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August 17, 2004

SUBJECT: Pension Data Correction Project - Roles and Responsibilities

  1.1 The purpose of this directive is to inform the compensation community of the roles and responsibilities in relation to the Pension Data Correction Project.
  1.2 In this text, use of the masculine is generic and applies to both men and women.

  2.1 Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) initiated a Pension Reform Project to develop new administrative processes and systems support and to revise existing processes and systems to meet the needs of a new pension fund, accounting practices, and financial controls.
  2.2 In order to meet these requirements, an Integrated Pension Data Repository (iPDR) was constructed. This repository contains a detailed collection of the Public Service Pension Fund (PSPF) members' pension data (e.g. name, pension number, pay office, department and paylist, Personal Record Identifier (PRI), pensionable salary, pensionable service, and pension contributions). Within the iPDR, an integrity test module was developed to verify the accuracy of key pension data by comparing salary, service and contributions. The integrity test calculates the required pension contributions, based on a member's salary and service data reported to the Contributor System. It then compares the result to the actual amount of pension contributions reported; if the absolute value of the variance is greater than the established tolerance level of $150, then the account is considered to have failed the integrity test. This tolerance level will be reviewed from time to time to improve the accuracy of pension data and to ensure that the efforts going into the review and correction of pension data are cost effective.
    At this time, we are testing active accounts serviced by the Regional Pay System (RPS). As soon as all pension data details for non-RPS accounts are provided to the Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector (SPTCSS), the integrity test will be applied to those accounts as well.
    For the period from June 2004 to early 2005, the SPTCSS will initiate the review of a limited number of accounts that failed the integrity test (herein referred to as failures). Starting in early 2005, the number of accounts being reviewed will increase as additional staff are hired and trained for the Pension Data Correction Project.

  3.1 The SPTCSS will be responsible to review all integrity test failures and to control the accounts until all corrective action has been taken. The corrections of pension data will be done by the SPTCSS, pay offices and client departments. The intention is to keep the involvement of the pay offices to a minimum.
    Wherever possible, the SPTCSS will correct the pension data without having to involve the pay offices or the client departments. However, there will be instances where pay office or department intervention will be required.

  4.1 The SPTCSS will review all the integrity test failures and identify which of the elements (i.e. Salary, Service, LWOP, Contributions) caused the failure and will take the necessary steps to correct the account by:
  • making the correction themselves (e.g. cases where the correct salary or LWOP data can be confirmed using the Regional Pay Salary/Service History data or documentation on the Superannuation hard cover file);
  • contacting pay offices for information and/or requesting that they take the necessary corrective action (e.g., cases where discrepancies in the contributions deducted exist and remedial action has not yet been initiated);
  • contacting compensation advisors for information and/or requesting that they take the necessary corrective action (e.g., the date pension contributions were started is incorrect); and
  • monitoring the accounts until corrective action has been taken.
    When the involvement of the pay offices and/or the compensation advisors is required, the SPTCSS will provide as much detail as possible about the possible causes for the data discrepancies.
    Pay offices and compensation advisors will action requests for information or corrective action and will advise the SPTCSS once the corrective action has been taken. Inquiries related to the correction of pension data must be directed to the SPTCSS at (506) 533-5915. E-mail inquiries can also be sent to

  5.1 Any request for information regarding this policy should be addressed to your Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Compensation Services Office.

Original Signed by
R. Jolicoeur

R. Jolicoeur
Director General
Compensation Sector
Finance, Accounting, Banking and Compensation

Reference(s): 9033-212