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Real "Blood Diamonds" & How to Avoid Them

Real "Blood Diamonds" & How to Avoid Them

News – Until industry self-policing and international law keep all illicit stones off the market, human rights and diamond- industry organizations are telling consumers to ask their jewelers a series of ques

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Thousands flee Philippines storm Utor

Thousands flee Philippines storm Utor

News – From the article: "Tens of thousands of people in the Philippines were moved to emergency shelters as Typhoon Utor hit the center of the island nation. The storm packed winds of 120km/h (75mph), cutti

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Bill helps dead Calif. firefighters' kin

Bill helps dead Calif. firefighters' kin

News – As it did for relatives of Sept. 11 victims, Congress passed legislation early Saturday to ensure the families of five firefighters killed in Southern California get more than $1 million in donations.

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 Shuttle Blasts Off in Rare Night Launch

Shuttle Blasts Off in Rare Night Launch

News – Flashes of flame from space shuttle Discovery lit up the darkened sky Saturday as the space shuttle blazed off the launch pad for the first nighttime liftoff in four years.

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Russian ex-agent's radioactive trail traced in ...

Russian ex-agent's radioactive trail traced in ...

News – Police following a radioactive trail left by former Russian secret agent Dmitry Kovtun, who is reportedly seriously ill with polonium poisoning, have found traces in Germany, where Kovtun has an apart

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Troy Smith strikes pose with record Heisman win

Troy Smith strikes pose with record Heisman win

Sports – Smith was a runaway winner Saturday night as the best player in college football, just two years after nearly derailing his career by taking money from a booster.

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December 11, 2006 2:22am Today’s Hot Stories Submitted and Voted by You!   RSS feed

On Deck: What's about to make the homepage?Netscape Chat: Chat live about today’s top stories! 

Where are Most of the Prisoners in the World?

Where are Most of the Prisoners in the World?

Politics – Answer: It is in the United States, where the largest prison population and the highest rate of incarceration in the world is found. Tough sentencing laws, record numbers of drug offenders and high crime rates account for these figures according to criminal justice experts.

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No Child Left Behind Self-Destructs

No Child Left Behind Self-Destructs

Family – The law requires schools to report test scores by subcategories of students: by grade, ethnicity, special education status, English Language Learner status, etc. Most schools have 37 subcategories. If for two years any one subcategory in a school fails to make an arbitrary, predetermined gain in test scores called "Adequate Yearly Progress,&qu;

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Economic Storm Brewing in America

Economic Storm Brewing in America

Money – If you think the US property slump is looking scary after October's 9.7 per cent drop in new home prices, it may be time to take a little money off the table. It has been a lucrative autumn rally, but the four-year bull market is long in the tooth by any standards.

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How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century

How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century

Do No Evil – The world has changed, but the American classroom, for the most part, hasn't. Now educators are starting to look at what must be done to make sure our kids make the grade in the new global economy

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Thousands flee Philippines storm Utor

Thousands flee Philippines storm Utor

News – From the article: "Tens of thousands of people in the Philippines were moved to emergency shelters as Typhoon Utor hit the center of the island nation. The storm packed winds of 120km/h (75mph), cutting communication lines and water supplies, and causing power blackouts in areas.At least one person has been killed, according to AFP news agency."

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Op-Ed: What A Mad Raving Dinosaur Am I!

Op-Ed: What A Mad Raving Dinosaur Am I!

Politics – Democratic Party leaders think that the election validates their pursuing a centrist path. Arnold Schwarzenegger credits his re-election as California governor to his moving to the center (or at least pretending to do so).

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Scientist marvel at sea life miles deep

Scientist marvel at sea life miles deep

Science – Peering deep into the sea, scientists are finding creatures more mysterious than many could have imagined. At one site, nearly 2 miles deep in the Atlantic, shrimp were living around a vent that was releasing water heated to 765 degrees Fahrenheit. Water surrounding the site was a chilly 36 degrees.

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Like humans, Whales brains are wired for romance

Like humans, Whales brains are wired for romance

Science – We know that they sing, sending musical waves through the deep as they travel in complex family units. We know that they appear stricken with grief when one of them dies. And now we know that the great whales of the world are capable of loving.

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Gmail adds POP3 accounts

Gadgets & Tech – Google is introducing a new feature, called MailFetcher, to Gmail that turns the webmail service into a full-blown POP3 client.

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Video: Torture Inc. America's Brutal Prisons

Commentary Video: Torture Inc. America's Brutal Prisons

Popular Videos – BBC Documentary: Torture in the United States

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Dairy Industry Crushed Innovator Who Bested Price-Control…

Dairy Industry Crushed Innovator Who Bested Price-Control…

Money – In the summer of 2003, shoppers in Southern California began getting a break on the price of milk.A maverick dairyman named Hein Hettinga started bottling his own milk and selling it for as much as 20 cents a gallon less than the competition, exercising his right to work outside the rigid system that has controlled U.S. milk production for almost 7

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Jewish family values' role in shaping Christianity

Jewish family values' role in shaping Christianity

Religion – The world into which Jesus was born and raised has shaped morals for two millennia. How Jewish mores became Christianity's customs.

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Santacon 2006!! All you Santa wannabee's pay attention because…

Santacon 2006!! All you Santa wannabee's pay attention because…

News – There's no more beloved holiday icon than The Drunken Santa. If you ever dreamt of stepping into those errantly stumbling boots, here's your chance: It's SantaCon time. So all you Santa Wanna Be's pay attention because: Santa Clause is coming to Town!

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US Soldiers Beach Boys remix.

Popular Videos – The US Soldiers sing Beach Boys Remix.

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81 movies for geeks that do not suck

81 movies for geeks that do not suck

Movies – 81 movies for geeks that do not suck (GGG7)

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Velvet Underground Rarity Sells on eBay

Velvet Underground Rarity Sells on eBay

Music – Forty years after it was made, The Velvet Underground's first recording has become a financial hit _ in cyberspace. Bought for 75 cents four years ago at a Manhattan flea market, the rare recording of music that ended up on the influential New York band's first album, "The Velvet Underground & Nico," sold on eBay for a closing bid of

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Spicy Peanut Eggplant And Shallot Stew Vegan Recipe

Spicy Peanut Eggplant And Shallot Stew Vegan Recipe

Food – From the recipe: "This soup is very rich and comforting. Just imagine a tawny bowl brimming with eggplant, tomato bits and green bean goodness. I made it for my boyfriend/husband guy, since his favorite soup place stopped carrying his beloved chicken peanut soup. I've never had it but I suspect mine is even better, without the bird to boot."

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Nicolas Cage plans to cut back on acting

Nicolas Cage plans to cut back on acting

Celebrities – After more than 55 films, Nicolas Cage plans to cut back on acting to pursue other interests, such as helping develop independent cinema in his new home of the Bahamas.

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Congratulations to the RIAA legal team

Video Congratulations to the RIAA legal team

Do No Evil – A note of congratulations to the RIAA legal team, who've managed to redefine evil for the 21st century.

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If you could pick one song for aliens to stumble upon, which…

If you could pick one song for aliens to stumble upon, which…

Music – If you could pick one song for aliens to stumble upon, which one would it be?

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Apocalypto Is Number 1 Flick

Movies – UPDATED -- SUNDAY AM: Call it a Hollywood shocker: Mel's Apocalypto not only won the weekend but had a bigger opening than his Braveheart. Despite scandal, an R-rating, subtitles because of an ancient dialect, rumors of walkouts on account of the violent content, no stars, and direct competition from movieland AAA-listers Leonardo DiCaprio and Came

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Excommunicated cleric defies Vatican

Religion – An excommunicated Roman Catholic archbishop continued to defy the Vatican when he installed two married priests as bishops on Sunday.

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Cheesy Jokes - Funny Jokes

Humor – 6.Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: "Does this taste funny to you?"

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Our Best Friends

Humor – They help with the chores around the house

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Google Adds The Geographic Web To Earth

Gadgets & Tech – Google has added some new layers to Google Earth. The new layers are part of what is now called the "Geographic Web."

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