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CTA Home : Accessible Transportation : Codes of Practice

Code of Practice: Removing Communication Barriers for Travellers with Disabilities

Cover of the Code of Practice: Removing Communication Barriers for Travellers with Disabilities. The main graphics are: three large images running vertically down the cover showing a plane, a train and a ferry boat; running horizontally to these images are three other images showing a person in a wheelchair, a person with a cane and a hearing impaired sign. At the bottom of the cover is the coat of arms with department title Canadian Transportation Agency; the words "Available in multiple formats" and then the Government of Canada wordmark.

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Canadian Transportation Agency

available in multiple formats

© Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada, 2004
Printed and bound in Canada
ISBN 0-662-68160-6
Catalogue No. TT4-4/2004

This Code and other Canadian Transportation Agency publications are available in multiple formats and on its Web site at:

For more information about the Canadian Transportation Agency please call:
(819) 997-6828 or toll free 1-888-222-2592.
TTY (819) 953-9705 or toll free 1-800-669-5575.

Correspondence may be addressed to:
Accessible Transportation Directorate
Canadian Transportation Agency
Ottawa, ON K1A 0N9

Table of Contents

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A. Role of the Canadian Transportation Agency

The Canadian Transportation Agency (hereafter the Agency), is a quasi-judicial administrative tribunal of the Government of Canada. Under Canadian legislation, the Agency has the responsibility for ensuring that persons with disabilities obtain access to this country's federal transportation system by eliminating unnecessary or unjustified barriers. One way to achieve this goal is to develop and administer accessibility standards covering the transportation network under federal jurisdiction. Other ways include addressing complaints and consulting with stakeholders.

The Agency may make regulations to eliminate undue obstacles in the transportation network under federal jurisdiction. More specifically, the Agency may regulate:

  • the design, construction or modification of means of transportation and related facilities and premises and their equipment;
  • signage;
  • training of personnel interacting with persons with disabilities;
  • the tariffs, rates, fares, charges and terms and conditions of carriage of persons with disabilities; and
  • communication of information for persons with disabilities.

Two sets of regulations regarding accessible transportation have been implemented by the Agency's predecessor. The first set – Personnel Training for the Assistance of Persons with Disabilities Regulations – ensures that personnel in the air as well as the federal rail and marine transportation network have the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to assist passengers with disabilities in an effective and sensitive fashion. The other – Air Transportation Regulations, Part VII, Terms and Conditions of Carriage of Persons with Disabilities – ensures that air carriers provide uniform services to passengers with disabilities travelling in Canada on aircraft with 30 or more passenger seats. In addition, the Agency has introduced the following Codes of Practice:

The Agency is not responsible for safety matters. However, carriers and terminal operators must continue to comply with safety regulations. This would include, but is not limited to, provisions made under the Aeronautics Act, the Railway Safety Act and the Canada Shipping Act. There is nothing in this Code of Practice that relieves any carrier or terminal operator from complying with the provisions of any of these safety regulations.

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B. Purpose of this Code of Practice

The purpose of this Code is to improve the communication of transportation-related information for persons with disabilities on a systemic basis as they use the federal transportation system. In the 1995 TransAccess Information Base (Values in the TransAccess Information Base are age-adjusted projections of the figures for adults residing in households determined by Statistics Canada in its 1991 Health and Activity Limitation Survey), it was estimated that 3.8 million Canadians 15 years of age and over have some level of disability. It was further estimated that 715,000 adults with disabilities travelled by air, 440,000 travelled by rail and 168,000 by ferry in 1995. Since the incidence of disability increases with age, the demand for accessible transportation will be even greater as Canada's population ages.

While this Code focuses on the information needs of persons with disabilities while they travel, the information enhancements contained in the Code will benefit all travellers. The Agency recognizes that the availability of some services prescribed in the Code can only be accommodated by transportation service providers when passengers identify their particular communication needs prior to their trip. The Agency also recognizes that passengers with disabilities may need to self-identify at various stages of their trip so that personnel are aware of their particular needs.

The Agency wishes to emphasize that this Code presents minimum standards that transportation service providers are expected to meet and urges them to strive to exceed these standards wherever feasible. Additional information is provided in Appendix B on how to improve the communication of information for persons with disabilities. As well, the Canadian Standards Association and the Canadian General Standards Board have developed standards that contain criteria that are applicable to the issue of communication of information for Persons with disabilities. All transportation service providers are encouraged to refer to these standards and to adopt the appropriate technical specifications contained in them.

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C. Background Research and Consultations

This Code has been produced by the Agency in consultation with its Accessibility Advisory Committee and the public. This Committee is made up of representatives of organizations of and for persons with disabilities as well as representatives of the transportation industry, including carriers and terminal operators, manufacturers and other departments of the Government of Canada. The mandate of the Committee is to provide input toward the development of the Agency's regulations and standards on the accessibility of transportation.

In the year 2000, the Agency conducted a national survey of persons with disabilities who travelled by air. The results of the Air Travel Accessibility Survey provided further evidence that poor communication of transportation-related information remains a significant barrier to the mobility of persons with disabilities. As well, the survey results confirmed that both airport and on-board communication remained problematic for persons with visual and/or hearing disabilities in particular. For example, the 1,120 travellers with disabilities who participated in the survey identified the following problems related to communication issues:

  • 32% of all respondents, including 53% of respondents who use hearing aids and 38% of respondents who have low vision, had problems understanding the public announcements in terminals;

  • 20% of travellers with vision impairments had problems understanding announcements made in aircraft; and

  • travellers with vision impairments also experienced difficulties with airport accessibility, flight monitors and signage.

These data supported the findings of a report entitled Communication Barriers: A Look at Barriers to Communication Facing Persons with Disabilities who Travel by Air which was produced by the Agency in 1997. This report was issued in response to consumer concerns raised in consultations with air carriers, airports, individuals and organizations representing persons with disabilities. During consultations, communication and access to information were identified as weak links in the accessibility of the transportation network. The report also noted that passengers with disabilities need to be more informed about the accessibility equipment, accommodations and services available to them.

While the report represented a first step towards improving the communication of information for persons with disabilities travelling by air, the Agency is taking a more systemic approach to the implementation of the report's recommendations as well as expanding their application to rail and ferry services under federal jurisdiction with this Code of Practice.

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D. Administration

The Agency will conduct periodic surveys to monitor the progress on the implementation of this Code and will verify the information provided in these surveys using a variety of means. Reports on the findings of these monitoring surveys will be provided to the Accessibility Advisory Committee.

In addition to these surveys, the Agency will also undertake periodic reviews of the Code. Any problems identified will be presented to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for consultation and any proposed amendments will be distributed to the public for comment.

Independent of this process, the Agency will also continue to exercise its authority to deal with individual complaints to determine whether there are undue obstacles to the mobility of persons with disabilities.

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E. Definitions

"Alternative Communication Systems" are systems which facilitate communication, such as TTYs (teletypewriters or "text phones") and compatible devices which operate via phone and cable lines (such as fax machines and electronic mail), as well as pagers and personal digital assistants (such as Palm Pilots©), which operate via infra-red or satellite. TTYs are currently a widely used alternative communication system used by Persons who are Deaf or speech impaired. It is recognized, however, that new, emerging technologies may also provide an equivalent service.

"Carriers" includes airlines, passenger rail carriers and passenger ferry operators.

"Ground Transportation Service Providers" includes taxis, limousines, motor coaches, shuttle buses and rental vehicle companies that operate from a terminal under contract or permit with the terminal operator.

"Multiple Formats" are formats that substitute or complement conventional print and video products and that address the communication needs of persons with visual and hearing disabilities and persons with cognitive disabilities. These include: computer diskette or electronic copy, large print, audio tape, Braille, captioned video, sign language video and described video. (Refer to Appendix C for additional information on multiple formats.)

"Orientation Material" means written or graphical material describing the layout and operational features of terminals, aircraft, railcars and ferry vessels. This includes the location of washrooms, passenger service areas, exits and the function and location of call and control buttons at passenger seats and in washrooms.

"Passenger Service Area" means the areas inside a terminal where passengers must interact with transportation service provider personnel, or where facilities related to the successful execution of a trip are located. These include check-in or ticket counters, areas where transportation-related dispensing machines are located, passenger information kiosks or counters, boarding gates or departure areas, baggage retrieval areas and ground transportation service areas. "Related Transportation Service Providers" includes contractors or entities which provide services related to the successful execution of a trip for passengers travelling with carriers or through terminals covered by this Code.

"Terminal Operators" includes organizations, authorities and operators responsible for the management and administration of air, rail and ferry terminals.

"Transportation-Related Dispensing Machines and Automated Information Kiosks" are automated dispensing machines or computerized information kiosks used to provide a product or service that is related to the successful execution of a trip, such as paying airport improvement fees and express check-in kiosks. They do not include machines such as food and beverage machines, newspaper dispensers or tourist information kiosks.

"Transportation Service Providers" includes air, rail and ferry carriers and terminals covered by this Code.

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F. Who is Covered by this Code

The following transportation service providers are to follow this Code:

Air Carriers: Canadian (As defined in the Canada Transportation Act, i.e. "Canadian" means a Canadian citizen or permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration Act, a government in Canada or an agent of such a government or a corporation or other entity that is incorporated or formed under the laws of Canada or a province that is controlled in fact by Canadians and of which at least seventy-five per cent, or such lesser percentage as the Governor-in-Council may by regulation specify, of the voting interests are owned and controlled by Canadians.) air carriers that operate fixed-wing aircraft with 30 or more passenger seats used for providing passenger service.

Air Terminal Operators: Operators of terminals within the National Airports System.

Rail Carriers: Rail carriers under federal jurisdiction operating passenger rail services in Canada, except for commuter or tourist services.

Rail Terminal Operators: Operators of terminals with 10,000 or more passengers embarking and 10,000 or more passengers disembarking in each of the two preceding calendar years, excluding those terminals used principally for commuter or tourist services.

Passenger Ferry Operators: Operators of passenger ferry services that are operated between provinces or territories, or between a province or territory and the United States which operate vessels of 1,000 gross tonnes or more that transport passengers.

Ferry Terminal Operators: Canadian ferry terminals with 10,000 or more passengers embarking and 10,000 or more passengers disembarking in each of the two preceding calendar years; and at which ferries of 1,000 gross tonnes or more operate between provinces or territories, or between a province or territory and the United States.

Although other transportation service providers in Canada are not subject to this Code, they are encouraged to implement its provisions.

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G. Implementation

In general, transportation service providers covered by this Code are to implement the provisions contained herein as soon as possible, but by no later than June 1, 2007. However, the provisions related to Transportation-Related Dispensing Machines and Automated Information Kiosks (Section 1.3) are to be implemented by no later than June 1, 2009.

In addition, certain transportation service providers covered by this Code may also be subject to the regulations and codes of practice listed in the introduction under Section A, which are already in effect as of January 1, 2002.

To assist transportation service providers in implementing the provisions of this Code, the Guide to Removing Communication Barriers for Travellers with Disabilities has been created by the Agency. This Guide provides the context and rationale for the provisions of the Code, technical and community resource contacts, as well as examples of best practices. The Guide was developed as a practical information resource and is not intended to restrict or specify any operational decisions to be taken by transportation service providers in their implementation of this Code.

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Section 1: General Provisions

1.1 Provision of Transportation-Related Information in Multiple Formats

Transportation service providers are to develop and follow their own Multiple Format Policy to ensure that information related to the successful execution of a trip is available to all travellers in a format that is accessible to them. (Appendix C provides examples of commonly-used formats.)

The Generic Multiple Format Policy included in Appendix A has been developed by the Agency to be used as guidance for transportation service providers who are developing their own policies. Transportation service providers are strongly encouraged to incorporate the policy elements included in the Generic Policy into their own multiple format policies.

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1.2 Web Site Accessibility

Web sites are to be made accessible to persons with disabilities by following the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. (W3C Web Content Accessibility guidelines are at

Web pages are to be produced so they can be accurately converted into other formats by the user. Information provided on the Internet should be linked to text-based options for browsers used by persons with disabilities. Web-based information related to the successful execution of a trip should also be made available by other means of communication upon request.

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1.3 Transportation-related Dispensing Machines and Automated Information Kiosks

Where dispensing machines or computerized information kiosks are used to provide a transportation-related product or service, at least one of those machines in each separate service area should allow a person who uses a wheelchair, is blind or visually impaired, has a speech impairment or is Deaf or hard of hearing, to use the machine independently and securely.

Accessible dispensing machines and information kiosks are to be appropriately identified with the international symbol of access.

Prior to introducing any transportation-related dispensing machines or information kiosks, consultations with organizations of and for persons with disabilities should be held to make it as accessible as possible. Adoption of the technical specifications in the Canadian Standards Association's B651.1-01 Barrier Free Design for Automated Banking Machines will also ensure that new equipment is accessible and is encouraged.

Where a transportation-related dispensing machine or information kiosk has not yet been made accessible to persons with disabilities, then an equivalent level of service is to be provided to those persons who are unable to use the dispensing machine or information kiosk independently.

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1.4 Telecommunication Systems for Reservations and Information

Transportation service providers who use telephone lines for reservations, information or any services related to the successful execution of a trip are to provide an equal level of service to passengers with disabilities through the use of alternative communication systems, such as a TTY line.

Ground transportation service providers are also to provide alternative communication systems, such as a TTY line, to ensure equal access to reservation and information lines. It is the responsibility of the terminal operator to ensure that ground transportation service providers provide these facilities by specifying these requirements in the terms of their contracts or by other means.

Information on how to access alternative communication systems (i.e. TTY phone numbers) is to be clearly indicated in all publications, promotions, advertisements, Web sites or other information products where telephone numbers are listed.

When automated voice messaging systems are used on reservation or information lines, a readily accessible link to a live operator should be prominently featured and/or the option of leaving a message to have the call returned should be provided. The option to have automated messages or menus repeated should also be provided. Automated voice messaging systems are not accessible to TTY users. As such, all information and services available through these systems are to be available by using an alternative communication system such as a TTY line.

Alternative communication systems are to be properly maintained and kept in good working order. Reservation and information operators should be trained in the proper use of this equipment.

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Section 2: Terminal Provisions

2.1 Telecommunication Systems in Terminals

Where public telephones are provided, terminal operators are to ensure that there is an adequate number of accessible public telephones that allow a person who uses a wheelchair, is blind or visually impaired, has a speech impairment, or is Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, to use the machine independently. At least one accessible public telephone (including a TTY or other alternative communication system) is to be provided in each separate unrestricted and restricted departure and arrival area, 24-hours a day. At a minimum, accessible public phones and TTYs (or other alternative communication systems) are to be located in each of the following areas if public telephones are provided: arrival and departure areas, boarding gate or track areas, baggage claim areas and corridors leading to each of these areas.

Accessible telephones and TTYs are to be clearly identified using the international symbol of access or the identification symbol for TTYs. Signs providing direction to public telephones are also to provide direction to the nearest TTY or alternative communication system using the appropriate symbol. Also, where a bank of regular telephones is not equipped with an alternative communication system, directional signage indicating the location of the nearest device is to be placed adjacent to this bank, using the appropriate symbol.

Terminal operators are to ensure alternative communications systems are properly maintained and kept in good working order.

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2.2 Signage

Signage (See Section 2.1 of Air Code, Section 1.2.2 of Rail Code and Section 2.1 of Ferry Code for provisions related to signage for carriers.) that is provided in all public areas of terminals is to be accessible to all passengers. The application of the Canadian General Standards Board Passenger Information Symbols Standard (CAN/CGSB-109.4-2000) is encouraged, as it will ensure the uniform application of accessibility criteria for signage. (Safety and crew signage are regulated by Transport Canada and therefore are not covered by these specifications.)

  1. Signs used for washrooms, emergency exits, elevators, stairwells, doors or passageways off main corridors and for gate, track or departure area numbers are to include Braille and tactile symbols. For those signs that do not include text, tactile symbols are to be used.

  2. Signs are also to be provided at other key decision-making points and are to be positioned at eye level (1.5 metres +/- 25mm above the floor), wherever possible. Signs are also to be positioned to avoid shadow areas and glare.

  3. Where an overhead sign is used, it is to be placed at a height of 2.03 metres +/- 25mm so that it can easily be seen by a person in a wheelchair.

  4. Signs located at a doorway should be on the wall to the right of the door, with the centre at a height of 1.5 metres +/-25 mm above the floor.

  5. Letters, numbers, symbols and pictographs are to be glare-free and presented in high contrasting colours (i.e. a light colour on a dark background or a dark colour on a light background, with light on dark being preferable).

  6. The font for letters is to be sans serif (Arial, Universe, Helvetica and Zurich are examples of sans serif fonts. This document is produced in a 14 point Arial font.) and numbers are to be arabic. Letters and numbers should have at least a width-to-height ratio between 3:5 and 1:1 and a stroke-width-to-height ratio between 1:5 and 1:10.

  7. Letters, numbers, symbols and pictographs are to be at least 200 mm high for a maximum viewing distance of 6 metres, 100 mm high for a maximum viewing distance of 2.5 metres and 50 mm high for a maximum viewing distance of 1.5 metres.

  8. Tactile signs (where letters, numbers and symbols can be read by touch) are to be used for general orientation and specific information signage. When tactile signs or markers are used, letters, numbers, symbols and pictographs should be raised at least 0.8 mm and should be between 16 mm and 50 mm high. If a tactile sign is mounted on a wall, its centre should be 1.5 metres +/- 25 mm above the floor.

  9. Signs supplemented with Braille are to be used as often as possible. Braille text should be placed so that it can be easily reached and in a consistent position at the bottom of the sign. Grade one Braille should be used for signs with ten words or less. Grade two Braille should be used for signs with more than ten words. Braille signs are to conform to the standards of the Canadian Braille Authority in English and in Braille intégral that meets the standards of the Comité interministériel sur la normalisation du Braille in French.

  10. Illuminated signs where red coloured text is lighted through a dark background should not be used. (Amber on black is the preferred colour combination where L.E.D. signs are used.)

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2.3 Public Announcements in Terminals

Public announcements related to the successful execution of a trip are to be provided in both audio and visual formats in all passenger service areas inside terminals. These announcements include, but are not limited to: information concerning departure delays, gate or track assignments and schedule or connection changes.

Public announcements are to be of good quality, in plain language, with clear enunciation and spoken slowly enough to be easily understood. Messages should be repeated. Prerecorded messages are to be used as often as possible to improve the clarity of announcements.

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2.4 Arrival/Departure Monitors and Other Electronic Signage

Some or all monitors are to be installed at eye level (1.5 metres above the floor +/-25 mm) in each area where monitors are used. (Technical specifications for monitors can be found in CAN/CSA B651.1-01, Barrier Free Design for Automated Banking Machines.) Where monitors are placed above eye level, they are to be placed at a height of 2.03 metres +/- 25 mm so that they can be seen easily by a person in a wheelchair. The information displayed on the monitors is to be in plain language that is easy to read, avoiding acronyms where possible.

When monitors or other electronic signs are used, good colour contrast is to be provided, such as a light colour on a dark background or a dark colour on a light background, with light on dark being preferable. Monitors are to be positioned to avoid glare. Red lettering on a black background is not to be used. Scrolling, flashing or dot matrix text also create accessibility barriers for some users and are to be avoided, where possible.

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2.5 Information on Ground Transportation

Where information on ground transportation is available, terminal operators are to specify in their contracts with ground transportation service providers that:

  1. accessible directional signage is to be placed at the arrival area indicating the location of each type of available ground transportation;

  2. information is to be made available in multiple formats about the choices of ground transportation available at the terminal, including schedules and prices. Alternatively, the terminal is to ensure that personal services are provided to passengers who require this information.

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2.6 Designated Seating at Boarding Gates and Departure Areas

Where seating is provided, designated seating for passengers with disabilities is to be provided at boarding gates and departure areas within viewing distance of communication boards and/or personnel and identified by the universal symbol of access.

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2.7 Security at Airports

Security personnel are to use both audible and visual means to advise passengers of the following: when to proceed into the security area; directions for placing carry-on baggage and other materials on the belt for x-ray; when they can proceed through the magnetometer; and when the security inspection is complete and they can proceed. Audible and visual cues are especially important when additional procedures such as an additional hand search of carry-on baggage or a secondary search of the person is required.

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Section 3: Provisions Regarding On-Board Communication

3.1 Communication of Equipment Features

Upon request, crews on-board aircraft, rail cars and ferries are to give oral, written or visual information about the equipment features of the vehicle or the vessel (such as the location and function of call or control buttons at seating and washroom features) to passengers with disabilities. This information should also be made available in multiple formats, where possible. (See Section 2.8 of Air Code and Section 2.3 of Ferry Code for the provisions related to Supplemental Passenger Briefing Cards to be provided in Braille and large print.)

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3.2 Safety Videos

Carriers are to ensure that all information presented in on-board safety videos in a visual format is described verbally; and that all audible information is presented visually.

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Appendix A - Generic Multiple Format Policy

The following Multiple Format Policy has been developed in consultation with representatives of organizations of and for persons with disabilities as well as representatives of the transportation industry and includes key policy elements for transportation service providers to include in their own policies.

  1. Personalized travel information is to be made available in multiple formats to passengers who request it. Multiple formats are to be available within a reasonable and consistent time frame. These time frames should be included in the Multiple Format Policy. Personalized travel information includes, but is not limited to: individual travel information including ticket information and information on terms and conditions of transport for the individual.

  2. Information available to the general public and documents of particular benefit to passengers with disabilities are to be readily available in multiple formats. The time frame for providing these documents in multiple formats should be no greater than that required for providing standard print versions. These include, but are not limited to: brochures describing services and equipment available to persons with disabilities, regulations for the carriage of passengers and luggage, terminal, aircraft, rail car and ferry vessel orientation material, information on ground transportation as outlined in section 2.5(b) of this Code, forms for the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, lost luggage forms and information on terminal improvement fees.

  3. Personnel responsible for reservations or for providing transportation-related information or documents to the public should have a list of documents that are readily available in multiple formats and those documents that will be produced on request. The length of advance notice required for the production of multiple formats of documents or customized extracts from these documents should also be included.

  4. If a document requested in a particular format is not available, personnel should be able to describe which alternatives or possible substitutes are available.

  5. Personnel are to honour requests for more than one format and/or more than one copy of any available format.

  6. Documents are to be produced in plain language that is clear and easy to understand, is respectful of persons with disabilities and uses appropriate terminology for persons with disabilities. Documents should avoid the use of acronyms, or clearly explain them.

  7. All formats are to be priced the same as printed materials. No additional cost should be incurred by passengers who require documents in multiple formats.

  8. Graphic material such as charts and graphs are to be converted into text-only format to make them compatible with text-to-voice systems and other formats. All passengers should be able to access the same information, regardless of the format they are using.

  9. All formats of documents are to be maintained to the same quality as print materials. Materials are to be proofread for quality, format and accuracy by someone who is capable of reviewing the format and should be updated at the same time as original documents.

  10. The availability of multiple format versions is to be promoted on the cover of conventional print publications and promoted verbally when personnel make reference to publications. The availability of multiple formats is also to be noted in all promotional advertisements when print documents are referenced.

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Appendix B - Guidelines for Improving Communication with Persons with Disabilities

A) General Guidelines

  1. Personal communication is highly valued by persons with disabilities. Technology should never be considered a replacement for personal communication.

    The industry should continue to provide the personal communication services currently offered to travellers with disabilities, including "meet and greet" personnel or volunteers. Quality control mechanisms should be established to ensure that consistent and reliable service is provided to travellers with disabilities. Personnel should allow extra time to provide assistance to persons with disabilities.

  2. Promote self-identification. Many travellers with disabilities remain unaware of the benefits of expressing their particular disability-related needs to carriers prior to travel. Carriers should actively promote the services that are available to persons with disabilities and the benefits of self-identification.

  3. In all training programs, the importance of having a working knowledge of equipment, services and policies regarding travellers with disabilities, including those related to communication, should be stressed.

    Persons with disabilities should be involved in all training sessions. This Code of Practice and its appendices should also be used when providing personnel training on service to persons with disabilities.

  4. Computerized information kiosks are a very useful way for travellers to obtain information about terminal facilities and services. Many travellers however, prefer personal communication. Both should be considered in the design and administration of the terminal.

  5. Advance information about terminal facilities is very valuable and contributes significantly to decreasing the stress of travel and increasing the level of confidence and independence of travellers. Advance information could include information about the terminal layout and design, location of information service kiosks, along with other unique features of the terminal.

  6. When developing new technologies or facilities, or upgrading existing technologies or facilities, the principles of universal design should be used to ensure that products are usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for specialized design.

  7. Establishing a barrier-free committee to oversee the implementation of this Code and other accessibility initiatives will help to ensure that facilities and services accommodate the accessibility needs of the broadest diversity of persons with disabilities. The involvement of persons with disabilities and representatives of organizations of and for persons with disabilities is critical when developing services or finding solutions to barriers to accessibility.

  8. Respect the stated needs of the passenger. Ask the person how you can help or how best to facilitate communication – each individual knows his or her own needs best. All personnel should accept the determination made by or on behalf of a person with a disability that the person does not require any extra services during a trip. (The Air Transportation Regulations, Part VII, Terms and Conditions of Carriage of Persons with Disabilities and the Rail Code each specify that carriers must respect the right of passengers to determine whether they require any extraordinary services.)

B) Guidelines for Communicating with Persons who are Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing or who have a Speech Impairment

  1. Be aware of the communication techniques used by persons who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, or who have a speech impairment. Many people feel comfortable using pen and paper. Some also lip or speech read, use sign language, or use an assistive listening system (see Appendices C, D and E for more information).

  2. Sign Language is a distinct visual-gestural language used by persons who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing. It differs from spoken languages in that it is visual rather than oral. It has its own structure, syntax and grammar. There are two predominate languages used in North America, American Sign Language (ASL) or Langage des signes québécoise (LSQ). Passengers from abroad may use other sign languages.

  3. Speech reading or lip reading requires watching the lips of a speaker and is used to complement the understanding of the spoken word.

  4. Be aware of and be able to contact any personnel who use sign language so they can be called upon, when necessary, to assist in communicating with passengers who communicate by sign language.

  5. Face the person to whom you are speaking. Speak clearly, normally, not too quickly and avoid exaggerated lip movement or raising your voice, unless asked to do so. Avoid covering your mouth, chewing gum or turning away, especially in the middle of a sentence.

  6. Repeat, rephrase or put information in writing when necessary.

  7. Be informed about the use of assistive devices and technical aids (such as TTYs) and about the use of telephone relay systems which allow communication between telephone and TTY users (see Appendix D).

C) Guidelines for Communicating with Persons who are Blind or who have Low Vision

Communication with passengers often involves giving directions. As such, this section includes guidelines for directing passengers who are blind or who have vision impairments, who require a person to guide them and/or who use a guide dog to assist with wayfinding.

  1. Indicate your presence, introduce yourself and tell the person the reason for your presence. Ask if and how the person needs help.

  2. When distributing print information that is not in a format that can be read by the passenger, offer to read or summarize it.

  3. Be clear and precise when giving directions (e.g."two steps behind you", "a metre to your left", etc.).

  4. Offer to guide the person to where he or she is going.

  5. Offer your arm to the person or ask how you can best assist him or her. Walk at a normal pace. The passenger will usually walk about a step behind you. Do not grab the person or attempt to steer him or her.

  6. Announce handrails, doors (e.g. "to the right," "push to open," etc.), number of stairs up or down, etc. Pause at obstacles, such as stairs or curbs, to announce them to the passenger.

  7. When going up or down stairs, remain one stair ahead of the person.

  8. If the person wishes to sit, offer to guide the person and place his or her hand on the back of the chair. Never back a person who is visually impaired into a chair. Inform the person of the kind of seating provided (e.g. bench seating near other passengers, swivel chair, wheelchair).

  9. Do not seat a passenger who is visually impaired in a wheelchair without his or her permission and do not push or move the wheelchair without informing the passenger and asking permission.

  10. When assisting someone with a guide dog, do not disturb the dog. Never pet, feed, talk to or direct a guide dog wearing a harness. The dog is at work and needs to concentrate.

  11. Ask the person on which side you should be. As the dog will usually be at its owner's left side, many people will ask that you stand to the right a step or two behind. Offer the passenger your arm if extra guidance seems necessary.

  12. Ask before opening a door for a person who is visually impaired, as the person may be using the door's location as a reference point, or may prefer to do it himself or herself to protect the dog's paws.

D) Guidelines for Communicating with Passengers who are Deaf-blind

  1. In most cases, the person who is Deaf-blind will inform you, either through speech, an intervenor or companion, in writing, or by way of preprinted "help card" messages of the preferred mode of communication.

  2. Most persons who are Deaf-blind communicate using finger spelling, printing letters in the palm, or tactile sign language. Passengers who are Deaf-blind may also use Braille or, if the person has some residual vision, large print.

  3. Ask frequently whether your communication is understood.

  4. Personnel should be aware of the universal sign for an emergency situation, i.e., drawing the letter X on the back of the person who is deaf-blind with the fingertips.

E) Guidelines for Communicating with Persons who have a Cognitive Disability or a Learning Disability

  1. Keep sentences short and clear and simplify vocabulary as necessary.

  2. Verify that the message has been understood by asking the person to summarize the key points. Be prepared to repeat and rephrase.

  3. Ask the person if he or she would like key information written down.

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Appendix C - Commonly-Used Multiple Formats

Multiple formats complement or replace conventional print and video products and may address the communication needs of persons with disabilities. Some formats are useful to more than one group.

A) Multiple Formats for Documents

  1. Electronic Versions: diskettes, CD-ROMs, e-mails and documents on the Web site containing text and descriptions of graphics which are compatible with text readers and browsers – primarily used by persons who are blind or who have low vision.

  2. Large Print: publications using a 14 point font or larger with a sans-serif font with good contrast – primarily used by persons who have low vision or persons with cognitive or learning disabilities. (This document is in 14 point Arial font.)

  3. Audio Cassettes and Compact Disks (CDs): audio recordings of printed documents – primarily used by persons who are blind, or who have low vision or cognitive or learning disabilities.

  4. Braille: tactile reading system which uses raised dots – primarily used by persons who are blind, deaf-blind or who have low vision.

    Grade 1 Braille is the most basic form of Braille and does not use word contractions.

    Grade 2 Braille is the most commonly-used form and uses many word contractions.

B) Multiple Formats for Video Information and Signage

  1. Captioned Films and Videos: written text provided at the bottom of the screen that includes subtitles of spoken words, identification of the speaker and descriptions of sounds – primarily used by persons who are Deaf, deafened, or hard of hearing, but can be used by sighted passengers and is especially useful in noisy environments.

    "Open" captions can be seen by everyone, while "closed" captions are visible only by using a decoder.

  2. Sign Language Video: videos that provide sign language interpretation of dialogue and text using an inset screen showing the interpreter – primarily used by persons who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing who use sign language.

  3. Descriptive Video: videos which contain audio descriptions of the action on the screen – primarily used by persons who are blind or who have low vision.

  4. Tactile Signage: signs that provide information through raised images which can be read with the fingertips – primarily used by persons who are blind or who have low vision.

  5. Talking Signs®: an infrared wireless communication system used mostly where printed signs are located, which provides remote directional human voice messages to individuals who carry receivers – primarily used by persons who are blind or who have low vision and by persons with limited reading skills.

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Appendix D - Commonly-Used Assistive Devices and Technical Aids

  1. Assistive Listening Systems: systems that are used to augment regular audio systems – primarily used by persons who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing. There are four commonly-used types of assistive listening systems (see Appendix E for further information).

  2. Electronic Communication: the transfer of information via telecommunication technologies (e.g. the Internet, fax machines, remote video/audio conferencing, e-mail, cellular phones, etc.).

  3. TTYs / TDDs or Textphones: a teletypewriter (TTY) or a telecommunications device for the Deaf (TDD) that transmits written text via the telephone line – primarily used by persons who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing, persons who have a speech impairment and by people who wish to phone a Deaf or hard of hearing person who uses a TTY.

  4. Telephone Relay Service: a service that allows real-time conversation by providing a third party who acts as a bridge between telephone users who communicate by voice and those who communicate by TTY – primarily used by persons who are Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing, persons who have a speech impairment or people who wish to phone a Deaf or hard of hearing person.

  5. Visual Aid: a device that helps a person to see better, such as a magnifying glass or a video telescope – primarily used by persons who are blind or who have low vision.

  6. Volume Control Phones: telephones that allow the user to adjust the volume of sound received through the telephone – primarily used by persons who are hard of hearing.

  7. Volume Control Telephones with Flux Coil: flux coils located in telephone receivers which convert magnetic energy into electrical energy, that can then be picked up by hearing aids equipped with a "telephone" switch (T-switch), which amplifies sound – primarily used by persons who wear hearing aids.

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Appendix E - Commonly-Used Assistive Listening Systems

Assistive listening systems are used to augment regular audio systems and are used primarily by persons who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.

  1. FM System: assistive listening systems that transmit sound via invisible FM radio waves. The systems consist of a transmitter and receiver. The receiver picks up the speech signal and sends it to the listener's ears through attached earphones. The FM receiver may also be coupled to T-switch-equipped hearing aids.

  2. Magnetic (Induction) Loop System: assistive listening systems that transmitsound via invisible inductive (electromagnetic) energy. Induction loop systems consist of a "loop" of wire that is placed around the listening area (such as a ticket counter), a special amplifier and a microphone for the primary speaker. Speech signals are amplified and circulated through the loop wire. The resulting signal is picked up and amplified by the T-switch found in many hearing aids, vibrotactile devices, cochlear implant systems, or by induction loop receivers with headphones.

  3. Infrared System: assistive listening systems that transmit sound via invisible infrared light waves. Infrared systems consist of one or more infrared light emitters which broadcast the speech signal. The speech signal enters the emitter microphone and is sent to the infrared receiver worn by the person who is hard of hearing, via either headphones or T-switch-equipped hearing aids.

  4. Direct Wire System: hardwired or Direct-Audio-Input assistive listening systems that require a direct electronic connection between the source and the listener. The typical hardwired system consists of a microphone wired to an amplifier. One person wears a receiver (i.e. headphones, hearing aid, neckloop), which is connected to the amplifier.

Last Updated: 2004-06-04 [ Important Notices ]