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June 14, 1989

Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0S5

SUBJECT: Payment of Entitlements After an Employee's Death



1.1 This directive supersedes Services Pay Directive 1988-093 (57) dated November 29, 1988 which provided you with an outline of the statutory deductions at source, advised of appropriate exemptions and specified the applicable income tax forms to be utilized for the payment of entitlements after an employee's death. Changes from the above-mentioned directive are identified by a vertical line.



2.1 Upon the death of an employee, the benefits which had accrued or were otherwise payable by virtue of his/her office of employment may be liable to statutory deductions at source.



3.1 This supersedes and cancels the instructions promulgated via Services Pay Directive 1988-093 (57) dated November 29, 1988.



4.1 The amounts payable as a result of an employee's death fall into three groups for taxation purposes:

A. Amounts Included in the Deceased's Income - T4/Relevé 1

These amounts include:

a) salary or wages (including overtime) accrued from the end of the last pay period to the date of death inclusive;
b) payments for accrued annual and furlough leave or payment of the 4 per cent vacation pay;
c) adjustments to accrued annual and furlough leave where the collective agreement or other authorizing instrument was signed prior to the date of death;
d) salary or wages (including overtime) for a pay period that was completed prior to the date of death and paid after the date of death. This situation will primarily occur for casual employees who are paid in arrears;
e) adjustments to salary or wages applicable to the period prior to and including the date of death, where the collective agreement or other authorizing instrument was signed prior to the date of death;
f) adjustments to salary or wages (including overtime) as a result of a promotion which was authorized prior to the date of death; and
g) payment of the employee's share of the unemployment insurance employer premium reduction (U.I. reduction).

These payments form part of the employee's remuneration for the taxation year in which the employee died, regardless of when they are paid. They are subject to the normal income tax deductions at source and must be included in the T4/Relevé 1 issued in the deceased's name.

The amounts payable under b), c), d), e), f), and g) above, while included in the deceased's income, may be subject to provisions of Elective Income - Rights or Things under the Income Tax Act (Sub-Section 70(2)).

A remark must be added by the paying office to highlight the fact that an election may, within the time limits prescribed therein, be made under the above-noted section.

the remark should be as follows:

"Sub-Section 70 (2) I.T.A. availability".

Amounts included in the deceased's income (A) must be reflected in the T4/Relevé 1 issued for the year of death. Where payment is made in the year subsequent to the year of death, the T4/Relevé 1 must be amended to reflect all earnings for the year of death.

B. Amounts Included in the Estate's or Beneficiaries' Income - T4A/Relevé 1 & 2
The amounts include:

a) Salary or wages (including adjustments) paid for the period from the day after the date of death to the end of the month;
b) a payment of severance pay (including future adjustments of same) as a result of the signing of a collective agreement or other authorizing instrument; and
c) a return of pension contributions.

Income Tax must be deducted at source at the rate prescribed for lump sum payments.

Amounts included in the estate's or beneficiaries' income (B) should be reflected in the T4A/Relevé 1 issued for the year in which they are paid. However, a T4A/Relevé 2 should be produced for (c) above.

Please note that T4A/Relevé 1 & 2 forms issued for the year of death should not be amended where payment is made in a year subsequent to the year of death.

When certain payments as outlined in Appendix "A" are made directly to a widow(er) or estate, payment up to a total cumulative amount of $10,000 is tax free. That is to say, payments made to the widow(er) or estate in preceding taxation years must be taken into consideration. An example follows:

Year Payment Non-
1987 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 -
1988 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 -
1989 $ 4,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000
$12,000 $10,000 $2,000

C. Non-Taxable Amounts
The following are non-taxable payments. They are not considered earnings and are not reported on T4/Relevé 1 or T4A/Relevé 1 and 2 slips.
a) supplementary death benefit (SDB); and
b) retroactive adjustments to amounts included in the deceased's income (salary, accrued leave, etc.), where the collective agreement or other authorizing instrument was signed after the date of death.

4.2 Identification of Payments for Income Tax Purposes

To satisfy the income tax requirements, the paying office will, immediately upon the death of an employee, issue the appropriate remuneration statements. That is to say, T4s and Relevé 1s are to be issued in the name of the deceased, and accordingly a T4A/Relevé 1 and 2 should be issued for the funds paid to the widow/widower or estate in the name of the recipient. Consequently, the forms (DSS 7744) and (DSS 7743) previously utilized by paying offices will no longer be required.

Paying Offices must forward only copies of the T4, T4A, Relevé 1 and Relevé 2 that are required by the employer and the employee's estate. The copy required by Revenue Canada and Revenue Québec should be retained and forwarded at year end with the normal February processing. These copies are necessary since they will not reflect the same information as contained on the tape forwarded to the Revenue Offices.

It should be noted that in these circumstances previous year remuneration statement forms should be used if the current ones are not yet available.

4.3 At calendar year end, when the remuneration statements (T4, T4A, Relevé 1 and Relevé 2) are issued automatically by the various SSC pay systems in the name of the former employee, personnel offices will, upon receipt of said remuneration forms, destroy them.


The following general principles govern the requirements for deductions under the appropriate legislation.

A) Canada Pension Plan (CPP)/Québec Pension Plan (QPP)

Contributions must be deducted from amounts which are included in the deceased's income only. This includes retroactive adjustments as a result of the signing of the collective agreement or other authorizing instrument before the date of death.

Note that no deductions are made when the signing of the collective agreement or other authorizing instrument takes place after the date of death.
B) Unemployment Insurance (U.I.)

Premiums are deducted only from salary or wages payable up to and including the date of death. Any retroactive adjustments to those amounts are not insurable under U.I. regulations.
C) Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA)/Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act (SRBA)

Contributions are deducted from salary or wages up to and including the date of death and from adjustments.
D) Supplementary Death Benefits (SDB)

Deductions must be taken from salary or wages paid for the month of death and from adjustments as stated in Note 2 of Appendix "A".
E) The table in Appendix "A" has been prepared to assist the paying offices in determining the payments which are subject to statutory deductions.

4.5 The amounts paid under the circumstances described in this directive cannot be transferred directly to a registered retirement savings plan except for a return of contributions. It should be noted, however, that severance pay can be transferred to an RRSP on behalf of the employee's widow(er) or estate if the employee had terminated his employment before he died and accordingly these funds should be reflected in Box I of the T4A in the name of the employee.

4.6 Treasury Board has confirmed that where an employee (who has been employed for a continuous period of one year or more) is on authorized Leave Without Pay and dies, the employee's estate/beneficiary is entitled to payment for the full month of death even though the employee has received no earnings in that month.

Payment would not be made where death occurs during a period when the employee is absent without authorized leave.
4.7 The above policy is also applicable to Canada Post Corporation.

4.8 Further information concerning pay for the month of death is contained in Section 2.2, Chapter 9, Volume 15 of the Personnel Management Manual.



5.1 Any queries on the foregoing should be addressed to Advisory Services - Pay, Bernard Potvin (819) 956-2064 or Jan Norris (819) 956-2063.

Original Signed by
M.-J. Posen

Marie-Josée Posen
Personnel Products Branch
Accounting, Banking and Compensation Directorate

Reference: CJA 9015-15-3