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Ref: 860-379/02

1998 Conference of Provincial-Territorial Ministers responsible for Local Government
Edmonton, Alberta - August 10-12, 1998

Edmonton, August 12, 1998 -- The 1998 conference of provincial and territorial ministers responsible for local government concluded in Edmonton today. Hosted by Alberta Municipal Affairs Minister Iris Evans, the annual conference provided an opportunity for ministers from across the country to discuss key issues facing their ministries.

The Ministers discussed the importance of infrastructure so that communities throughout the country can accommodate the pressures of changing needs.

The Ministers agreed that the conference chairperson communicate to the federal minister responsible for housing an urgent request for a meeting with the provincial and territorial ministers responsible for housing to discuss the federal negotiating mandate, framework and long-term implications for the transfer of responsibility for social housing to the provinces and territories.

As part of a discussion led by Ontario and Nova Scotia on coordinating the services and programs provided to municipalities, the Ministers agreed to expand regular communication between the provinces and territories on local government issues. The Ministers have instructed their Deputy Ministers to ensure information on common issues, new initiatives and legislative reform is exchanged on a regular basis. In this way, Ministers will be able to draw on the experience and best practices of other provinces and provide better service to the public and municipalities.

Quebec and Alberta led a discussion on fostering cooperation and coordination between neighbouring municipalities and among different levels of governments. The Ministers concluded that encouraging inter-municipal cooperation enables municipalities to deliver services to their citizens at a better cost. They talked about the importance of provincial and territorial governments encouraging dispute resolution involving development applications and appeals at the local level and putting the framework in place for municipalities to explore new service delivery options.

Manitoba presented information on alternative service delivery mechanisms used by municipalities. The Ministers discussed a wide range of non-traditional forms of service delivery made possible through enabling legislation in their provinces. Examples include: public, private and non-profit partnerships; special operating agencies; restructuring municipalities; new provincial/municipal funding arrangements; contracting out various services, and recognizing the role of volunteers. The Ministers agreed that alternative service delivery offers opportunities for all governments to deliver services to the public more efficiently, effectively and at less cost.

New Brunswick gave an overview of the general concepts of its provincial land use policies as recommended by its Commission on Land Use and the Rural Environment. These policies enable the provincial government to ensure consistency in land use plans and establish minimum standards on specific land use issues. As an example, New Brunswick presented its approach to Coastal Land Planning designed to define and protect its valuable and fragile coastal features.

Quebec and Ontario made a presentation on their experience coping with natural disasters using the example of the January 1998 ice storm. The Ministers recognized the need for all orders of government to adopt appropriate and up-to-date emergency preparedness plans and to ensure that there is proper coordination of these plans. Ministers have recommended that provincial and territorial officials should meet and review existing funding relationships and prepare for broader negotiations by provincial and territorial ministers responsible for emergency preparedness with the federal government.

The annual conference of ministers responsible for local government provides an opportunity for the provinces and territories to explore topics of common interest and to develop realistic solutions to the issues facing municipalities.

The 1999 conference will be held in the Yukon.

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For information contact:

Laurie Collins
Alberta Municipal Affairs
Telephone: (403) 427-8862


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