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PSS 2-2



    The ACCOUNT SELECTION screen prompts the user to enter either the Personal Record Identification (PRI) or the superannuation number, but not both. A user may review all accounts for a specific paylist(s) that require error correction to either salary, leave without pay (LWOP) or service data by inputting the department, pay office and paylist.
    This screen is used to identify the employee's account on which you wish to perform one or more of the following activities:
  • provide a pension quotation;
  • provide a transfer value estimate;
  • verify the transfer value amount for payment issue (Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector only);
  • correct rejected transactions;
  • release salary/service information to Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector.

    The ACCOUNTS IN ERROR screen displays a list of accounts containing outstanding SALARY, LWOP or SERVICE rejected batch update transactions. This list is for a specific paylist or for all the paylists to which you have access depending upon the request made on the ACCOUNT SELECTION screen. Accounts are displayed in PRI or paylist order.
    At this screen you will be able to select a reject type and the appropriate SALARY, LWOP or SERVICE maintenance screen for that account will appear. When these screens are present the appropriate error corrections are to be made for the account. On return to this screen the remaining accounts with outstanding rejects will be listed.

    The PENSION REQUEST screen displays data extracted from the Contributor System (which cannot be changed) and provides for manually input data that can be used in a Pension Quotation calculation or a Transfer Value calculation. " What if " scenarios affecting salary and service data calculations which in turn will impact benefit calculations can be included. This manipulated data is retained for an indefinite period of time.
    This screen is also the only screen where a SUBMIT command can be entered. This command triggers an Entitlement calculation, based on data resident on the Contributor System database, and the results are automatically printed in the Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector.
    Whenever this command is entered Termination Date, Submit Reason and Contact Information fields must all be completed.

    This field provides a choice of numeric codes which are used to identify the purpose for the issuance of salary/service data to Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector.
    Use where there is a breakdown of marriage or common-law relationship.
    To process this type of case the START DATE and TERMINATION DATE fields must be completed. The fields represent the start and end dates of the period subject to DIVISION or COHABITATION specified in the court order or spousal agreement.
    Note: As a minimum, all salary records between the START and TERMINATION dates must be verified before a SUBMIT command will be accepted. However, if the best six years cover a period prior to the START DATE, then those salary records must also be verified as the system will automatically determine the best six years from the termination date entered.
    Use where the employee's classification is "FIREFIGHTER".
    Note: If there is a part-time election on the database, all salary records must be verified before the SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    RETIREMENT (Code = 03)
    Use for retirement cases where retirement is more than 1 month in the future, within 30 days, or the date of retirement has already occurred.
    Note: If there is a part-time election on the database, all salary records must be verified before the SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    TRANSFER VALUE (Code = 04)
    Use for cases where the employee is requesting a transfer value payment to be issued by the Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector. Refer to Superannuation Administration Manual (SAM) Section 4.3.6.
    Note: If there is a part-time election on the database, all salary records must be verified before a SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    DEATH IN SERVICE (Code = 05)
    Use where an allowance is payable to the employee's surviving spouse and/or children or where no eligible survivors (refer to SAM Section 5.1.1) are entitled to an allowance and the 5-year minimum guaranteed benefit would be applicable (refer to SAM Section 5.3.4).
    Note: If there is a part-time election on the database, all salary records must be verified before the SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    Use where an employee cannot acquire 2 years of pensionable service and is entitled to a benefit based on 33 years service under either the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act (CFSA) or Royal Canadian Military Police Superannuation Act (RCMPSA).
    All salary records from the date of becoming a contributor to the termination date or date of 35 years of service whichever is earlier, must be verified before using the SUBMIT command.
    Use for cases where the employee is requesting a transfer of contributions under a Reciprocal Transfer Agreement (RTA).
    Note: All salary records must be verified before a SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    DEFERRED ANNUITY (Code = 08)
    Use where the employee has requested or is deemed to have chosen a deferred annuity (an employee has not made an option within the "one year option period" following struck off strength). Refer to SAM Section 4.1.3.
    Note: If there is a part-time election on the database then all salary records must be verified before the SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    DEFERRED OPTION (Code = 09)
    Use where an employee stopped working for the public service and is no longer subject to the Public Service Superannuation Act and has started working for a newly privatized organization.
    Note: Once the employee terminates employment with the new private organization, he will then be able to combine the two periods of service and opt for the eligible option on that date.
  | Use for cases where the employee has opted to transfer his pension service credits to an approved employer under the terms of a pension transfer agreement (PTA).
    The SALARY MAINTENANCE screen displays the historical salary data that is resident on the Contributor System database along with any corrections previously made. All data is displayed in chronological order with the most current salary first.
    This screen is used to correct any historical salary data or batch update rejects. Salary records with an effective date in the future cannot be input on this screen; however, projected future salaries can be input on the Pension Request screen. Any additions or modifications to a salary record will be stored as a separate transaction with the original record remaining as is. Modifications can be applied to the database but are subject to verification. This data is used in the average salary calculation.
    The following actions can be performed on this screen:
    A (AMEND) - for the modification of all fields of a historical salary record except for the E/D/A Code, FROM/TO dates and PO/DPT fields;
    D (DELETE) - for the deletion of a historical salary record;
    C (COMMENCE) - for the creation of a missing salary record - the commence of a new record can only be performed on the last line of this screen;
    P (PURGE) - for the deletion of an amended, deleted or commenced salary record.

    The LWOP MAINTENANCE screen displays the historical LWOP service records that are resident on the Contributor System database along with any corrections previously made. All data is displayed in chronological order with the most current LWOP service record first.
    This screen is used to correct any historical LWOP service record or batch update rejects. Any additions or modifications to a LWOP record will be stored as a separate transaction with the original record remaining as is. Modifications can be applied to the database but are subject to Verification. This data is used in the calculation of the Total Pensionable Service credit. All non-pensionable/non-countable LWOP records must be verified before a SUBMIT command can be input.
    The following actions can be performed on this screen:
    A (AMEND) - for the modification of all fields of a historical LWOP record except for the FROM/TO dates and PO/DPT fields;
    D (DELETE) - for the deletion of a historical LWOP record;
    C (COMMENCE) - for the creation of a missing LWOP record - the commence of a new record can only be performed on the last line of this screen;
    P (PURGE) - for the deletion of an of amended, deleted or commenced LWOP record.

    The SERVICE MAINTENANCE screen displays the historical service data that is resident on the Contributor System database along with any corrections previously made. All data is displayed in chronological order with the most current service record first.
    This screen is used to correct any historical service record. Any additions or modifications to a service record will be stored as a separate transaction with the original record remaining as is. Modifications can be applied to the database but are subject to Verification. This data is used in calculating the Total Pensionable Service credit. ALL SERVICE RECORDS MUST BE VERIFIED BEFORE A SUBMIT command will be accepted.
    The following actions can be performed on this screen:
    A (AMEND) - for the modification of all fields of a service record except for the FROM/TO dates fields;
    D (DELETE) - for the deletion of a historical service record;
    C (COMMENCE) - for the creation of a missing service record - the commence of a new record can only be performed on the last line of this screen;
    P (PURGE) - for the deletion of an amended, deleted or commenced service record.

    The ELECTED SERVICE screen displays the Elective/Non-Elective service records that are currently recorded on the Contributor System database. All data is displayed in chronological order with the most current Elective/Non-elective service record first. Any discrepancies should be reported to Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector.
    The records displayed are used in the calculation of the total pensionable service credit and the resulting benefit calculations performed for pension estimate purposes.
    The following actions can be performed on this screen:
    A (AMEND) - for the modification of an "elected service" field record;
    D (DELETE) - for the deletion of a historical elected service record;
    P (PURGE) - for the deletion of an amended elected service record.

    The PENSION CALCULATION screen is used to display the Pension Quotation resulting from the CALC command. The results of this calculation are based on Contributor System database records and any changes that were made to salary, LWOP and service data. It also includes any projected salary or additional service input on the Pension Request screen. This screen indicates the type of benefit payable and the effective dates of such payments.
    This screen is to be printed and given to the employee along with the AVERAGE SALARY DETAIL screen and the remarks that are identified. Those remarks are intended as a counseling tool.

    The AVERAGE SALARY DETAIL screen displays the salary data that was used in the average salary calculation. This data is a combination of the salary recorded on the Salary Maintenance screen as well as the Projected Salary from the Pension Request screen (if input).
    This screen is used as an audit trail of the salaries used in the average salary calculation. The Average Salary Detail screen is to be printed and given to the employee along with the Calculation screen and the pertinent Remarks identified on that screen.

    The TRANSFER VALUE REQUEST screen displays data extracted from the Contributor System (which cannot be changed) that is used in the calculation of a transfer value amount. It also provides the capability to bypass the automatic deferred annuity benefit calculation by permitting the manual input of benefit information and/or return of contributions (ROC) information. The capability to input pension division data is restricted to Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector personnel only.

    The TRANSFER VALUE CALCULATION screen is used to display the resulting TRANSFER VALUE amounts as the result of a CALC command from the Transfer Value Request screen. The calculations are based on Contributor System database records and any changes that were made to salary, LWOP and service data. They also include any paid-up elective service credit, if applicable.
    This screen is intended to be printed and given to the employee when a transfer value estimate is performed.

    The TRANSFER VALUE AVERAGE SALARY DETAIL screen displays the salary data used in calculating the average salary for determining a Deferred Annuity benefit. This data is based on the salary data on the Contributor System as well as any changes input via the Salary Maintenance screen.
    This screen is used by compensation advisors as an audit trail to confirm that the correct salaries were used to determine the average salary calculation for the best six consecutive years of pensionable service as calculated by the Pension Support System.

Last Update: July 2005

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