will be the sole responsibility of HRSDC, in partnership with CMHC. 30 November 06
1.3 put an end to, or transfer, the responsibility for the AHPF; agree, the Affordable Housing Property Fund (AHPF) should be managed by HRSDC, the department responsible for the program;   PWGSC will initiate discussions with TBS on the possibility of HRSDC becoming custodian for the delivery of this program, enabling it to effect the contributions directly, and consequently administering and managing the fund directly thereafter; we will thence transfer and/or close the fund as applicable; 30 November 06
1.4 end PWGSC’s participation in the tri-partite committee; agree, PWGSC should not participate as a partner in this horizontal initiative, as per TBS definition at bullet 1 (above); however, PWGSC should, upon invitation, attend the meetings to provide expert advice and recommendations on RP issues; PWGSC will act on the Minister’s decision on partnership versus service provider role; if the latter is decided on, RPB will continue to provide expert advice upon request and participate in regional-national discussions about the suitability of potential properties for SFRPHI program with HRSDC and CMHC. To this end, PWGSC will negotiate revised terms and conditions for its reduced participation on the Tripartite Committee with the two partners, HRSDC and CMHC; 30 November 06
1.5 ensure that processes for future strategic transfers exclude any requirement that PWGSC purchase land in order to dispose of it for SFRPHI purpose. we have not yet completed any strategic transfer under SFRPHI.
In cases outlined in the report, interest from HRSDC was expressed after the strategic disposal process was engaged and in some cases, lands and/or buildings were already transferred to CLC. We acknowledge CLC’s adaptability to this situation and allowing SFRPHI to be a part of the re-development plan.
We agree that PWGSC and HRSDC should review the process for strategic transfers to alleviate such occurrences.
PWGSC will review the process for strategic transfers under SFRPHI program to avoid or eliminate such transactions, if at all possible, and permit the transfer of real property under existing policies and procedures. 31 December 06

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