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January 24, 1997

SUBJECT: Amendent to Election Procedures



1.1 The purpose of this bulletin is to provide Personnel Offices and Pay Offices with information relating to the streamlining of the election process under the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA). Effective immediately, employing Departments will be responsible to receive elections on behalf of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).
1.2 This bulletin details the new procedures required as a result of this change in responsibility.


2.1 The PSSA requires that an election must be received by the Minister of PWGSC within a prescribed time. In accordance with the Regulations, the first arrears deduction for a past service election is due the month in which the election is received by the Minister.
2.2 As part of the ongoing effort to streamline certain functions related to the administration of the Public Service Superannuation Act (PSSA), the authority to receive the election on behalf of the Minister has been transferred to the employing Department or Agency.

This has the effect of requiring that, where the contributor has elected to pay by monthly instalments, the first past service election payment is due and payable at the end of the month in which the election is received by the employing Department or Agency.

2.3 In the past, for Departments and Agencies serviced by the Regional Pay System (RPS), the PWGSC Pay Office received the election on behalf of the Minister. For clients not serviced by the RPS, the election was received by Superannuation Directorate.

The past service arrears deductions were effective from the date of receipt by either the PWGSC Pay Office or Superannuation Directorate, as applicable.

2.4 The new process of allowing employing Departments and Agencies to "receive" the election on behalf of the Minister will minimize the problem of the election being declared invalid because, while it may have been made by the contributor within the appropriate time, it was not received by the PWGSC Pay Office or by Superannuation Directorate within the prescribed time.

This new process should also serve to reduce the problem of deductions being in default.

2.5 The transfer of administrative responsibility to employing Departments and Agencies to receive elections on behalf of the Minister will apply to Past Service elections and to elections not to count periods of Leave Without Pay (LWOP) as pensionable.
2.6 The PWGSC Pay Offices will continue to be responsible to receive the "Notice of Election to Repay Pension of Canadian Forces, RCMP or Members of Parliament" (PWGSC-TPSGC 2221), and to commence the monthly election deduction indicated on the PWGSC-TPSGC 2221.


3.1 For clients serviced by the Regional Pay System, when an employee completes a past service election, the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 should be sent by registered mail or hand delivered to the Compensation Specialist of the employing Department or Agency for commencement of the past service arrears deduction, instead of being forwarded to the PWGSC Pay Office.
3.2 For clients not serviced by the Regional Pay System, when an employee completes a past service election, the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 should be sent by registered mail or hand delivered to the Personnel Officer of the employing Department or Agency for commencent of the past service arrears deduction, before the election is forwarded to the Superannuation Directorate.
3.3 The office receiving the past service election on behalf of the Minister must forward the appropriate copy of the election to Superannuation Directorate within 60 days of receipt.

It is important to note that the employing Department or Agency is to accept all elections, even those that have not been received within the prescribed time (refer to Superannuation Administration Manual (SAM) Section 3.5.2). The Superannuation Directorate will determine the validity of these elections and finalize them accordingly.

3.4 The first elective service payment is due and payable at the end of the month in which the election is received by the Department or Agency. Any installment not paid by the due date is "in default".
3.5 A PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 "Election Not to Count LWOP as Pensionable Service" must be received by the employing Department or Agency within 3 months of the employee's return to duty from a period of LWOP.

The office receiving the election not to count LWOP as pensionable service must forward the appropriate copy of the election to Superannuation Directorate within 60 days of receipt.

Clients Serviced by the Regional Pay System

3.6 Effective immediately employing Departments and Agencies, will:

i) receive the past service election on behalf of the Minister of PWGSC;

ii) complete Part C of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 immediately upon receipt (refer to Section A of this Bulletin);

iii) commence the past service arrears deduction (refer to Section C of this Bulletin). It is important to commence the past service arrears deduction immediately upon receipt of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 in order to prevent defaults.

3.7 In cases where the employing Department or Agency has already forwarded the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 to the PWGSC Pay Office for certification and commencement of the past service arrears deduction, in order to prevent defaults, the PWGSC Pay Office will complete the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 and commence the deduction according to the previous process.
3.8 It is important to note that once the past service election has been finalized by Superannuation Directorate, the Pay Office will continue to receive the PWGSC-TPSGC 2097 (Elective Service Notice) and will perform any actions related to the amendment or the cessation of the on-going past service arrears deduction.
3.9 With respect to the election not to count LWOP as pensionable, the employing Department or Agency will now receive the PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 (Election Not to Count LWOP as Pensionable Service) on behalf of the Minister of PWGSC. The PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 must be received within 3 months of the employee's return to duty.

The form must continue to be sent to the Pay Office for the recalculation of the LWOP deficiencies and related adjustments to the employee's account.

Clients not Serviced by the Regional Pay System

3.10 Clients not serviced by the RPS control their own deduction process. For this group, the Agency or Corporation will receive the past service election on behalf of the Minister, and commence the arrears deduction effective from the date of receipt. The PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 must then be forwarded to Superannuation Directorate within 60 days for processing in the normal manner.
3.11 A PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 (Election Not to Count LWOP as Pensionable Service) must be received by the Agency or Corporation within three months of the employee's return to duty from a period of LWOP and forwarded to Superannuation Directorate for update to the Contributor System.


4.1 For convenience, the procedures have been divided into Sections. Sections A and B describe the procedures related to the receipt and completion of the election forms PWGSC 2006 and 2480. Section C describes the procedure for commencing the past service arrears deduction for Departments and Agencies serviced by the Regional Pay System.


5.1 Any request for information regarding the foregoing should be addressed to your PWGSC Compensation Services Office.

Original Signed by
P. Charko

P. Charko
Director General
Compensation Sector
Government Operational Service

Reference: CJA 9202-32
CJA 9215-1
CJA 9203-8(1)-2

A.1 The PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 is being amended to indicate that the Compensation Specialist will complete Part C. Until the amended form is available, the current form should continue to be used with these new procedures.
A.2 The form is divided into three parts:

Part A - Completed by Personnel

Part B - Completed by the Employee

Part C - Completed by Personnel

A.3 After completion of Parts A and B, verify that the form has been signed by the employee. If not, return to the employee for signature.
A.4 Complete Part C as follows:

- date of receipt by Personnel Office, Registration Number if form sent by registered mail, and initials of Compensation Specialist;

Note: This field should be completed immediately upon receipt of the election. It is important to note that even if the information required in some fields is not readily available, the "date of receipt" field is to be completed on the actual day that the election was received by the Personnel Office.

- employee's current classification and level;

- the "Date of most recent occasion of becoming a contributor";

- the "Date of this election" is the date that the election was signed by the employee;

- the "FTE Salary Rate" and the "FTE Allowance Rate" are the authorized full-time equivalent salary rates both on the most recent occasion of becoming a contributor and at the date the election was signed;

Note: Do not report non-pensionable allowances.

When certifying salary at either date, salary and allowances authorized after that date must not be included.

Elections made by full-time and part-time employees will be based on the full-time equivalent salary. Elections made by grandfathered full-time employees will be based on the salary received, not the full-time equivalent salary of the position.

- Column "U" is used to indicate whether the salary or allowance rate is Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Annually;

- "Standard work week" and "Assigned work week";
(Until the form is amended, please indicate the Assigned work week within the same box as the Standard work week.)

- "Deductions started effective from" is the month for which the first deduction was taken, including any arrears.


Deduction commenced for : 12/96
Arrears taken for: 11/96
"Deduction started effective from": 11/96

Note: If the contributor elected to pay in a lump sum, indicate "N/A" in this portion of Part C. The lump sum payment must be received by Superannuation Directorate within 30 days of the date of the election. (Refer to SAM 3.5.4.)

- "Certified by", "Date", "Telephone No.", and "Facsimile No.".

- Distribute the copies of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 as follows:

White Copy - Superannuation Directorate
Canary Copy - Pay Office
Pink Copy - Personnel File

- The original White Copy of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 is to be forwarded to Superannuation Directorate within 60 days of receipt by the Personnel Office.

- For Departments and Agencies serviced by the RPS, the Pay Office will retain the Canary copy of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 on file for record purposes and for assistance when certifying arrears payments on a PWGSC-TPSGC 2386 (Certification Notice - Pension Support System), if necessary.

In cases where the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 is not received by the employing Department or Agency within the prescribed time (refer to SAM 3.4.1), commence the past service arrears deduction and forward the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 to Superannuation Directorate. Attach a letter from the contributor which clearly outlines the circumstances surrounding the making of the election and explains why the election was not forwarded within the prescribed time.

In cases where the employee forwards the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 directly to Superannuation Directorate, the Directorate will forward a memo to the appropriate Personnel Office advising the Compensation Specialist to commence the monthly arrears deduction at a specified monthly rate.

B.1 The PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 is being amended so that the Compensation Specialist may indicate the "Date of Receipt" of the form at the Personnel Office. Until the amended form is available, the Compensation Specialist must indicate the date of receipt at the Personnel Office in Part B of the form.
B.2 Upon receipt of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2480, the Compensation Specialist will determine when the employee was RETOS: (i) before September 9, 1993 or (ii) on or after September 9, 1993.
B.3 If the RETOS is prior to September 9, 1993, the option not to count LWOP as pensionable service can be made at any time before the deficiencies are paid in full.

Departments and Agencies serviced by the RPS will forward the PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 to the Pay Office for the recalculation of the LWOP deficiencies and related adjustments to the employee's account.

Corporations and Agencies not serviced by the RPS will verify the account for the recalculation of the LWOP deficiencies and any related adjustments.

B.4 If the RETOS is on or after September 9, 1993, the Compensation Specialist will verify the date that the form is received at the Personnel Office. The form may be completed before the employee proceeds on leave and up to 3 months after the date of return to duty. In order to be valid, the form must be received by the employing Department/Agency by the end of that 3 month period.
B.5 If the receipt date is within the appropriate time frame, forward the PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 to the Pay Office, or for Corporations and Agencies not serviced by the RPS to the appropriate section of their organization, for possible recalculation of the LWOP deficiencies and related adjustments to the employee's account.

The Canary Copy of the PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 must be forwarded to the Superannuation Directorate within 60 days of receipt.

B.6 A PWGSC-TPSGC 2480 that is not received within the 3 month period must be sent, along with supporting documentation to Superannuation Directorate. Superannuation Directorate will consider the circumstances of the case and determine the action to be taken.


C.1 Compensation Specialists will use the Deduction Commence (DEC) On-Line Screen to commence election deduction codes 577 (Superannuation Arrears) and 880 (Retirement Compensation Arrangement [RCA] Arrears). The Deduction Arrears (DAR) On-Line Screen will be used to recover election deduction codes 578 (Superannuation Arrears Deficiency) and 881 (RCA Arrears Deficiency).

Note: Codes 577, 578, 880, and 881 are monthly deductions which are recovered from the 2nd cycle pay cheque of each month.

C.2 Commence the deduction effective the first day of the month in respect of which the first deduction will be recovered.

To commence the deduction at the specified monthly rate, enter a 16C 577 (or 880) on a PWGSC-TPSGC 2549 or via the DEC Screen, using a Rate Base "6" and Reference Number "1" for a first election, Reference Number "2" for a second election, etc. The "Effective To" date should always be blank. (The "Effective To" date is known only once the PWGSC-TPSGC 2097 is received by the Pay Office.)

Note: In cases where the employee requests that the election deduction be commenced at the minimum monthly rate, the Compensation Specialist is to use the rate specified by the estimate of cost calculation. It may be necessary for the Compensation Specialist to prepare the estimate for this purpose.

C.3 Where the PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 was received by the Personnel Office prior to the month in which the Compensation Specialist is working, only one month's deficiency may be recovered.

To collect the deficiency, enter a 17C 578 (or 881) on a PWGSC-TPSGC 2549 or via the DAR Screen, using a Rate Base "0", and the same Reference Number as used to commence the 577 (or 880) deduction. The "Effective From" date is the first of the month for which the deduction is being recovered, the "Effective To" date is the last of that month.

Example 1

PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 was received at Personnel Office 8/10/96. When actioning the form, the Compensation Specialist is working for Pay Period 24/96 (2nd cycle of November 1996).

Enter a 16C 577 effective 1/10/96 (The first of the month in respect of which a deduction will be taken.)

Enter a 17C 578 effective 01/10/96 to 31/10/96 (One month's deficiency.)

Example 2

PWGSC-TPSGC 2006 was received at Personnel Office 14/01/97. When actioning the form, the Compensation Specialist is working for Pay Period 5/97 (1st cycle of March 1997).

Enter a 16C 577 effective 01/02/97 (The first of the month in respect of which a deduction will be taken.)

Enter a 17C 578 effective 01/02/97 to 28/02/97 (One month's deficiency.)

Do not recover a deduction for the month of January 1997.

Note: When Superannuation Directorate processes the election, the "Date of Receipt" at the Personnel Office, and the "Deductions started effective from" date will be verified. Any deficiency will be taken into consideration in the computation of the election repayment amount and period.