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Putting Canada First




1.1 Definitions In this Implementation Agreement:

"Activities and Expenditures Plan" refers to the plan set out in Annex D and as provided for under clause 29.1;

"administration" or "administering" or "administered" or "administer" means the practical management or delivery of a given program or activity by Canada, the Province or a third party, but does not include agricultural policy decisions or direction adopted jointly by Canada and the Province;

"Advance Payments Program" means the program provided for in Part One of the federal Agricultural Marketing Programs Act;

"Common Goals" means the Common Goals described in clauses 15, 20, 24, 28 and 33 of the Framework Agreement;

"Federal and Provincial Measures Plan" refers to the plan set out in Annex E and as provided for under clause 29.2;

"Federal Minister" means the federal Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food;

"Federal Spending Target" means the target for Canada's funding under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement, as determined under clause 5.4;

"Implementation Measure" means a measure included in clauses 18, 22, 26, 30, and 35 of the Framework Agreement;

"Independent Review Committee" means a committee constituted under clause 5.7 or 5.8;

"Management Committee" means the body established under clause 3.2 of this Implementation Agreement;

"Margin Decline Ratio" means the Margin Decline Ratio as defined in the NISA Agreement;

"Maximum Coverage Level" means the Maximum Coverage Level as defined in the NISA Agreement;

"NISA Agreement" means the Federal-Provincial Agreement Re-Establishing the Net Income Stabilization Account Program, attached as Annex A to this Implementation Agreement and as amended from time to time;

"NISA program" means the program established by the NISA Agreement, or a program which meets the requirements of clause 13.1.1;

"NLWIS program" means the federal National Land and Water Information Service program;

"Other Program" means an other program as defined in clause 1.1 of the Framework Agreement;

"Province" means the Province of Ontario;

"Provincial Legislature" means the Legislative Assembly of Ontario;

"Provincial Minister" means the Minister of Agriculture and Food;

"Record" means a written account, in printed or electronic form, of some act, court proceeding, transaction, or instrument relating to matters included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan and designed to remain a memorial or permanent evidence of the matters to which it relates;

"Regular Basis" means on an at least an annual basis or, with the agreement of both Parties, a frequency that is mutually convenient to the Parties;

"Risk Management Program Set" means the NISA program, production insurance, and the Advance Payments Program; and

"Targets and Indicators" means the Targets and Indicators described in clauses 16, 21, 25, 29 and 34 of the Framework Agreement and any other target or indicator adopted by the Parties.

1.2 Definition for Part One and Three For the purposes of Parts One and Three of this Implementation Agreement, the following definition applies:

"Contribution" means funding provided by a Party for a provincial or federal program or activity that is included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement. Unless expressly set out in this Implementation Agreement or agreed to by the Management Committee, a Contribution does not include:

  1. funds deposited into a trust fund or foundation, except to the extent that those funds are spent on matters covered by the Framework Agreement and counted as a Contribution in the fiscal year in which they are actually spent;
  2. interest rate subsidies and other input subsidies;
  3. funds provided for programs relating to income assistance, other than assessment programs provided through consultation services and training for transition purposes and programs covered in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement;
  4. funds provided to university chairs;
  5. funds provided to programs established specifically for the purpose of bio-terrorism prevention;
  6. subsidies for farm labour costs;
  7. the value of in-kind resources;
  8. program development costs; and
  9. capital expenditure costs.

1.3 Framework Agreement definitions The definitions contained in Parts One and Two of the Framework Agreement have the same meaning in this Implementation Agreement, unless otherwise indicated.

1.4 Exception Notwithstanding clause 1.1, the definitions set out in that clause do not apply in respect of Annexes A, B and C of this Implementation Agreement, unless otherwise indicated.

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2.1 Purpose In accordance with clause 5.4 of the Framework Agreement, the purpose of this Implementation Agreement is

2.1.1 to describe the programs and activities that are to be funded by Canada and the Province and the Contributions that are to be made by each of these Parties in respect thereof;

2.1.2 to identify which Party or other body will deliver those programs and activities;

2.1.3 to set out the allocation of the funding of those programs and activities;

2.1.4 to set out the estimated cost of those programs and activities and the basis on which the actual cost of those programs and activities will be calculated and verified;

2.1.5 to set out a process by which the Parties will ensure that the funding of those programs and activities is consistent with the requirements of the Framework Agreement; and

2.1.6 to set out the mechanisms for reporting as required under clause 8 of the Framework Agreement.

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3.1 Management Committee The Parties will be assisted by a Management Committee that will have responsibility for overseeing all of the programs and activities undertaken by the Parties under this Implementation Agreement.

3.2 Composition The Federal Minister and the Provincial Minister will each appoint a delegate to be their representative on the Management Committee.

3.3 Functions The Management Committee shall ensure that the following functions are performed on an annual basis or as otherwise agreed upon by the Parties :

3.3.1 evaluate whether new Implementation Measures can be adopted by the Parties and included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan;

3.3.2 evaluate whether a federal or provincial program may be transferred between the Activities and Expenditures Plan and the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan;

3.3.3 evaluate the requirement for changes to the Implementation Agreement as a result of changing federal or provincial priorities;

3.3.4 co-ordinate activities with other departments and agencies within their respective governments to facilitate the implementation of this Implementation Agreement; and

3.3.5 recommend to the Parties any changes to the Implementation Agreement.

3.4 Powers Subject to any other requirement of this Implementation Agreement, the Management Committee, with the approval of the Federal Minister and the Provincial Minister:

3.4.1 may transfer programs and activities between the Activities and Expenditures Plan and the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan and make corresponding adjustments to the Contributions made by Canada or the Province in Schedule I of the Activities and Expenditures Plan;

3.4.2 shall confirm or vary, prior to end of each fiscal year, the budgets for the following year of the Implementation Measures that form part of the Activities and Expenditures Plan;

3.4.3 shall evaluate, at the end of each fiscal year, whether the estimated costs of the programs and activities in the Activities and Expenditures Plan are in conformity with the actual costs of the programs and activities and, if reconciliation is necessary, recommend changes to the Activities and Expenditures Plan and to the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan so as to satisfy the requirements of clauses 6.1 and 6.2 of this Implementation Agreement;

3.4.4 shall allocate funds which are carried forward under clause 7.1;

3.4.5 may determine the application of the exceptions set out in the definition of "Contribution" with respect to programs and activities included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan; and

3.4.6 may vary the cost-sharing arrangements for the Risk Management Program Set in order to ensure that the requirements of clause 3.3 of the Framework Agreement are met over the course of the Implementation Period.

3.5 Limits on Transfers The Management Committee may exercise its powers in a manner that would cause changes to the level of funding set out in the Activities and Expenditures Plan for the four types of Other Programs (namely food safety and food quality, environment, science and innovation, and renewal), within the funds available for Other Programs under this Implementation Agreement. However, the Management Committee may not exercise its powers in a manner that would cause a variance in funding for any of the four types of Other Programs that would represent more than 20 per cent of total federal and provincial funding, during the Implementation Period, for all Other Programs listed in the Activities and Expenditures Plan.

3.6 Pre-conditions to transfers Where a program is transferred to the Activities and Expenditures Plan under clause 3.4.1, the Management Committee must:

3.6.1 satisfy itself that the program meets the requirements of clause 29.1;

3.6.2 specify which Party or Parties will fund the program and in what proportion;

3.6.3 set out the estimated cost of the program; and

3.6.4 perform the duties set out in clause 8.6.2.

3.7 Procedure The Management Committee shall establish its procedure at its first meeting or at a date to be mutually agreed upon by the Parties.

3.8 Meetings The Management Committee shall meet at least once a year, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.

3.9 Decisions All decisions of the Management Committee must be unanimous.

3.10 Reporting of decisions Canada shall, no later than three months after the end of each fiscal year in the Implementation Period, report to all Parties to the Framework Agreement all decisions and changes to the Activities and Expenditures Plan and the Federal Provincial Measures Plan made by the Management Committee during the fiscal year.

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4.1 Requisite authority Canada and the Province have the necessary authority to enter into this Implementation Agreement and to bind their respective governments and, if further authority is required to give effect to this Implementation Agreement, the Parties undertake to immediately and without delay take the necessary steps to secure such authority so as to bind their respective governments to all of the terms and conditions of this Implementation Agreement.

4.2 Appropriation of funding Any Contribution by Canada under this Implementation Agreement is subject to an appropriation by Parliament in respect of that Contribution and, similarly, any Contribution by the Province under this Implementation Agreement is subject to an appropriation by the Provincial Legislature. If, at any time during the life of this Implementation Agreement, the Parliament of Canada or the Provincial Legislature amends any appropriation relating to a Contribution under this Implementation Agreement, Canada and the Province agree to make the necessary adjustments to this Implementation Agreement.

4.3 Central Agencies Any Contribution by Canada to this Implementation Agreement is subject to the policies and directions imposed on it by the Treasury Board of Canada and any of its central agencies. Any Contribution by the Province is also subject to the policies and directions imposed on it by its central agencies.

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5.1 Definition For the purposes of clause 5, "Participating Province or Territory" means a Province or Territory that is participating in the NISA program or a production insurance program.

5.2 Funding for Risk Management Programs Canada shall provide funding for the Risk Management Program Set under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement on the basis of the demand for those programs. The Province shall provide funding for risk management programs that is consistent with the requirements of clause 3 of the Framework Agreement.

5.3 NISA Program Funding For the purposes of clause 3 of the Framework Agreement and clause 5 of the Implementation Agreement, the Parties agree that funding provided for the NISA program, or through the means of the NISA program, shall be considered as funding provided during the Implementation Period if it is provided with respect to NISA program years 2003 through 2007 inclusive.

5.4 Federal Spending Target The Parties agree that the target for Canada's funding under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement for a five year period shall be:

5.4.1 $5.5 billion;

5.4.2 minus the amount of funding provided by Canada under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement in the years prior to the five year period;

5.4.3 plus the number of years Canada has provided funding under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement multiplied by $1.1 billion.

5.5 Estimating the Federal Spending Target The Federal Spending Target shall be determined according to the best available estimate of the amount specified in clause 5.4.2.

5.6 Funding Review The Parties shall, on an annual cycle, together with the other Participating Provinces or Territories, review the funding that has been required from Canada and each Province or Territory under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement, and forecast the funding that will be required over the next five years, taking into account an actuarial assessment of previous spending. The Parties, together with the other Participating Provinces or Territories, shall establish a methodology for this review by September 1, 2003, and shall engage independent experts to review the methodology.

5.7 Independent Triennial Review For the 2006 NISA program year, and each three years thereafter, an Independent Review Committee shall be constituted to consider the funding review completed under clause 5.6.

5.8 Extraordinary Review An Independent Review Committee shall be constituted at any other time if requested by Canada or at least five Participating Provinces or Territories.

5.9 Independent Review Committee A roster of individuals eligible to serve on an Independent Review Committee shall be established from time to time, according to a procedure that shall be established by Canada and the Participating Provinces or Territories by December 31, 2003. This procedure shall also provide for a method for appointing the members of an Independent Review Committee from the roster when a Committee is established under clauses 5.7 or 5.8. The roster must consist of individuals who are at arm's length from governments and from producers.

5.10 Parameter Adjustment An Independent Review Committee shall recommend to Canada and the Participating Provinces or Territories such changes to the parameters of the NISA program or production insurance program as, in the opinion of the Independent Review Committee, are required so that the forecasted spending by Canada under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement over the next five years is no greater than the Federal Spending Target. Recommended changes to the NISA program parameters may include changes to the Maximum Coverage Level as well as changes to other NISA program parameters that preserve, so far as is possible, coverage for a Margin Decline Ratio that is greater than 30 per cent.

5.11 Alternate Parameter Adjustment The Parties agree that a recommendation made by an Independent Review Committee under clause 5.10 shall be deemed to be adopted by Canada and the Participating Provinces or Territories unless Canada and the Participating Provinces or Territories adopt an alternative proposal within 60 days, under which the forecasted spending by Canada under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement over the next five years is no greater than the Federal Spending Target, in the opinion of the Independent Review Committee. An alternative proposal shall be considered adopted if supported by Canada and at least two-thirds of the Participating Provinces or Territories, representing 50 per cent of the market receipts for farming products in the most recent year for which that information is available.

5.12 Changes to parameters If an Independent Review Committee concludes that the forecasted spending by Canada under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement over the next five years is significantly less than the Federal Spending Target, the Committee shall recommend changes to the parameters of the NISA program or production insurance program that would increase the forecasted spending by Canada, so long as that forecasted spending remains no greater than the Federal Spending Target.

5.13 Adoption of changes A recommendation under clause 5.12 shall be considered adopted if supported by Canada and at least two-thirds of the Participating Provinces or Territories, representing 50 per cent of the market receipts for farming products in the most recent year for which that information is available. Canada and the Participating Provinces or Territories may adopt an alternative proposal, so long as the alternative proposal would result in forecasted spending by Canada under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement over the next five years that is no greater than the Federal Spending Target, in the opinion of the Independent Review Committee.

5.14 Provincial Funding Mechanism The Parties agree that a Province may elect to provide its funding under clause 3 of the Framework Agreement in the following manner:

5.14.1 The Province shall annually set a funding level for the purpose of this clause, which shall be at least equal to the average annual funding required from that Province, as forecasted under clause 5.6. The Province shall make an effort to set a funding level that is significantly greater than that required under this clause, in order to better manage fluctuations in the funding required from year to year, taking into account the funds available under clause 5.14.3;

5.14.2 If it appears that the funding available under 5.14.1 will not be fully spent in a year, the Management Committee for that Province may exercise the powers provided in clause 3.4.6 in order to spend that funding;

5.14.3 If the funding available under clause 5.14.1 is not wholly spent in a year, then the remainder shall be made available for future years, through a mechanism such as a reserve. The Province may establish its own mechanism for this purpose, or deposit the funds in a special purpose account in Canada's Consolidated Revenue Fund;

5.14.4 Subject to clause 5.14.5 and 5.14.6, if it appears that the funding available under 5.14.1, in addition to the funds available under clause 5.14.3, will not be sufficient in a year, the Province shall provide the additional funding that is required for that year;

5.14.5 If a Province is not able to provide sufficient additional funding for a year under clause 5.14.4, the Management Committee for that Province may exercise the powers provided in clause 3.4.6 in order to reduce the funding required from the Province for that year;

5.14.6 If no adjustment is made under clause 5.14.5, or the adjustment made under clause 5.14.5 is not sufficient to permit the Province to provide the required funding, then the Province may require that the NISA Administration prorate the Province's portion of NISA program benefits in order to reduce the required funding for that year to the funding level that the Province is able to provide, which shall be no less than the funding level chosen by the Province for that year under clause 5.14.1, plus the funding available for that year through the mechanism established under clause 5.14.3.

5.15 Variance of cost sharing arrangements The Parties agree that where the procedures set out in clause 5.14 are applied in a manner which causes a temporary deviation from the cost-sharing arrangements set out in clause 3 of the Framework Agreement, the cost sharing arrangements for future years must be varied so that the requirements of clause 3 of the Framework Agreement shall be met over the Implementation Period.

5.16 Allocation Base for Existing Programs The allocation of risk management funding for Provinces or Territories under clause 5.17 shall be determined using the following base amounts:

5.16.1 for British Columbia, $9.2 million;

5.16.2 for Alberta, $20.9 million;

5.16.3 for Saskatchewan, $17.7 million;

5.16.4 for Manitoba, $12.7 million;

5.16.5 for Ontario, $51.7 million;

5.16.6 for Quebec, $91.3 million;

5.16.7 for New Brunswick, $2.3 million;

5.16.8 for Nova Scotia, $2.3 million;

5.16.9 for Prince Edward Island, $2.7 million;

5.16.10 for each other province or territory, $0.

5.17 Annual Allocation for Existing Programs Canada shall allocate to each Province or Territory the following amounts, to be used for the purposes set out in clause 5.20, and shall add to these amounts any amounts carried forward under clause 5.18 or 7.1:

5.17.1 for 2003/04, the amount determined under clause 5.16;

5.17.2 for 2004/05, two-thirds of the amount determined under clause 5.16; and

5.17.3 for 2005/06, one-third of the amount determined under clause 5.16.

5.18 Carry Forward If the funds allocated under clause 5.17 for a Province or Territory for 2003/04 or 2004/05 are not fully utilized, the remainder shall be carried forward and added to the funds to be allocated to that Province or Territory under clause 5.17 in the following fiscal year.

5.19 Carry Forward for Other Programs If the funds allocated under clause 5.17 for a Province or Territory for 2005/06 are not fully utilized, then the remaining funds shall be used for Other Programs in such manner as Canada and the Province or Territory shall agree. Agreements entered into under this clause shall ensure that the Province or Territory provides, or has provided, funding that is equal to at least two-thirds of the funding provided by Canada under those agreements.

5.20 Federal Contribution for Existing Programs The funds allocated under clause 5.17 shall be used as a Contribution by Canada for Existing Programs listed in Annex D that have been specified as risk management programs for the purposes of clause 6 of the Framework Agreement.

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6.1 Federal funding In accordance with clause 4 of the Framework Agreement, Canada shall make a Contribution of up to $28,192,000 per fiscal year during the Implementation Period for Other Programs in the manner described in the Activities and Expenditures Plan, to which amount shall be added any funds carried forward from a previous fiscal year under this clause, or under clause 7.1. Where the total amount is not wholly expended in a fiscal year, the remainder shall be carried forward in equal amounts over the remaining years in the Implementation Period.

6.2 Provincial funding The Province shall make a Contribution under this Implementation Agreement that is consistent with the funding requirements contained in clause 4 of the Framework Agreement.

6.3 Attributing costs of national programs and activities With respect to clauses 1.0 and 4.0 of the Activities and Expenditures Plan, the Parties agree that Canada's Contribution with respect to national programs shall be pro-rated and attributed to the Province on the basis of the formula set out in clause 4.2 of the Framework Agreement, unless a different procedure is set out elsewhere in this Implementation Agreement.

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7.1 Unspent Allocations from Existing Framework In accordance with clause 3.9 of the Framework Agreement, where federal funds have been allocated to a Province under the Existing Framework, and those funds have not been fully spent under the Existing Framework, the remaining funds shall be carried forward and allocated to the Province under this Implementation Agreement. Those funds shall be added, as needed, to the funds which would otherwise be allocated to the Province under either clause 5.17 or 6.1 of this Implementation Agreement, as directed by the Management Committee.

7.2 Carry forward of provincial contributions If the Province has provided funding under the Existing Framework which exceeds the funding required under the Existing Framework, then the excess funding shall be considered a Contribution by the Province under this Implementation Agreement, up to a maximum of two-thirds of the funding provided for that Province under clause 7.1. The Provincial Contribution under this clause shall be designated for risk management programs or Other Programs in the same ratio as the funding provided under clause 7.1.


8.1 Access to documentation Subject to applicable privacy legislation, Canada and the Province shall allow the representatives of the other Party to have access to any Records, information, databases, audit and evaluation reports and other documentation relating to programs and activities described in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement. With respect to programs and activities included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement for which a federal Contribution or payment has been made, the Province shall allow the representatives of Canada to have access to any Records, information, databases, audit and evaluation reports and other documentation for the purpose of conducting an audit and evaluation, and for the verification of invoices with respect to payments made to applicants under these programs and activities as well as any other associated eligible administrative expense. Canada and the Province shall ensure that all third parties charged with the administration of a program or an activity included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement provide access to the representatives of the other Party to any Records, information, databases, audit and evaluation reports and other documentation.

8.2 Documentation Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, Canada and the Province shall keep all Records, information, databases, audit and evaluation reports and all other documentation related to a program or activity for a period of six years from the date that the program or activity is included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement. Canada and the Province shall ensure that all third parties involved in the Administration of a program or an activity related to a federal or a provincial Contribution comply with the requirements of clause 8.2.

8.3 Audit Canada or the Province, as the case may be, reserves the right at any time to conduct an audit or a series of audits of any federal or provincial program or activity included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement for which a federal or a provincial Contribution or a payment has been made in respect of that program or activity. In instances where a program or activity in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement has received a Contribution or a payment from only one of the Parties to this Implementation Agreement, that Party shall at the request of the other Party, conduct an audit or a series of audits of the said program or activity, but it must consult with the other Party on the audit methodology, timing and scope of the audit, choice of auditors, production and contents of the audit report, and terms of reference. In instances where an audit is requested by the other Party on a program or activity covered by the Activities and Expenditures Plan or Part Two of this Implementation Agreement, a copy of the audit report must be forwarded to the other Party by no later than 30 days from the date that the report has been completed. Where an audit has been jointly requested by both Parties, the costs of the audit shall be borne equally by both Parties. Where the audit has been requested by one of the Parties to this Implementation Agreement, the cost of the audit shall be borne by that Party.

8.4 Audited financial statements and statement of expenditures Each Party shall deliver to the other Party, on an annual basis, but no later than nine months after fiscal year end, audited financial statements, or an extract from the Party's audited financial statements, including a statement of expenditures, confirming the actual amounts spent by that Party under the Activities and Expenditures Plan and Part Two of this Implementation Agreement. All financial statements are subject to audit in accordance with applicable federal and provincial regulation, as the case may be.

8.5 Evaluation Canada or the Province, as the case may be, reserves the right at any time to conduct an evaluation or a series of evaluations of any federal or provincial program or activity included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement for which a federal or provincial Contribution or a payment has been made in respect of that program or activity. In instances where a program or activity in the Activities and Expenditures Plan or in Part Two of this Implementation Agreement has received a Contribution or a payment from only one of the Parties to this Implementation Agreement, that Party shall at the request of the other Party, conduct an evaluation or a series of evaluations of the said program or activity, but it must consult with the other Party on the evaluation methodology, timing and scope of the evaluation, choice of evaluators, production and contents of the evaluation report, and terms of reference. In instances where an evaluation is requested by the other Party on a program or activity covered by the Activities and Expenditures Plan or Part Two of this Implementation Agreement, a copy of the evaluation report must be forwarded to the other Party by no later than 30 days from the date that the report has been completed. Where an evaluation has been jointly requested by both Parties, the costs of the evaluation shall be borne equally by both Parties. Where the evaluation has been requested by one of the Parties to this Implementation Agreement, the cost of the evaluation shall be borne by that Party.

8.6 Data collection Subject to applicable privacy legislation, Canada and the Province agree to collect and make available, at no cost to the other Party and on a Regular Basis, all data relating to or arising out of: (a) the programs and activities included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan; (b) the NLWIS program, to the extent that the relevant data already exist; and (c) the Targets and Indicators. In so doing, the Parties agree on the following:

8.6.1 Canada and the Province shall, by no later than October 31, 2003, agree on appropriate data definitions, collection methodologies, a data model that includes the structure of data definitions and the relationships between data elements and standards for data interchange between the Parties, as well as the frequency in which the data will be made available so that all Parties to the Framework Agreement collect data in a manner that is consistent and meaningful;

8.6.2 where an additional federal or provincial program or activity is added to the Activities and Expenditures Plan, the Parties, through the Management Committee, shall develop appropriate data definitions, collection methodologies, data relationships and standards that shall be used to collect, store, access and report the required data with respect to that program or, as the case may be, the Common Goals in the Framework Agreement that the program is intended to address;

8.6.3 where the requisite data under this clause is held by another government department or other governmental body, Canada and the Province agree to work with their respective departments and other governmental bodies, to the extent possible, in securing the required data;

8.6.4 Canada and the Province shall ensure that all third parties involved in the Administration of a federal or provincial program or an activity contained in the Activities and Expenditures Plan will be subject to the requirements of this clause;

8.6.5 in instances where a third party has control over data that is relevant to the administration of a federal or provincial program or activity, the Province and Canada shall make best efforts to secure the required data.

8.7 Evaluation requirements of Existing Agreements Where an agreement between the Parties entered into under the Existing Framework contains evaluation requirements for a program, the Parties may, by exchange of letters, agree that the evaluation of that program shall take place under this Implementation Agreement instead. In that case, the provisions of clause 8 of this Implementation Agreement shall apply to that program, and the evaluation requirements of the other agreement shall be waived by the Parties.

8.8 Application of Privacy Legislation Each Party agrees to do such things as may be required to perform the obligations imposed by this Implementation Agreement in accordance with applicable privacy legislation.

8.9 Consistent Reading For the purposes of clauses 8.1 to 8.8, where clauses that deal with the same subject matter exist in Part Two or Annex C of this Implementation Agreement, clauses 8.1 through 8.8 shall apply, in whole or in part, to the extent that there is no conflict with the requirements of those other clauses, except with the consent of both Parties.

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9.1 Public information The Parties agree that all public information and advertising activities in connection with this Implementation Agreement by either or both Parties shall clearly make reference to this Implementation Agreement and shall fully and fairly reflect the Contribution of each Party.

9.2 Announcements Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, announcements involving Canada's or the Province's Contribution under this Implementation Agreement or reporting on accomplishments and results arising out of, or related to, any program or activity covered by the Activities and Expenditures Plan or Part Two of this Implementation Agreement shall be conducted as follows:

9.2.1 news releases shall be publicized and issued jointly by the Parties. To ensure proper visibility of both Parties, all joint news releases must contain quotes from the federal and provincial Minister, include the wordmark of both Parties and list a federal and provincial contact person;

9.2.2 each Party shall notify the other in a timely fashion of planned press conferences to facilitate the attendance at these press conferences of both Parties or designated alternates; and

9.2.3 in the event that a third party is involved in the administration of a program or activity that has been included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan, the Party that retains the third party to administer a program or activity shall ensure that all announcements involving Canada's and the Province's Contribution by that third party conform to the requirements of clause 9.2 herein.

9.3 Identification of Canada Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, Canada's participation in any program or activity covered by Part Two or the Activities and Expenditures Plan of this Implementation Agreement shall be identified by the prominent placement of the Government of Canada wordmark on all communications products, including but not limited to brochures, handbooks, cheques, posters, audio-visual materials, web-sites, Internet publications and other material related to the Implementation Agreement. The size of the Canada wordmark shall in no case be smaller than the provincial wordmark. The participation of the federal Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food shall be shown by the use of its departmental signature. The departmental signature shall be shown in both English and French and the predominant language in which the material is being written shall determine which language is presented first.

9.4 Identification of the Province Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, the Province's participation in any program or activity covered by Part Two or the Activities and Expenditures Plan of this Implementation Agreement shall be identified by the provincial wordmark being prominently placed on all communications products, including but not limited to brochures, handbooks, cheques, posters, audio-visual materials and web-sites, Internet publications and other material related to this Implementation Agreement. The size of the wordmark shall in no case be smaller that Canada's wordmark. A provincial ministry's participation shall be shown by the use of the ministry's signature.

9.5 Co-operation in meeting obligations The Parties agree to co-operate to discharge the obligations imposed by clauses 9.3 and 9.4 in an efficient manner. With the agreement of both Parties, communications products that do not conform with clauses 9.3 or 9.4 may continue to be distributed until stock, existing as of the date this Implementation Agreement is signed, is depleted.

9.6 Reporting requirements For the purposes of the reporting requirements contained in clause 8 of the Framework Agreement, the Parties agree on the following:

9.6.1 the Parties shall complete the reporting template attached as Schedule 2 to Annex D for each element no later than the October 31 following the end of each fiscal year of this Implementation Agreement. Canada and the Province, as the case may be, shall make available to the other Party the required template information in accordance with clause 8.6;

9.6.2 where the Parties have set Targets pursuant to the Framework Agreement or the Implementation Agreement that are to be achieved over the life of those agreements, the Parties shall, where meaningful change can be expected each year, set and report Targets yearly;

9.6.3 where yearly interim Targets would have limited value in demonstrating meaningful change, the Parties shall determine the frequency with which progress towards those Targets shall be reported;

9.6.4 where there is discretion on the Indicators that can be used by a Party under the Framework Agreement or in this Implementation Agreement, the Parties shall determine (a) the exact Indicators that will be used and (b) how these Indicators will be used by the Parties to report the progress made on the Targets;

9.6.5 where the Framework Agreement contains Indicators for which there is no widely-agreed upon measurement standard, the Parties shall determine an acceptable standard which must be consistent with the measurement standard adopted by all Parties to the Framework Agreement; and

9.6.6 where meaningful reporting on Targets and Indicators would require data that would not otherwise be collected by a Party under clause 8.6 of the Implementation Agreement, the Parties shall determine which Party will be responsible for collecting and reporting that data.

9.7 Access to information All information under this Implementation Agreement shall be treated in accordance with the requirements of applicable federal and provincial access to information and privacy legislation, as the case may be.

9.8 Bilingual communication For the purposes of clause 9, Canada and the Province recognize that all communications involving Canada must conform to the requirements of the federal Official Languages Act as well as all language policies and directions provided by the Treasury Board of Canada. All incremental costs associated with complying with clause 9.8 shall be borne by Canada.

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10.1 Duration This Implementation Agreement shall take effect April 1, 2003 and shall remain in effect until March 31, 2008 or until terminated by the Parties in accordance with clause 10.4. This Implementation Agreement may be extended on the mutual written agreement of the Parties and in accordance with the terms of the Framework Agreement.

10.2 Amendment Subject to clause 22, this Implementation Agreement may be amended in accordance with clause 10 of the Framework Agreement. For greater certainty, the exercise of powers by the Management Committee under clause 3.4 does not constitute an amendment to this Implementation Agreement.

10.3 Exception to Amendment The Parties agree that clause 10.2 does not apply in respect of the agreements attached as Annexes A, B and C of this Implementation Agreement.

10.4 Termination This Implementation Agreement, or parts thereof, may be terminated in writing by any mutually agreed upon date. In the event that there is no agreement with respect to termination, one of the Parties may terminate this Implementation Agreement, or parts thereof, in accordance with the terms for termination of the Framework Agreement.

10.5 Account balances upon termination or expiration The following terms and conditions apply upon the termination or expiration, in part or in whole, of this Implementation Agreement with respect to any account balances remaining in a program where both Canada and the Province have made a Contribution under this Implementation Agreement.

10.5.1 If the Parties do not enter into a new Implementation Agreement within six months of the termination or expiration of this Implementation Agreement, any amount of a Party's Contribution that exceeds an entitlement owing to the other Party under this Implementation Agreement and that has not been recovered by the Party shall be payable by the other Party by no later than 30 days after the amount owing to the Party has been determined and notice has been given to the other Party. Until such time as these amounts are repaid, the amount owing remains a debt to the Party; all surpluses or deficits outstanding at the time of termination shall be the responsibility of the Party that holds the account; and all assets acquired by a Party for which Contributions were made by the other Party shall be disposed of at fair market value within six months of the termination or expiration of this Implementation Agreement and the proceeds of sale shall be shared equally by the Parties, unless both Parties agree otherwise.

10.5.2 If the Parties enter into a new Implementation Agreement within six months of the expiration or termination of this Implementation Agreement, all surpluses or deficits outstanding at the time of termination relating to the parts terminated shall not be extinguished and provision shall be made for the continuation of the surplus or deficits under the new Implementation Agreement.

10.5.3 For the purposes of clause 10.5, withdrawal from the Implementation Agreement by one of the Parties constitutes termination. In the event that a third party is charged with the delivery of a federal or a provincial program or an activity that is included in the Activities and Expenditures Plan, the Party making the Contribution to the third party shall ensure that the requirements of clause 10.5 are respected by that third party before making the Contribution.

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11.1 Indemnification of the Crown The Parties Agree to indemnify each other in accordance with the following terms and conditions:

11.1.1 a Party who administers a program or activity under this Implementation Agreement shall indemnify and save harmless the other Party, its Ministers and its officers, servants and agents against all claims, demands, losses, damages, actions and other proceedings whatsoever made by any third party arising out of or related to the Administration of the program or activity;

11.1.2 in the event that a program is jointly Administered, both Parties shall be equally responsible for all claims, demands, damages, actions and losses in relation to or arising out of that program or activity;

11.1.3 unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both Parties, where a third party has been charged with Administering a program, the Party making a Contribution to the third party shall indemnify and save harmless the other Party, its Ministers and its officers, servants and agents against all claims, demands, losses, damages, actions and other proceedings made by any third party arising out of or related to the Administration of the program or activity;

11.1.4 in instances where both Parties are to make a Contribution to a third party charged with the Administration of a program or activity, the Parties must decide prior to making any such Contribution which Party will be responsible for that third party and the Party so selected shall indemnify and save harmless the other Party, its Ministers and its officers, servants and agents against all claims, demands, losses, damages, actions and other proceedings made by any third party arising out of or related to the Administration of the program or activity;

11.1.5 in the event that either Canada or the Province is named in an action or a proceeding of any nature where liability is at issue: the Party or Parties named may defend the action or proceeding in its own name; and each Party shall provide assistance to the other with respect to the action or proceeding, and refrain from conduct which would prejudice the successful conclusion of the action or proceeding; and

11.1.6 the right to indemnification under clauses 11.1.1 to 11.1.6 herein is limited in time to the relevant prescription period contained in the legislation of the Province.

11.2 Representation by a Party The Parties agree that nothing in this Implementation Agreement is to be construed as authorizing one Party to contract or to incur any obligation on behalf of the other Party, unless specifically provided for in this Implementation Agreement.

11.3 Eligibility of Members of the House of Commons No Member of the House of Commons shall be allowed to derive any financial advantage resulting from Canada's Contributions under this Implementation Agreement, that would not be permitted under the Parliament of Canada Act. Where a Province is responsible for the administration of a program under this Implementation Agreement, Canada shall provide the Province with assistance to administer this provision.

11.4 Eligibility of Members of the Provincial Legislature Members of the Provincial Legislature shall be governed by provincial conflict of interest guidelines in effect during the term of the Implementation Agreement.

11.5 Eligibility of former federal public office holders or servants Applicants who are not in compliance with federal conflict of interest guidelines in effect during the term of the Implementation Agreement shall not derive a direct benefit from Canada's Contributions under this Implementation Agreement. Where a Province is responsible for the administration of a program under this Implementation Agreement, Canada shall provide the Province with assistance to administer this provision.

11.6 Registration of lobbyists The administrator of a program funded, in part or in whole, by Canada under this Implementation Agreement shall not permit a person to lobby, as defined in the federal Lobbyists Registration Act, on behalf of an applicant in the Province, unless that person is registered pursuant to the Act. For greater clarity, this Act excludes from registration, among others, members of the Provincial Legislature or their staffs and employees of the provincial government.

11.7 Transparency The Parties agree that transparency between Canada and the Province is required to ensure that the terms of this Implementation Agreement are respected. The Parties further agree that the actions of one government often have effects on other governments, and therefore agree to give notice to all parties to the Framework Agreement prior to implementation of a major change in a policy or program which could have an impact on the operation of the Framework Agreement or any Implementation Agreement, even if the policy or program is outside the scope of this Implementation Agreement.

11.8 Governance Where this Implementation Agreement confers a power or a duty on the Parties, that power or duty may be exercised by the representatives of each Party as set out in the Implementation Agreement, or such delegates as those representatives may designate for the exercise of that power or duty.

11.9 Interpretation The titles to all sections and subsections in this Implementation Agreement are for reference purposes only and do not form part of this Implementation Agreement.

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Date Modified: 2005-04-20   Important Notices