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POR Annual Report 2001-2002

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Listening is a vital part of communication. This includes listening to the needs and opinions of those with whom you communicate so that you can respond to their needs, listening so that you communicate in a way that they will hear, listening to whether your message has been heard, and actively listening. Public opinion research is vital to the Government of Canada because it is one of the ways that the Government listens to Canadians.

Communication Canada is pleased to present the first annual report on public opinion research within the Government of Canada. As part of its mandate to improve communications between the Government of Canada and Canadians, Communication Canada plays a key role in coordinating the Government’s public opinion research. This report provides an overview of the growing number of research projects coordinated by Communication Canada to help departments and agencies fulfill their research needs. It also highlights trends in research across the Government of Canada.

This year, Communication Canada coordinated, on behalf of the Government of Canada, 686 research projects* for a total cost of $26.2 million. Of this, $4 million was spent on departmental subscriptions to syndicated studies and the remainder, $22.2 million, was devoted to custom research. This fiscal year the Government of Canada contracted 83 firms for its public opinion research.

Communication Canada

As stated in the new Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, which came into effect April 1, 2002, Communication Canada is the technical and coordinating authority for Government of Canada public opinion research. As such, the Research Branch, through the Coordination and Advisory Services - Public Opinion Research Directorate (CASPORD), facilitates public opinion research studies by guiding departments throughout the entire research process to ensure their objectives are met.

The Research Branch also undertakes communications research, including the Listening To Canadians surveys, which are conducted three times a year. The results of these surveys are shared throughout the Government of Canada to increase understanding of societal trends, issues and events affecting government communications.

* The numbers in this report are based on information submitted to Communication Canada by departments for projects that are identified and treated as public opinion research as per the definition in the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada.

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Published: August 2002
Updated: 2004-04-01
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