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A Back to top
A/D allowance and deduction
A/D code allowance/deduction code
ABCB  Accounting, Banking and Compensation Branch 
ACM  Association of Compensation Managers
AD&D Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance
ADI Alternative Delivery Initiative
ADM assistant deputy minister
AMPE average maximum pensionable earnings
APS Application and Program Support
ATC air traffic controller
AWW assigned work week
B Back to top
BFT Bring Forward Text
BUD Code Bargaining Unit Designator Code
BUD Group Bargaining Unit Designator Group
C Back to top
C/A indicator current arrears indicator
CAS Corporate Administrative Systems
CBT computer-based training
CCRA Canada Customs and Revenue Agency
CCSDB  Compensation Common Services Data Base
CFSA  Canadian Forces Superannuation Account
CFSS Canadian Forces Superannuation System
CIS Central Index System
CLRB Canada Labour Relations Board
CON Contributions Fund
CoPSDP Centralization of Pension Services Delivery Project
COTS commercial off-the shelf software
CPI Compensation Productivity Initiative
CPP Canada Pension Plan
CRA Canada Revenue Agency (used when not in legal document, contract, etc.)
CRF Consolidated Revenue Fund
CSB Canada Savings Bonds
CSCD Consolidated Systems Control Division
CSO  compensation services office
CSSA  Civil Service Superannuation Act
CSSRA Civil Service Superannuation and Retirement Act
D Back to top
D/E code deduction/entitlement code
DAR Deduction Arrears screen
DBM Data Base Master
DCP Dental Care Plan
DED deduction
DEDENT deduction/entitlement
DFMS  Departmental Financial Management System
DFT direct funds transfer
DI Disability Insurance
DIP Disability Insurance Plan
DSPCA  Defence Services Pension Continuation Act
E Back to top
EAR Error Analysis Report
EDA entitlement/deduction/adjustment
EDI Early Departure Incentive
EDP extra duty pay
EDR Employee Detail Record
EETP  Executive Employment Transition Policy
EI employment insurance
EIP Employment Insurance Plan
EL educational leave
ELF Electronic Forms Application
ENA Entitlement - Amend
ENC Entitlement - Commence
ENR Entitlement - Recovery
ENT Entitlement
ERI  Early Retirement Incentive
ESA Enterprise Security Administration
ESTEL  Estimate and Election System
F Back to top
FAA Financial Administration Act
FFT free form text
FIS Financial Information Strategy
FSNA Federal Superannuates National Association
FTE full-time equivalent
G Back to top
GAPDA Garnishment, Attachment and Pension Diversion Act
GECA  Government Employees Compensation Act
GEOLOC Geographic Location Code
GLC Geographic Location Code
GLCF Geographic Location Control File
GLCF Geographic Location Control File
GoC Government of Canada
GOS Government Operational Service
GOS ABCB Government Operational Service has been changed to  Accounting, Banking and Compensation Branch
GTIS Government Telecommunications and Informatics Services
GTIS change to TIRM Government Telecommunications and Informatics Services has been changed to Telecommunications and Informatics Resource Management (TIRM)
H Back to top
H/D/W hours/days/weeks
HOC House of Commons
HQ Headquarter
HRDC Human Resources Development Canada
I Back to top
IAM Insurance Administration Manual
IAN Individual Agency Number
IOCF/ PECF Iintegrated On-line Control File/Pay Expenditure Control File
ITA Income Tax Act
J Back to top
JAD Joint Application Design
JAD session Joint Application Design session
L Back to top
LIA leave with income averaging
LTD Long-term Disability Insurance
LTDIP Long-term Disability Insurance Plan
LWOP leave without pay
M Back to top
MER Master Employee Record
MFE Master File Expansion
MOU memorandum of understanding
MP Member of Parliament
MPRAA Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act
MPRP Members of Parliament Retirement Plan
MRQ ministère du Revenu du Québec
N Back to top
N.L. Newfoundland and Labrador (for Canada Post use NL)
National Life National Life Assurance Company of Canada
NCA National Capital Area
NCR National Capital Region
NSWW non-standard work week
Nun. Nunavut (NU for Canada Post only)
O Back to top
OAG Office of the Auditor General of Canada
OASP Old Age Security Program
OPO other pay office
P Back to top
PA pension adjustment, pension adjustment amount
PAC pay action code
PACF Paylist/Address Control File
PAD Payroll Accounting Division (was formerly Payroll Accounting Office)
PAO Payroll Accounting Office (title of the manual)
PAO Payroll Accounting Office
PAR pension adjustment reversal
PBDA Pension Benefits Division Act
PBDS Pension Benefits Division System
PCF Process Control File
PDR pension data repository
PDSP Pensioners' Dental Services Plan
PER Superannuation Procedures Manual for Personnel Offices Serviced by the Regional Pay System
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PL paylist
PMR Problem Management Report
PO pay office  Note:  If you are referring to a particular pay office (e.g. Pay Office 35) you should use capitals.
POP Pay Office Procedures Manual
PP pay period
PPIM Personnel-Pay Input Manual
PRCF Pay Rates Control File
PRDB Payment Register Data Base
PRI Personal Record Identifier
PRL pre-retirement leave was changed to pre-retirement transition leave but in the systems we still use the acronym for PRL
PRLIP Post-Retirement Life Insurance Plan for Public Service Managers
PRTL pre-retirement transition leave
PSC Superannuation Procedures Manual - Public Service Corporations
PSDBA Public Service Death Benefit Account
PSDCP Public Service Dental Care Plan
PSEA Public Service Employment Act
PSHCP Public Service Health Care Plan
PSLRA Public Service Labour Relations Act
PSLRB Public Service Labour Relations Board
PSMIP Public Service Management Insurance Plan
PSPA past service pension adjustment
PSPF Public Service Pension Fund
PSPIBA Public Service Pension Investment Board Act
PSPP Public Service Pension Plan
PSS Pension Support System
PSSA Public Service Superannuation Account
PSSA Public Service Superannuation Act
PSSP Public Service Superannuation Plan
PSSP (use PSPP) Public Service Superannuation Plan (use Public Service Pension Plan)
PSSR Public Service Superannuation Regulations
PSSRA Public Service Staff Relations Act
PSSRA (PSLRA) Public Service Staff Relations Act (replaced by Public Service Labour Relations Act)
PSSS Public Service Superannuation System
PSTCE Public Service Terms and Conditions of Employment
PTA pension transfer agreement
PWGSC Public Works and Government Services Canada
Q Back to top
QA quality assurance
QPIP Quebec Parental Insurance Plan
QPP Quebec Pension Plan
QRLSP qualifying retroactive lump sum payment
R Back to top
RCA retirement compensation arrangement
RCA Retirement Compensation Arrangement
RCAA Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account
RCMPPPS Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pay and Pension Systems
RCMPSA Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Account
RCMPSA Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act
REL 1 Revenu d'emploi et revenus divers (Relevé 1)
REL 2 Relevé 2
RE-TOS retaken on strength
ROC return of contributions
ROE record of employment
RPIS Regional Pay Interface System
RPP registered pension plan
RPS Regional Pay System
RRSP registered retirement savings plan
RSO regional services office
RTA reciprocal transfer agreement
S Back to top
SACO security access control officer
SAM Superannuation Administration Manual
SDB Supplementary Death Benefit
SDBA Supplementary Death Benefit Account
SDBA Supplementary Death Benefit Act
SDBP Supplementary Death Benefit Plan
SFL self-funded leave
SIN social insurance number
SISIP Service Income Security Insurance Plan
SMIRS Superannuation Master Index Retrieval System
SOS struck off strength
SPS Standard Payment System
SPTCSS Superannuation Directorate changed to Superannuation, Pension Transition and Client Services Sector in March 2004
SRAA Special Retirement Arrangements Act
SRBA Supplementary Retirement Benefits Account
SRBA Supplementary Retirement Benefits Act
SS stand-alone systems (or standalone systems)
SSH salary/service history
SSP Salary/Service - Pay
SWW scheduled work week
SWW standard work week
T Back to top
T3-RCA Part XI.3 Tax Return - Retirement Compensation Arrangement (RCA) (T3-RCA)
T4 Statement of Remuneration Paid (T4)
T4 - amend. Statement of Remuneration Paid (T4) - amendment
T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income (T4A)
T4A -amend. Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income (T4A) - amendment
T5 Statement of Investment Income (T5)
T5  - amend. Statement of Investment Income (T5) - amendment
TBD to be determined
TBS Treasury Board Secretariat
TDB transaction data base
TIM Time Summary
TIN Transfer-in
TIRM Telecommunications and Informatics Resource Management
TONI Tax on Income System
TOS taken on strength
TOU Transfer-out
T-SOS temporarily struck off strength
TV transfer value
U Back to top
UCS Universal Classification Standard
W Back to top
WCA Workers' Compensation Act (used to be Workmen's Compensation Act)
WCB Workers' Compensation Board  For Quebec: Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail du Québec
WFAD Work Force Adjustment Directive
WWW World Wide Web
Y Back to top
YMPE yearly maximum pensionable earnings
YMPE Year's Maximum Pensionable Earnings
YTD year to date