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ROP Rapport annuel 2001-2002

Précédente  Table des matières  Suivante

Tableau 3

Études multiclients selon la société de recherche

Société et titre de l'étude Montant total pour l'ensemble
des abonnements ministériels
(milliers de dollars)
Les Associés de recherche Ekos 1 639 $
Rethinking the Information Highway 471 $
Rethinking Government 423 $
Rethinking North American Integration 254 $
Rethinking Citizen Engagement 170 $
Emerging Canadian Perspectives on Innovation 150 $
Perceptions Regarding Family Violence 107 $
Public Security Monitor 64 $
Ipsos-Reid 909 $
Reconnecting Government with Youth 246 $
Public Safety in the New Millennium 150 $
Ipsos-Reid Trend Report 124 $
New Thoughts for Food 72 $
Public Views Regarding Aboriginal Peoples 65 $
Options for Western Canada 50 $
Alberta Reid Report 44 $
BC Reid Report 42 $
Ipsos-Reid Farm Management Practices Benchmark 27 $
World Monitor 21 $
Ontario Reid Report 21 $
2002 Canadians and the Economy 16 $
Wheat Market Watch 14 $
2002 Small Scale Operator Study 11 $
The Canadian Inter@ctive Reid Report 5 $
Environics Research Group 400 $
Focus Canada 226 $
National Pulse on Health Strategy 139 $
North of 60 Syndicated Study 24 $
Focus Ontario 11 $
CROP 228 $
3SC 222 $
CROP-Express 6 $
Perspectives Canada Ltd. 169 $
Perspectives Canada 169 $
Créatec + 150 $
Québec 360 150 $
Compas Research 137 $
Compas Business Agenda 137 $
Environics International Ltd. 135 $
Environmental Monitor 92 $
Corporate Social Responsibility Monitor 23 $
Globe Scan Report 19 $
Goldfarb Consultants 70 $
Rapport Goldfarb 70 $
Institut d'administration publique du Canada 54 $
Citizens First 2002: Advancing Citizen-Centred Service in the Public Sector 54 $
Conference Board du Canada 30 $
Monthly Index of Consumer Attitudes 30 $
The Logit Group 22 $
Campus Pulse: Understanding Young Adults 22 $
Youth Culture 21 $
Trendscan: Report on Teen Lifestyles Wave 2 21 $
Corporate Research Associates 14 $
Atlantic Omnibus Report 14 $
PriceWaterhouseCoopers 13 $
Health Insider Report 13 $
Decima Research 11 $
Sport Canada Research on the Canada Winter Games 11 $
Nielsen Media Research 9 $
Nielsen Television Index 9 $
IBR Consulting Services 9 $
IBR Consulting Syndicated Studies 9 $

Précédente  Table des matières  Suivante

Publié : août 2002
Mise à jour : 2004-04-01
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