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March 10, 2006

SUBJECT: Implementation of the New Regional Pay System (RPS) Pay Master 03 and Related Functionality

  1.1 The purpose of this communiqué is to advise the compensation community of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and the Public Works Government Services Canada (PWGSC) regional services offices (RSOs) of the changes being made to the Regional Pay System (RPS) as a result of the implementation of a new CRA pay master.
  1.2 The information contained in this document provides information on the implementation of a new pay master for CRA and the functionality developed under this initiative. A compensation directive will be issued to describe changes developed under this project that will apply to all clients utilizing the RPS.

  2.1 The CRA Compensation Service Delivery Renewal Project (CSDRP) is a major investment project within the Human Resources (HR) Branch. A key component of the project is to consolidate compensation services for the CRA to two compensation client service centers (CCSC). The sites are located in Winnipeg and in Ottawa. In April 2005, the CRA approved the initiation of a PWGSC project to create a regional pay master to host all CRA employee payroll accounts. In addition, PWGSC was asked to redefine and develop functionality to support various processes required to deliver payroll services to both the CRA employees and the new CCSCs.

  3.1 Single Pay Master (03)

Currently PWGSC provides client support to the CRA through six regional locations. The accounts reside on six pay masters. With the implementation of this project, all CRA accounts will be consolidated to a single RPS pay master. The six PWGSC RSOs will continue to provide client services and support to the CRA. The CRA pay master, identified as "03", will be implemented for April 2006 business processing.

  3.2 Major Enhancements
    The introduction of a dedicated pay master allows the CRA to proceed with specific requirements to meet its re-engineered business processes and to support its consolidated compensation services model. There are five major enhancements that will be implemented with the new pay master. These are:
  • Daily update process (five business days a week);
  • Issuance of supplementary payments on a weekly basis where the update will be processed each Wednesday and the payments will be dated the following Wednesday;
  • Implementation of direct deposit (DD) for regular and supplementary payments for CRA employees (some exceptions apply, refer to Section 4.2.4 of this document);
  • Mail out (by PWGSC through the Canada Post system) of all paper cheques, DD statements, zero balance statements and statements of remuneration (SORs) to the employee's address (some exceptions apply, refer to Section 4.2.3 of this document);
  • The printing of the CRA Error Analysis Report (EAR) and the Payroll Register is suppressed. An electronic file containing the pay register information will be provided to the CRA instead of a printed copy. The RSO will continue to receive a copy of the printed register.

  4.1 CRA Pay Master
    The six PWGSC RSOs will continue to provide transaction processing support, inquiry support, intercepts and recalls of direct deposit payments and pension and insurance training for the CRA pay accounts on pay master 03.
  4.1.1 Service Delivery Model - The project will deliver new business processes that will impact both the RSOs and the CRA. In addition, the new pay master (PO 03) will exist as a "virtual office", that is to say that there is no specific RSO owner of the pay office. This introduces a new concept of managing the data and the processes supporting the pay master. A model has been developed so that each RSO assumes ownership of the accounts assigned to its office. The accounts will be identified by a unique paylist series assigned to each RSO. The business process owner for the CRA single pay master (03) will be the Pay Policies and Training Services Directorate (PPTSD) in the Compensation Sector.
  4.1.2 Service Location Code (SLC) - This code has been introduced as a means of identifying which RSO is responsible for a particular account. It will be used for CRA employee accounts only. The code will appear in a field which will be updated with a two-character code representing the service site location of the CRA pay master account. For example, accounts managed by the Pacific Region (Vancouver) will be updated with Code 66, and accounts supported by the Prairies (Edmonton) will be updated with Code 62. The new service location code will be automatically generated by the system and cannot be modified manually for the following processes: the taken on strength (TOS) and the paylist/pay cycle change. This new value will be displayed on the RPS Personnel (PER) on-line screen but will not be displayed on the Master Employee Record (MER) snapshot. Refer to Section 4.1.3 of this document for the list of service location codes.
  4.1.3 Paylist Assignment - A new paylist structure has been established for the CRA pay master. A unique block of numbers has been assigned to each RSO. On implementation of the pay master, a conversion will occur that will move accounts from their existing paylist to the new structure based on the pre-established block for each RSO. This paylist structure must be followed to ensure easy identification of the RSO service location and to facilitate the accurate distribution of output and communications. The management and updating of the Paylist/Address Control File (PACF) for the CRA pay master will be centralized and will be the responsibility of the Consolidated System Control Division (CSCD) of PWGSC. Requests from the two CRA CCSCs for modification to the PACF are to be directed to the PPTSD where they will be forwarded to the CSCD and the Dartmouth Production Centre for action. The CSCD will update the PACF and the Dartmouth Production Centre will update the new paylist information on their internal mailing list used for distribution of insurance membership cards. Refer to Personnel-Pay Input Manual (PPIM) Section 5.5 for the form to be used to request a new paylist assignment.
    The block of paylists assigned to each RSO and the corresponding SLC are as follows:
  • Paylists 0001-1999 assigned to SLC 08 (Halifax RSO)
  • Paylists 2000-2999 assigned to SLC 25 (Montreal RSO)
  • Paylists 3000-4999 assigned to SLC 36 (Ottawa RSO)
  • Paylists 5000-6999 assigned to SLC 34 (Toronto RSO)
  • Paylists 7000-7999 assigned to SLC 62 (Edmonton RSO)
  • Paylists 8000-9999 assigned to SLC 66 (Vancouver RSO)
  4.1.4 The CSCD will be responsible for administering the pay master file, the CRA processing schedule and the PACF.
  4.1.5 Production Centres - There are three production centres across Canada providing a range of services in support of the pay product. These services include the printing and distribution of the pay cheques, DD statements, various output reports and SORs. The production centers also support certain RSOs in the distribution of insurance membership cards to employees. The Dartmouth Production Centre will be responsible for the production and print requirements of the CRA pay master. The alternate location for contingency purposes will be the Winnipeg Production Centre.
  4.1.6 Pay Processing Schedule - This schedule provides the processing dates for the daily updates, weekly supplementary payment runs and the regular pay and DD dates for all pay cycles. Schedule information on the month end, amended SORs and expenditure processing is also contained in the same schedule. The pay processing schedule for the pay master 03 will be available as of March 10, 2006 at the following Compensation Sector Web site address:
  4.1.7 Cheque Series and Pay Product Codes - A new product code (2010000130) and cheque series (3131) have been assigned for all payments issued for the CRA. A separate product code (3050000130) has been assigned for the CRA SORs. These new product codes will be a part of the Department 079 reporting currently in place for public service pay financial reporting.
  4.1.8 Remittances - The Payroll Accounting Division (PAD) will have a new set of employer accounts for remittances and reconciliation for the CRA. The PAD will continue to handle remittances for CRA with no change to the frequency or distribution of remittances.
  4.1.9 Employer Remittance Account Numbers - The CRA and the Ministère du revenu du Québec, as well as provincial governments and health authorities, have assigned new employer remittance account numbers for PO 03 as of April 2006. The RPS has been modified to incorporate these account numbers for remittance reporting and SORs. For completion of health applications (such as the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan) or records of employment (ROE), compensation advisors will use the new numbers available from the CRA Corporate Compensation. Pay and pension agents will use the new account numbers for manual SORs. For the purpose of completing the ROE, the account numbers required by the compensation advisor are as follows:
    Wage Loss (WL) Account Number for employees with sick leave plans: 121491807RP0767
    No Wage Loss (NWL) Account Number for employees without sick leave plans: 121491807RP0768
    For the purpose of the administration of the Alberta Health Care Plan , the group number is 90018.
  4.1.10 RPS On-line Security - The CRA will be responsible for creating and modifying the RPS security profiles for their users. At the time of implementation of the new pay office, PWGSC will convert the PWGSC pay office users to the appropriate paylists as part of the implementation activities of the CRA pay master. This will include the addition of PO 03 access rights for both the data control officer (DAT) and the security officer (SEC) in each RSO. The CRA will set-up the new on-line security prior to the first update scheduled for the new pay master for April business.
  4.2 Major Enhancements
  4.2.1 Daily Updates
    The PO 03 will operate on a daily update schedule. The processing schedule will be a once a day update, five business days a week, with some exceptions. The update scheduled from Thursday to Tuesday of each week will be a supplementary hold process which will not generate payments. Each Wednesday, a full supplementary update will occur and all pending adjustments from the previous Thursday to Tuesday processing will be paid.
    PWGSC may request modifications to meet PWGSC or CRA operational requirements such as collective agreement implementation. To accommodate the adhoc processing requirements, notification must be provided by the PPTSD to the CRA Corporate Human Resources and to the CSCD.
  4.2.2 Supplementary Payments
    Supplementary payments will be issued once a week, each Wednesday, and the payments will be dated for the following Wednesday. Note that exceptions will occur for such events as statutory holidays. Please refer to the pay processing schedule for details. Supplementary and regular pay cheques and payment statements for 7A and 7B cycles will be mailed the day following the update. Regular pay cheques and statements for 7C accounts will be mailed six days following the update. Transactions will update the MER information each day, however, any actual payment adjustment resulting from the completed transaction will be held pending extract until the next Wednesday update. These transactions can be viewed on the Transaction Data Base (TDB) in "pending extract" status. Once the adjustment is processed, the transaction will update the MER.
    For example, if a promotion transaction processes through the update on Monday, the new salary is updated to the MER following the daily update. If there is a retroactive payment due, the supplementary payment will be in "pending extract" status until the next supplementary payment run (the next Wednesday). Compensation advisors can view all RPS transactions by accessing the TDB via the on-line inquiry function. The instructions for accessing the TDB are available in PPIM Section 18.4.
    When the supplementary payment update is processed, the payment amounts and statutory deductions will be calculated and the MER's year to date (YTD) elements will be updated. If there are multiple supplementary transactions for one account, they will be combined into one payment, except for termination, transfers to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) and return of contributions (ROC) payments which will each be issued individually and dated for the same date.
    Each entitlement, processed in a payment, will be reflected separately in the Entitlements and Other Deductions portion of the payment stub. The statutory deductions will be calculated based on the total of all entitlements and will be reflected as one amount for each deduction type in the Standard Deductions portion of the payment stub.
  4.2.3 Mailing Address
    All paper cheques, DD statements, zero balance statements and SORs will be mailed by PWGSC to the mailing address present on the MER in the RPS. This MER must reflect the employee's home address or a default address as identified by the CRA. The CRA is responsible for the reporting and maintenance of a valid mailing address for each employee.
    Special envelopes for the CRA will be used and the return address on the envelope will be a CRA office location. When Canada Post determines that the employee's mailing address is invalid, the mail will be returned to the CRA's return address for redistribution. To assist in the identification and handling of return mail, the CRA will be able to view their agency acronym and paylist number at the top of the window portion of the envelope.
    The envelope number that will be used for the mailing of DD statements and zero balance statements is PWGSC-TPSGC 8005-27. The envelope number that will be used for the mailing of cheques is PWGSC-TPSGC 8005-28.
    The envelope number that will be used for the mailing of SORs is PWGSC-TPSGC 147-4. Default Address:
    New functionality has been added in the RPS to test for the presence of a mailing address for all CRA payment statements and SORs. If no mailing address is present on the RPS master file, PWGSC will impose a default address. The following is the default address:
    CRA Financial Services Division 9th Floor, 320 Queen Street Ottawa ON K1A 0L5 Return Address:
    A new postage paid envelope with the following return address on the back flap will be used for the mailout of DD statements, zero balance statements and SORs:
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
Suite 1000, 360 Main Street
Winnipeg MB R3C 5S7
Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada
360, rue Main, Suite 1000
Winnipeg, MB R3C 5S7
    Similarly, for the mailout of cheques a new postage paid envelope will be used with the following CRA return address on the back flap:
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
Financial Services Division
9th Floor, 320 Queen Street
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L5
Agence des douanes et du revenu du Canada
Division des services financiers
9e étage, 320, rue Queen
Ottawa ON  K1A 0L5 Modification of an Employee's Mailing Address
    For a change to the employee's mailing address, the RPS requires an input transaction, pay action code (PAC) type "Mailing Address Change" (PAC 22C/MAC). Amendments and stop transactions will not be accepted by the RPS for a mailing address change (refer to PPIM Section 14.12.4 for details).
  4.2.4 Direct Deposit (Regular Pay and Supplementary Payments)
    The CRA will implement a DD policy for all employees of 7A, 7B and 7C cycles, except for grandparented employees, for both regular pay and supplementary payments. PWGSC will, upon implementation, copy the regular pay DD information for the 7C accounts and update it to the supplementary DD information fields on the accounts. The CRA will be responsible for providing the DD information for regular and supplementary pay for 7A and 7B accounts. Effective April 2006, the CRA will offer the option of a different bank account for supplementary payments for all pay cycles. This will require input from the CRA to update the RPS employee's MER.
    A change has been made to the current approach for handling the direct deposit option when an employee becomes temporarily struck off strength (T-SOS) or struck off strength (SOS). Currently the DD indicator is automatically turned to "off" when an employee is in SOS status. On implementation, a change has been made for the CRA to allow the DD indicators to remain in active status for T-SOS and SOS accounts except when there is a death in service or a termination RRSP payment. In these situations it is the CRA's responsibility to turn the indicator "off". Exception processing is in place so that if the CRA does not input the PAC 12A to turn the DD indicator "off" in these circumstances, the RPS will automatically turn it "off" for the RRSP transaction only. A paper cheque will be issued in these situations. The DD indicators will remain in active status for all T-SOS accounts (refer to PPIM sections 14.12.1 and for further information).
  4.2.5 Suppression of the Error Analysis Report (EAR) and the Payroll Register
    The printing of the CRA's EARs will be suppressed including the partial and full snapshots. The batch errors and warnings, generated for CRA transactions, are to be accessed daily by the CRA through a new function available via the TDB on-line inquiry. Reference can be made to PPIM Section 18.4 for information on the TDB on-line feature. Errors and warnings will be purged on a 21 day expedite cycle. The EARs for the RSO will continue to be printed in each office. An electronic Valid Transaction file will be provided to the CRA and will be loaded to the CRA Corporate Administrative System (CAS).
    An electronic file containing the pay register information will be provided to the CRA instead of a printed copy. The RSO will continue to receive a copy of the printed register.
  4.3 7A and 7B Pay Cycles - Regular Pay
    The regular pay schedule for the 7A and 7B pay cycles will be moved from Tuesday to Wednesday. The 7C regular pay schedule remains unchanged.
  4.4 Intercepts/Recalls and Cancelled Payments
    The intercept timeline for the CRA DD is as follows:
  • 7A and 7B Regular Pay - (Thursday 8:00 a.m. to Friday 12:00 p.m. EST - 1 ½ business days)
  • 7C Regular Pay - (Thursday 8:00 a.m. to the following Friday 12:00 p.m. EST - 6 ½ business days)
  • Supplementary Payments - (Thursday 8:00 a.m. to Friday 12:00 p.m. EST -1 ½ business days)
    The recall timeline for DD on 7A, 7B and 7C regular and supplementary payments is one business day (Monday from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. EST)
    Cancelled payments will be processed in the RPS each day and the corresponding payment register file will be available the next day for CRA access.
  4.5 Struck Off Strength (SOS)
    Compensation advisors are requested to process the T-SOS "pending Y" transactions to ensure that the regular pay is ceased as quickly as possible. This provides the compensation advisor with an opportunity to process outstanding transactions prior to finalizing the account. (e.g. processing of leave without pay and cancelled payments). Once all the information has been reported and updated in the RPS, the true T-SOS or SOS date can be reported. In order to correctly produce the final payment adjustment on these accounts, all payments to be cancelled must be processed in the RPS while the account is in T-SOS "pending Y" status. Procedures for utilizing the T-SOS reason code Y may be found in PPIM Section
  4.6 Termination Payments
    For accounts that require a termination payment, either a cash payment to the employee or a transfer to an RRSP, the CRA compensation advisor is required to process, along with the termination payment, a transaction to stop DD for both regular pay and supplementary payments. A transaction to change the mailing address to the central CRA finance address is also required. This will permit the CRA compensation advisor to properly disperse the termination or RRSP payment with the corresponding documentation. Once the termination payments are issued for the account, compensation advisors will reactivate the DD indicators and change the mailing address to the employee's mailing address. This will ensure that any future payments and SORs are sent to the employee's mailing address.
  4.7 Recycled Payments
    Termination, RRSP payments and ROCs will no longer be recycled if there are other payments to be issued to the employee during the weekly supplementary payment run. In the past, when transactions such as overtime were in the same supplementary payment update as an ROC transaction, the overtime would receive priority and be processed in advance of the ROC transaction which would be issued in the following update. Now each payment will be issued as a separate payment in the same run.
    Vacation advance payments (entitlement code 253) will continue to be issued in advance of other supplementary payments which will be recycled and processed in the next supplementary payment run.
  4.8 Death In Service
    When a death in service action (SOS reason code 17) is processed, the DD status will be automatically turned "off" and a message WI2 will be produced. As a result, paper cheques will be mailed to the address on the MER. As per the current process, in the case of a death in service action, a manual statement of remuneration is issued by the RSO servicing the account. The RSO forwards two copies of the manually prepared SOR to the CRA compensation address from the PACF for the employee's paylist. The compensation advisor retains the employer copy of the SOR and forwards the employee copy to the executor of the employee's estate.
    In February, the RPS will automatically produce an SOR for the year of death of the employee. The mailing address from the RPS MER will be reflected on the SOR. The CRA compensation advisor should ensure that the address is that of the CRA CCSC so that the previously issued SOR retained on the employee file can be destroyed.
  4.9 Return of Contributions (ROC)
    As a result of the DD option for supplementary payments, when an ROC cash payment is processed, it will be handled as a DD to the financial institution as identified in the MER. The corresponding DD payment statement will be mailed to the employee's mailing address.
    The transfer of an ROC payment to an RRSP will continue to be processed through the PWGSC PAD once the required documentation is received.
  4.10 Insurance Membership Cards
    Effective April 2006, Public Service Health Care Plan and Dental Care Plan membership cards for CRA employees will be sent from the plan underwriters to the PWGSC Dartmouth Production Centre for distribution to the CRA. The Dartmouth Production Centre will use the address from the PACF for the paylist reflected on the employee membership card. Public Service Management Insurance Plan, Disability Insurance and Long-term Disability Insurance membership cards will continue to be distributed by the Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector (SPTCSS) to the agency address indicated on the membership card.
  4.11 Forms
    The DD enrollment form (PWGSC-TPSGC 8437) has been amended to include the option of a second bank account number for supplementary payments beginning in April 2006.
    Any application, form or statement (e.g.. record of employment) that requires an employer number should indicate the unique number assigned by the federal, provincial or health authority for the CRA pay master (refer to section 4.1.9 of this document).
  4.12 Transfer of Employee Accounts
    If a CRA employee's account is transferred from one RSO to another, the compensation advisor must input a paylist change to one of the assigned paylists for the RSO to which the account is being transferred. The outgoing PWGSC RSO servicing this account will receive a notification on the paylist change: NQ1 - "PAYLIST CHANGED - PLEASE FORWARD PO FILE / LISTE DE PAYE MODIFIEE - ACHEMINER LE DOSSIER DU BP SVP".
    The CRA compensation advisors must also input any other related changes such as provincial health plan, taxable benefits, additional tax and province of residence and/or work.
    Transfers between employers (separate employers and Treasury Board or vice versa) are to continue to be processed as an SOS and a TOS transaction. Refer to Compensation Directive 2002-017 for change of employer procedures.
  4.13 RPS On-line Inquiry Screen
    Transaction Data Base (TDB)
    The TDB on-line inquiry screen will be modified for the batch input clients to allow the compensation advisor to view the transactions that have rejected or those for which a warning has been produced. This modification replaces the printing of the EAR for the CRA. To view the errors and warnings, a new line has been added to the bottom of the TDB inquiry screen: "To access only batch transactions with errors or warnings, enter 'X':" The client may select by paylist and a new Transaction Data Base - Paylist Selection (TDL) screen will display the accounts with errors or warnings by paylist. The EAR will continue to be produced for all clients except the CRA. Procedures related to the on-line TDB screens are available in PPIM Section 18.4.
    Data Base Master (DBM) - Salary (SLS)
    The SLS on-line inquiry screen has been modified to enable viewing of the DD information and status for regular and supplementary payments.
    Data Base Master (DBM) - Personnel (PER)
    The PER on-line inquiry screen has been modified to enable viewing of the new SLC.
  4.14 RPS On-line Input Screen
    Direct Funds Transfer (DFT)
    The DFT screen has been modified to allow the input of supplementary DD payment information for all pay cycles effective April 2006.
  4.15 RPS Messages
    The following messages will be produced in the RPS and will be directed to the compensation advisor.
  4.15.1 Mailing Addresses (MAC/PAC22)
RO1: "Out of valid range/Hors des limites de validites" (batch and on-line)
  This reject message will be produced when the address line 5 (Postal Code) does not contain a value of six characters in ANANAN format.
WI3: "Address line has been shortened/La ligne d'adresse a ete raccourcie"
  This message will be produced when the address line code 2 or 4 is received in the RPS and has more than five characters. Any additional characters will be truncated.
U43: "PAC 22/MAC modifier must be C/CIP22/APO indicateur doit etre C"
  This message will be produced if an amend or stop transaction is received in the RPS with the mailing address transaction. The mailing address commence is the only transaction that will be accepted in the RPS.
U44: "Mailing address line 1, 3, 5 mandatory/Adresse postale lignes 1, 3, 5 obligatoires"
  This message will be produced if the mailing address transaction is received in the RPS and address line 1, 3 or 5 is blank.
  4.15.2 Supplementary Pay - Direct Deposit
M01: "Mandatory field missing'/Zone Obligatoire Manquante" (on-line)
R35: "Must be alphanumeric'/Doit etre Alphanumerique" (batch)
  These messages will be produced when the supplementary DD information (institution/branch/account number) is received in the RPS and a field is blank.
J02 "Must be numeric'/Doit etre Numerique"
  This message will be produced when the supplementary DD institution and branch codes are received in the RPS and the information is not numeric.
R01: "Out of valid range'/Hors Des Limites de Validite"
  This message will be produced when the Supplementary DD indicator is received in the RPS and the value is not 1, 2 or 3.
F44: "Institution number/Branch not found on financial File'/Numero de l'institution ou de la succursale introuvable au fichier des institutions financieres"
  This message will be produced when the institution and the branch codes are validated with the Direct Deposit Interfacing System database and one of the values is invalid.
WF7: "Employee Reg and/or SUPP Direct Deposit is not active/. Paie reguliere et / ou supplementaire de l'ee non actif pour DD."
  This message will be produced when an account is in RE-TOS status and the regular pay status code and/or the supplementary status code is equal to 2.
WF8: "Regular and supplementary pay DD turned off-Invalid FI#/DD pour paie reguliere et supplementaire arretee-#IF Invalide"
  This message will be produced when there is a reject in the Standard Payment System (SPS) on the bank transit number. A system generated transaction will process to turn off either the regular pay DD status code (951) or the supplementary DD status code (980). The RPS will verify if both of the bank transit numbers are identical on the master. If they are, then both the regular pay and the supplementary DD status code will be turned off.
WI1: "DD Ind Turned Off-payment to RRSP /Ind DD arrete-paiement a un REER"
  This message will be produced when an RRSP payment (deduction code 582) is received in the RPS and the DD indicator is active. The system will automatically turn the regular and supplementary DD indicators to off and a cheque will be produced for the RRSP payment. The regular and supplementary DD routing information will remain on the MER.
WI2: "DD indicators turned off-Death in Service/Indicateurs DD arretes -deces en cours d'emploi"
  This message will be produced when an SOS transaction is received in the RPS with a reason code "17" (death in service) and the DD indicators are active. The system will automatically turn the regular and the supplementary DD indicators to off. The regular and supplementary DD routing information will remain on the MER.
  4.15.3 Transfers NAR (RPS acronym for CRA)
U46: "Transfer Request Invalid - TOS/SOS Req'd/Demande de mutation invalide - PEF/RAY Requis"
  This message will be produced if a client, other than NAR, is submitting a transfer-in or transfer-out transaction with NAR. TOS and SOS transactions must be processed for transfers between employers.
J65: " Transfer Request Inv. - P/L Change or TOS/SOS Req'd/ Demande de mutation Invalide - MOD LP ou PEF/RAY Requis"
  This message will be produced when NAR is submitting a transfer-in or transfer-out transaction to the RPS. A paylist change transaction is utilized for transfers within NAR.
  4.16 Conversion
    The CRA employee accounts will be moved from the six pay masters to the new pay master 03 effective April 2006 business using a bulk transfer process. All transactions on the TDB will be moved, as well as the relevant Salary Service History, Free Form Text and Audit information. Cancelled cheques that were originally issued under one of the six pay masters will be automatically processed under pay master 03 without CRA or pay office intervention. The RSO security access to the CRA (NAR) accounts will be established at the time of implementation. The CRA security for on-line access will be the responsibility of the CRA Human Resources Branch. Set-up of the new security access must be completed by March 20, 2006.
    The SORs for calendar year 2006, printed in 2007, will be issued under the new pay master 03. Amendments requested for taxation year 2005 or earlier that are required after March 2006, will be processed under the new master by the servicing RSO. These amendments will be mailed to the employee's address. The RSOs are reminded to take special care when inserting manual SORs to ensure that the mailing address appears correctly in the envelope window. The RSOs are to use the envelopes provided for the CRA SORs when mailing the manual SOR amendments after April 2006. The manual amendments are to be mailed to the employee's address from the RPS MER.
  4.17 Implementation
    The new CRA pay master and related functionality will be implemented March 20, 2006, for April 2006 business. The RPS, the Central Index System, the Contributor Inquiry System and the Estimate of Cost applications will be unavailable during the conversion scheduled from March 17, 2006, to March 19, 2006, inclusive. A broadcast message will be issued in early March to remind clients of these dates.

  5.1 Any inquiries on the information contained in this document should be addressed to your PWGSC Compensation Services Office.

Original Signed by
G. Sherman

G. Sherman
Compensation Sector
Accounting, Banking and Compensation