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PPIM 4-4-01



    To commence basic pay (open an account) of an employee of a department, agency or Crown corporation paid by the Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Pay System.
  COMPLETE MANDATORY fields (DSS-MAS 2517-T or PWGSC-TPSGC 2517-1 (PDF 441k )). SEE NOTES for explanation.
  01 Mandatory.
  05 Mandatory.
  06 Mandatory.
  09 Mandatory.
  10 Mandatory.
  11 Mandatory.
  12 Mandatory.

INSERT the employee's Personal Record Identifier (PRI), use leading zero to fill all nine spaces.

Note: Clients who input by batch and who have converted to PRI, but do not know the individual's PRI, should leave this field BLANK. In such cases, upon receipt of the batched taken on strength (TOS) transactions, the pay and pension agent will be responsible for inserting the PRI and advising the client of the individual's PRI.
  13 Mandatory.
  14 Mandatory.
  15 Mandatory.
  16 Mandatory.
  17 Mandatory.

INSERT language preference code 1 or 2.
  19 COMPLETE ONLY if the employee is receiving dual remuneration, i.e. two regular pay cheques concurrently from a PWGSC pay office (if from the same department and pay office, REFER to Remark 5).
  20 Mandatory.
  21 Mandatory.

INSERT the appropriate Pay Rate Code. REFER to the Decision Table in Section 3-5-4 of the Personnel-Pay Input Manual (PPIM), if necessary.
  22 Mandatory.
  24 Mandatory.
  25 Mandatory.
  26 Mandatory.
  27 COMPLETE for all employees EXCEPT for BUD codes with NO classification title.
  30 Mandatory.
  31 Mandatory.

INSERT the appropriate employee type code. If the employee is TOS solely for the purpose of paying a retroactive pay adjustment, INSERT code "X".

Note: USE employee type "M" for the Ab Initio (non employees) in BUD 99400.
  32 INSERT the employee's SCHEDULED HOURS OF WORK in a work week as defined in the applicable terms and conditions of employment. LEAVE blank for an employee who does NOT have scheduled hours of work defined in his terms and conditions of employment, i.e. Bargaining Unit Designator (BUD) groups 607, 657 and 996.
  33 INSERT the HOURS OF WORK ASSIGNED to the employee. This field must always be blank for BUD groups 607, 657 and 996. LEAVE blank also if the assigned hours are the same as those in Field 32.
  35 Mandatory.
  36 COMPLETE only for those groups and subgroups shown in the instructions for Field 36. If an employee is TOS after having been struck off strength (SOS) from a group shown in the instructions for field 36, INSERT "DEL" to delete the old pay zone code.
  37 Mandatory.
  38 Mandatory.
  39 Mandatory.

INSERT the appropriate pension type code. If TOS solely for the purpose of paying a retroactive pay adjustment and the employee is NOT entitled to receive an annuity, INSERT code 59.

Note: USE pension type "59" for the Ab Initio (non employees) in BUD 99400.
  40 Mandatory.
  42 Mandatory.
  43 COMPLETE only for those employees who have Special Exemption from Revenue Canada under Section 153(1.1) "UNDUE HARDSHIP" of the Income Tax Act or Taxable Benefit for Housing.
  44 COMPLETE ONLY for those employees who have a Special Exemption from the Quebec Provincial Income Tax as reported on line 17 of the TPD-IV (89-01) form.
| 45 INSERT the start date of continuous service or date of initial appointment, as applicable, for employees subject to the Terms and Conditions of Employment Regulations.
  46 Mandatory.
  47 Mandatory.

INSERT Code 1 or 2, as applicable, if the employee is required to contribute to Disability Insurance (DI) or Long-term Disability Insurance (LTD) effective the month of TOS. Insert code "6" (LTD Management Category), if the employee is in the Management Category and is entitled to one hundred percent employer-paid LTD premiums. If the effective date is subsequent to the month of TOS, INSERT Code "3" (non-contributor). REPORT a pay action code (PAC) 12, Status/Field Change on a separate input form to change the code value to 1 or 2, as applicable, when the employee becomes eligible to contribute. SUBMIT the 12AF47 action on a separate input form, timed to arrive when the pay office is processing the pay period during which the EFFECTIVE FROM, AM/PM date falls.
  50 COMPLETE ONLY if the employee is entitled to a future statutory pay increase in accordance with the employee's terms and conditions of employment.
  52 Mandatory.

COMPLETE for all employees (EXCEPT exempt departments who are not required to fill Field 52).
  53 COMPLETE for all employees, EXCEPT for those with BUD Codes 700 to 814 and 879 to 999 and term employees appointed for six months or less. (DO NOT use the Department Code from Field 10 for Branch in Field 52.)
  54 Mandatory.

INSERT the First Official Language Code 1 or 2 (except for exempt departments).
  55 Mandatory.

INSERT the Appointment Status two-digit Code, in relation to the position (exceptions are the same as for field 52).
  80 COMPLETE only if there is an amount on lines 7 and 12 of the TD1.
  81 INSERT the Net Claim amount (Line 12) less the amounts reported on lines 7 and 12 of the TD1. Leave blank if Field 42 equals 2 or 4.
  60 INSERT PAC "01".
  61 INSERT Modifier "C".
  62 INSERT Entitlement Code "001" (Basic Pay).
  63 INSERT the EFFECTIVE FROM, AM/PM date on which basic pay commences. This is the date on which the employee's entitlement to pay starts or the date entitlement to pay would start had he not been granted leave without pay. Note that for a STANDARD WORK WEEK employee, the Effective From date must NOT be a Statutory Holiday, Saturday or Sunday.
  65, 66 INSERT the Rate Base and Rate of basic pay as applicable to the employee's terms and conditions of employment.
  67, 68 INSERT the total number of entitlement hours or days (including leave without pay) in the employee's INITIAL pay period. (A pay period is equal to the Pay Cycle code recorded in Field 35.) Always report in hours for employees whose pay is calculated by the pay office on the basis of hours, i.e. part-time employees or employees working irregular shifts, (e.g. Firefighters BUD 602/652). LEAVE blank for an employee paid by time summary reporting.
  71 INSERT the accounts coding for basic salary. This field is not required for Financial Information Strategy (FIS) departments that have decided to maintain their financial coding within their own Departmental Financial Management System.
  72 If the employee has had PREVIOUS GOVERNMENT SERVICE, INSERT remarks to identify this fact; e.g. from Armed Forces -- on leave pending retirement (give leave expiry date); receiving an Armed Forces pension; from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP); from other government pay system or previously paid through the Regional Pay System - SOS reason 19 (give previous Dept/Paylist/PRI). GIVE pertinent information such as dates of service, name of pay office, etc. LEAVE blank if appropriate.

Note: When there is a "blanket authority" for other than the minimum salary rate, INSERT the applicable TB Minute Number in Field 72.

Note: PUT the above mentioned information in Free Form Text (FFT) when working with the on-line pay system. This can only be done once the system has updated the TOS. Please inform the pay office by fax or e-mail that information has been input in FFT for this employee.

1. ENTITLEMENTS. To commence any entitlement other than Basic Pay, REFER to Pay Action Code 18-- Entitlements. REFER to PPIM Section 4-4-18-3-1.
2. DEDUCTIONS. To commence any deductions, excluding the STATUTORY DEDUCTIONS noted in the status portion of the DSS-MAS 2517-T or PWGSC-TPSGC 2517-1, REFER to PPIM Section 4-4-16-1. Deductions that commence in the future must be reported on a separate input form and sent to the pay office timed to arrive when the pay office is processing the pay period during which the EFFECTIVE FROM AM/PM falls.
4. SUPERANNUATION -- CONTRIBUTORS. If the employee being TOS is eligible to contribute to Public Service Superannuation Plan, an automated screening process in the Contributor System eliminates the requirement for other documentation. For details see Section 2-1-1.0 of the Superannuation Procedures Manual for Personnel Offices Serviced by the Regional Pay System (PER).
5. DUAL REMUNERATION - DEDENT CODE 027, DUAL REMUNERATION. Used to identify and pay the second salary of an employee who is holding a position and is appointed to a second position with the same department and the same pay office. For the purposes of this instruction the employee's original position, i.e. that position currently on the Master Employee Record (MER), is referred to as the regular position and the other position as being the secondary position. When an employee is to be paid on both the regular and secondary positions, proceed as follows:
-- USE a PAC 05 to change the Assigned Work Week (Field 33), Death Benefit (Field 37), Superannuation (Field 39), if required;
-- USE APPROPRIATE PAC to change other fields, if required;
-- USE a PAC 18C027 to commence the entitlement (salary) for the secondary position (a position NOT identified on the MER) if subject to superannuation OR USE a PAC 18C232 if the salary of the second position is not subject to superannuation, as follows:
  -- INSERT a Rate Base in Field 65 that is the same as Field 35 for the regular position, i.e. 3, 6 or 7.
  -- CALCULATE and INSERT in Field 66 the appropriate pay period amount of salary for the secondary position, e.g. annual rate ÷ 26.088 prorated by the assigned work week in the secondary position.
  -- LEAVE Fields 67 and 68 blank.
  -- DO NOT CHANGE the Dual Remuneration Code status in Field 19--should be blank.
  Note 1: This procedure will adjust the MER to reflect the employee's salary for the reduced hours in the regular position with the salary in the secondary position being paid as an additional entitlement based on the regular position.
  Note 2: If the employee is being paid by Time Summary, CALCULATE the entitlement to Code 027 as a lump sum amount and INPUT a PAC 18C027 with the PAC 33 on the same pay cycle basis.
  When retroactive adjustments are required as a result of the signing of a collective agreement, adjustments must be made manually for dual remuneration as follows:
-- INPUT a PAC 18A027 to adjust the employee's basic rate.
-- INSERT in Field 72 (Remarks) -- REVISION PURPOSES.
  Note: PUT the information in Free Form Text (FFT) when working with the on-line pay system.
-- INPUT the appropriate entitlement codes for the retroactive adjustments described in the collective agreement.
6. SPECIFIED PERIOD APPOINTMENTS DURING EXTENDED PERIODS OF LWOP. If an employee is being hired in a term position and that employee is indeterminate on leave without pay, REFER to PPIM Section 5-10.
7. TOS SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF PAYING A RETROACTIVE ADJUSTMENT. When an employee is taken on strength for the purpose of retroactive pay adjustments, ensure that the SOS transaction is processed after the TOS transaction, but prior to the PAC 18 transaction requesting the payment of the retroactivity.
  For all department NAR (departmental acronym for the Canada Revenue Agency) employees, a valid mailing address and Direct Deposit (DD) bank transit information for both regular pay and supplementary pay are required.
  When a PAC 01 is processed by the Salary/Service History Update Program:
- It creates new lines for each record type if there is no existing account.
- If the account already exists, a new line will be created for every record type showing the new status of the account; the existing line having been closed by the prior SOS action.
- If the account already exists in either T-SOS (T) or Active (X) status within the same pay office and department, the system will produce reject message Q21 "Account already exists on S/S".
- If the account already exists in SOS (S) status within the same pay office and department and the TOS effective date is prior to the SOS effective date, the system will produce reject message Q38 "TOS Prior to SOS on S/S".

Last Update: October 2006

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