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PPIM 14-8-1



  To provide the detailed on-line instructions and procedures relating to the taken on strength dialogue --screen acronym "TOS'.

  TAKEN ON STRENGTH -- This screen is used to commence basic pay of an employee of a department, agency or Crown corporation paid by the PWGSC Pay System.

  FIELDS -- Following is a description of the mandatory and optional fields on the taken on strength screen AND their field relationships to a DSS-MAS 2517T where they apply.  (DSS-MAS 2517T Fields are described in PPIM sections 3-5-3 and 3-5-5).

  Selection Field x    
  PRI   Field 12 Personal Record Identifier. Prefilled from Acct --Menu.
  INIT x Field 15 Employee's Initials
  FAMILY NAME x Field 14 Employee's Official Name
  BIRTH DT x Field 16 Date of Birth
  DUAL REMUN   Field 19 Dual Remuneration Indicator
  GEO LOC x Field 20 Geographic Location Code
  PAY RATE CD x Field 21 Pay Rate Code
  MARIT STTS x Field 22 Marital Status Code
  SEX x Field 24 Sex Code
  BUD CD x Field 25 Bargaining Unit Designator Code
  BARG STTS x Field 26 Employee Status Code -- Collective Bargaining
  CLASS TITLE   Field 27 Abbreviated Class Title
  AUTH CD x Field 30 Authority for Appointment Code
  EMP TYPE CD x Field 31 Employee Type Code
  SCH WRK WK   Field 32 Scheduled Hours of Work -- Override prefilled zeros if required.
  ASG WRK WK   Field 33 Assigned Hours of Work -- Override prefilled zeros if required.
  PAY ZONE   Field 36 Pay Zone Code
  DB ELIG x Field 37 Death Benefit Status Code
  OFCL LANG   Field 54 First Official Language Code
  APPT STTS x Field 55 Appointment Status Code
  CPP/QPP STTS x Field 38 Canada Pension Plan/Quebec Pension Plan Status Code
  PENSN TYPE x Field 39 Pension Type Code
  EI STTS x Field 40 Employment Insurance Status Code
  INC TAX STTS x Field 42 Income Tax Status Code
  FED TAX EXM   Field 43 Federal Tax Exemption -- Override prefilled zeros if required.
  QUE TAX EXM ADDTNL AMT   Field 44 Quebec Tax Exemption Additional Amount --Override prefilled zeros if required.
  AREA RES x Field 46 Area of Residence Code
  DI/LTD CD x Field 47 Disability Insurance and Long-term Disability Insurance
  NEXT STAT INC   Field 50 Next Statutory Increase Date
  POS NUM   Field 52 Position Number
  POS CLASS   Field 53 Position Classification
  START CONT SERV   Field 45 Start Date of Continuous Service
  LANG PREF x Field 17 Language Preference
  EFF FR x Field 63 Effective From Date AM or PM
  RATE BASE x Field 65 Rate Base Code
  RATE   Field 66 Rate Amount
  ACCNT CDING x Field 71 Accounts Coding
  H/D/W IND   Field 67 Hours, Days and Weeks Indicator
  NUM H/D/W   Field 68 Number of Hours, Days and Weeks -- Override prefilled zeros if required
  TTL CRNT PP H/D   Field 69 Total Current Pay Period Hours and Days


  REMARKS -- Explanatory remarks relating to taken on strength that apply to on-line input should be referred to in PPIM Section 4-4-01 as follows:
  • DUAL REMUNERATION--SAME DEPARTMENT AND PAY OFFICE. Codes 027 and 002 refer to the Entitlement Commence screen.
    RETROACTIVE ADJUSTMENTS -- Departments are responsible for making retroactive adjustments to basic pay and all applicable allowances and for ensuring that all payments are timely, valid and correct.  The following notes apply:
  • Close-off Date Schedule -- The Pay Period and Close-off Date Schedule, as provided by the pay office, must be adhered to.
  • Transaction Not Processed in Intended Pay Period--If a TOS transaction is not processed in the pay period in which it was intended, the department is responsible for paying any additional retroactive basic pay entitlements. The TOS transaction can be monitored by the compensation advisor using the Transaction Date File Inquiry facility.
  • TOS in the Current Pay Period -- If the TOS is to be processed in the current pay period, then the compensation advisor must fill in the H/D/W indicator and the number of H/D/W.
  • Retroactive Adjustment -- The compensation advisor must press "lateral" to change the screen to "EAJ" for retroactive adjustments. A different "EAJ" transaction must be created for EACH pay period involved in the retroactive period. Each pay period payment of basic pay MUST contain the appropriate pay period number.
  • Retroactive Period -- In some cases the full retroactive period includes more than one pay period for which the compensation advisor would like to have a separate supplementary cheque issued. This would enable the compensation advisor to control the release of the cheques to the employee.
    - Input the retroactive period(s) up to the start of the period for which you want a separate cheque, for one update. Once the transaction status of the above reads either "In Transit" or "In History" then;
    - Input the balance of the retroactive period.
    As long as the transactions are input for separate updates, then separate cheques will be produced.
  • Deductions -- The pay office clerk will make the adjustments for ALL deductions, e.g. DB, DI, EI, union dues, etc.  These will be recovered from regular pay and NOT from supplementary pay.
  • Remark -- When a wrong PRI number is entered on the ACC Menu, i.e. a PRI for which the organization type does not match with the department code on input, message PDJ12 will only be displayed, on the TOS details screen, after all mandatory fields have been completed.

  GENERAL -- The standard procedures relating to all Pay and Benefits screens are described in PPIM Section 14-1. Specific procedures relating to this "TOS" screen are as follows:
  • OBTAIN a PRI from the Central Index System if the employing department has converted to PRI.
  • COMPLETE the mandatory and optional fields.
  • PRESS "Enter" key to process the transaction data.
  • CROSS-REFERENCE the source documents with the Transaction-Sequence Number.
  • LATERAL to "EAJ" screen if required.

Last Update: October 2006

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