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1.1 Definitions Unless stated otherwise, the Parties agree that the definitions contained in Section B of Part Two of the Framework Agreement apply to clause 1.0 of the Implementation Agreement.

1.2 Provincial Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following provincial programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

1.2.1 Livestock Health, Inspection and Food Safety Initiative: The Province will provide funding to encourage livestock health, inspection and food safety training. Specifics of this provincial initiative are as follows: (a) livestock health services, the subsidization of veterinary visits to farms with food animals; (b) meat inspection, including meat inspection services at abattoirs; (c) dairy inspection, including inspection services at dairy; (d) milk graders training, a training course to industry that allows for the grading of for raw milk; and (e) food handler education training, a training course for industry that deals with safe food handling practices.

1.3 Federal Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following federal programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

1.3.1 Food Safety and Quality Incentives: Canada will provide a Contribution to foster national food safety and quality programs. These incentives will be consistent with, augment and complement the food safety and quality program of Annex D, and will consider emergent food safety and quality issues. Specifics of these initiatives include: Centres of expertise for the realization of national food safety and quality systems; food safety and quality surveillance and research projects, risk assessments and analyses, and the development of mitigation strategies for food safety and quality issues; data synchronization systems and data architectures for food safety, quality and traceability systems; working with industry towards the development of HACCP and HACCP-based food safety and quality systems; and addressing specific food quality and food quality process control system issues.

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2.1 Definitions Unless stated otherwise, the Parties agree that the definitions contained in Section C of Part Two of the Framework Agreement apply to clause 2.0 of the Implementation Agreement.

2.2 Provincial Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following provincial programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

2.2.1 Water Management Initiative: The Province will provide funding towards water management to improve on farm water use efficiencies and the availability of adequate supplies of quality water; and

2.2.2 Land Development Initiative: The province will provide funding toward agricultural land use planning and development to enhance the agricultural land base and associated soil, water and biodiversity resources.

2.3 Federal Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following federal programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

2.3.1 National Agri-Environmental Health Analysis and Reporting Program: Canada will provide funding to develop environmental Indicators and related analytical tools to: (a) track and predict environmental performance; (b) support policy and program development; (c) identify environmental conditions in geographic zones and trends attributable to agriculture; and (d) increase environmental awareness;

2.3.2 Federal Agri-Environmental Research Initiative: Canada will provide funding to the Federal Agri-Environmental Research Initiative, which comprises of the following: Farming Systems Research: Canada will conduct research to increase understanding of agriculture and environment linkages and to develop and evaluate environmentally beneficial agricultural production and management practices; Minor Use Pesticide: Canada will provide funding to assist with the registration of reduced risk pesticides for use on minor crops; Agri-Environmental Standards Development: Canada will provide funding to develop agri-environmental standards that support the Common Goals and federal Implementation Measures;

2.3.3 Technology Assessment Program: Canada will provide funding to identify and assess emerging innovative technologies and systems for environmentally responsible agricultural production and provide such information to the various stakeholders in the agricultural sector;

2.3.4 National Land and Water Information Service: Canada will provide funding to the development and provision of environmental information and decision support tools to land use managers so as to support local and regional agricultural land use planning and management;

2.3.5 Study of Environmental Regulation of Agriculture: Canada will provide funding to the identification and evaluation of regulations governing agriculture and environment with a view to sharing information and best practices;

2.3.6 Environmental Certification Program: Canada will provide funding to the establishment of a voluntary and recognized environmental certification program for agriculture;

2.3.7 International Exchange: Canada will provide funding to facilitate the exchange of expertise between agri-environmental specialists in Canada and other selected countries;

2.3.8 Greencover Program: Canada will provide funding to the implementation of a program to: (a) convert land marginal for annual crops to permanent cover; (b) improve management of existing forage land; and (c) address environmental issues with respect to riparian areas and biodiversity; and

2.3.9 Water Quality Surveillance Program: Canada will provide funding for a national risk assessment of microbiological contaminants in agricultural run-off.

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3.1 Definitions Unless stated otherwise, the Parties agree that the definitions contained in Section D of Part Two of the Framework Agreement apply to clause 3.0 of the Implementation Agreement.

3.2 Provincial Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following provincial programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

3.2.1 Entrepreneurial and Opportunities Development: The Province will provide funding to agri-businesses, agricultural industry associations and strategic alliances to assist in the development of sound business management and planning. Training, information and services provided under the Entrepreneurial and Opportunities Development initiative will complement those services provided by Canada under the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Service;

3.2.2 New Entrants Management Development: The Province will provide funding to support the sustainable growth of new entrants to agriculture. Initiatives will include support of projects that enhance the economic viability, enable farm and food safety and environmental stewardship;

3.2.3 Farm Management Analysis Project: The Province will provide funding so as to provide business managers with a farm planning tool which includes a complete financial and production business summary and comparative analysis. Activities will include, but not be limited to, study design, data collection and analysis, and the compilation of benchmark and time series information for select agricultural commodities;

3.2.4 On-Line Resource Library: The Province will provide funding so as to increase access to business management training and information through the On-Line Resource Library. Activities will include, but not be limited to, on-going maintenance, promotion and sourcing of additional resource materials relevant to the changing needs of the agri-food sector and hosting the library database;

3.2.5 Centre for Continuing and Distance Education: The Province will provide funding to support life-long learning as a key component of the new economy through the development and delivery of programs and courses at the Centre for Continuing and Distance Education. Courses will include traditional agriculture and aquaculture, value-added enterprises, and other land based activities including ornamental horticulture, agri-tourism and golf course management;

3.2.6 Product and Quality Development Initiative: The Province will provide funding so as to develop and commercialize new opportunities by agri-food businesses in the area of product and quality development. Activities will include, but will not be limited to: (a) addressing barriers to commercialization; (b) advancing quality development initiatives; (c) enabling product development through innovation, technology adaptation and pathfinding support; and

3.2.7 Value Chain Strategy Development Initiative: The Province will provide funding towards sustainable industry development through integrated value chain strategy development (gate to plate) strategies. Activities will include, but will not be limited to: (a) economic research and analysis across the entire value chain; (b) comparative analysis; and (c) the identification of appropriate growth strategies based on needs and opportunities.

3.3 Federal Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following federal programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

3.3.1 4-H Program: Canada will provide funding to the 4-H program, which will: (a) provide skills development for farm and rural youth through leadership; (b) develop farm business and technical skills through projects, workshops and conferences; and, (c) encourage participation in conferences and special events to increase the knowledge and awareness of farm and rural youth on issues related to the environment, farm safety, international markets and innovation in the sector;

3.3.2 Farm Debt Mediation Service: Canada will provide funding to the Farm Debt Mediation Service Program so that it may continue to provide insolvent farmers and creditors with mediation services;

3.3.3 Canadian Agricultural Safety Program (CASP): Canada will provide funding to CASP, which will run promotional and awareness campaigns relating to the causes of accidents and fatalities on the farm. The campaigns will encourage best practices and reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on the farm. CASP will provide a national and provincial network of stakeholders that can: (a) address farm safety and health issues; (b) provide information to policy makers so that sound safety related policies can be adopted; and (c) sustain a national injury surveillance database so as to understand the nature, causes and magnitude of accidents and fatalities on the farm; and,

3.3.4 Canadian Young Farmers Forum: Canada will provide funding to The Young Farmers Forum to facilitate the exchange of information between young and beginning farmers. The program will provide a vehicle for the involvement of young and beginning farmers in agricultural issues and agricultural policy-making.

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4.1 Definitions Unless stated otherwise, the Parties agree that the definitions contained in Section E of Part Two of the Framework Agreement apply to clause 4.0 of the Implementation Agreement.

4.2 Provincial Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following provincial programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

4.2.1 Nova Scotia Agricultural College Training and Research Programs: The Province will provide funding to the Nova Scotia Agricultural College’s training and research programs in science and innovation development with respect to food safety, renewal, environment and business risk management. Only those parts of this program which comply with Section 5.2.2 of the Framework Agreement are included;

4.2.2 Nova Scotia Agricultural College’s Research Outreach Initiatives: The Province will provide funding to the Nova Scotia Agricultural research outreach initiatives, including hosting the Atlantic Canada and Science and Technology Workshops, lecture series and research briefs and publications. Only those parts of this program which comply with Section 5.2.2 of the Framework Agreement are included; and

4.2.3 Atlantic Agricultural Co-ordinating Council: The Province will provide funding to the Atlantic Agricultural Co-ordinating Council (AACC) so as to facilitate research co-ordination, identify research needs, implement regional agricultural programs and facilitate regional agricultural and agri-food co-operation.

4.3 Federal Implementation Measures The Parties agree that the following federal programs and activities are in conformity with the requirements of clauses 5.2 and 6 of the Framework Agreement and may be included in the Federal and Provincial Measures Plan:

4.3.1 Strategic Development for Science & Innovation (B - Federally Funded Component): Canada will provide funding to the Strategic Development for Science & Innovation program. The federally funded component will sponsor pilot projects with industry, academic and research institutions so as to fill knowledge gaps identified in the development of value chain innovation strategies.

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Program/ name Program Delivery Agent Description
Federal Programs
Food Safety and Food Quality Incentives - Canada will provide a Contribution to foster national food safety and quality programs. These incentives will be consistent with, augment and complement the food safety and quality programs of Annex D, and will consider emergent food safety and quality issues.
Provincial Program
Livestock Health, Inspection and
Food Safety Initiative
- The Province will provide funding to encourage livestock health, inspection and food safety training. Specifics of this provincial initiative are as follows: (a) livestock health services, the subsidization of veterinary visits to farms with food animals; (b) meat inspection, including meat inspection services at abattoirs; (c) dairy inspection, including inspection services at dairy; (d) milk graders training, a training course to industry that allows for the grading of for raw milk; and (e) food handler education training, a training course for industry that deals with safe food handling practices

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Program/ name Program Delivery Agent Description
Federal Programs
National Agri-Environmental
Health Analysis and Reporting Program
  Canada will provide funding to develop environmental Indicators and related analytical tools to: (a) track and predict environmental performance; (b) support policy and program development; (c) identify environmental conditions in geographic zones and trends attributable to agriculture; and (d) increase environmental awareness
Federal Agri-Environmental Research Initiatives   Canada will provide funding to the Federal Agri-Environmental Research Initiative, which comprises of the following: Farming Systems Research, Minor Use Pesticide, Agri-Environmental Standards Development
Technology Assessment Program   Canada will provide funding to identify and assess emerging innovative technologies and systems for environmentally responsible agricultural production and provide such information to the various stakeholders in the agricultural sector
National Land and Water Information Service   Canada will provide funding to the development and provision of environmental information and decision support tools to land use managers so as to support local and regional agricultural land use planning and management
Study of Environmental Regulation of Agriculture   Canada will provide funding to the identification and evaluation of regulations governing agriculture and environment with a view to sharing information and best practices
Environmental Certification Program   Canada will provide funding to the establishment of a voluntary and recognized environmental certification program for agriculture;
International Exchange   Canada will provide funding to facilitate the exchange of expertise between agri-environmental specialists in Canada and other selected countries
Greencover Program   Canada will provide funding to the implementation of a program to: (a) convert land marginal for annual crops to permanent cover; (b) improve management of existing forage land; and (c) address environmental issues with respect to riparian areas and biodiversity
Water Quality Surveillance Program   Canada will provide funding for a national risk assessment of microbiological contaminants in agricultural run-off.
Provincial Program
Water Management Initiative   The Province will provide funding towards water management to improve on farm water use efficiencies and the availability of adequate supplies of quality water
Land Development Initiative   Province will provide funding toward agricultural land use planning and development to enhance the agricultural land base and associated soil, water and biodiversity resources

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Program/ name Program Delivery Agent Description
Federal Programs
4-H Program 3rd Party Canada will provide funding to the 4-H program, which will: (a) provide skills development for farm and rural youth through leadership; (b) develop farm business and technical skills through projects, workshops and conferences; and, (c) encourage participation in conferences and special events to increase the knowledge and awareness of farm and rural youth on issues related to the environment, farm safety, international markets and innovation in the sector;
Farm Debt Mediation Service 3rd Party Canada will provide funding to the Farm Debt Mediation Service program so that it may continue to provide insolvent farmers and their creditors with mediation services
Canadian Agricultural Safety Program (CASP) 3rd Party Canada will provide funding to CASP, which will run promotional and awareness campaigns relating to the causes of accidents and fatalities on the farm. The campaigns will encourage best practices and reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on the farm. CASP will provide a national and provincial network of stakeholders that can: (a) address farm safety and health issues; (b) provide information to policy makers so that sound safety related policies can be adopted; and (c) sustain a national injury surveillance database so as to understand the nature, causes and magnitude of accidents and fatalities on the farm
Canadian Young Farmers Forum 3rd Party Canada will provide funding to The Young Farmers Forum to facilitate the exchange of information between young and beginning farmers. The program will provide a vehicle for involvement of young and beginning farmers in agricultural issues and policy-making.
Provincial Program
Entrepreneurial and Opportunities Development Provincial The Province will provide funding to agri-businesses, agricultural industry associations and strategic alliances to assist in the development of sound business management and planning. Training, information and services provided under the Entrepreneurial and Opportunities Development initiative will complement those services provided by Canada under the Canadian Farm Business Advisory Service.
New Entrants Management Development Provincial The Province will provide funding to support the sustainable growth of new entrants to agriculture. Initiatives will include support of projects that enhance the economic viability, enable farm and food safety and environmental stewardship.
Farm Management Analysis Project Provincial The Province will provide funding so as to provide business managers with a farm planning tool which includes a complete financial & production business summary and comparative analysis. Activities will include, but not be limited to, study design, data collection and analysis, and the compilation of benchmark and time series information for select agricultural commodities
Centre for Continuing and Distance Education Provincial The Province will provide funding to support life-long learning as a key component of the new economy through the development and delivery of programs and courses at the Centre for Continuing and Distance Education. Courses will include traditional agriculture and aquaculture, value-added enterprises, and other land based activities including ornamental horticulture, agri-tourism and golf course management
Product and Quality Development Initiative Provincial The Province will provide funding so as to develop and commercialize new opportunities by agr-food businesses in the area of product and quality development. Activities will include, but will not be limited to: (a) addressing barriers to commercialization; (b) advancing quality development initiatives; (c) enabling product development through innovation, technology adaptation and pathfinding support
Value Chain Strategy Development Initiative Provincial The Province will provide funding towards sustainable industry development through integrated value chain strategy development (gate to plate) strategies. Activities will include, but will not be limited to: (a) economic research and analysis across the entire value chain; (b) comparative analysis; and (c) the identification of appropriate growth strategies based on needs and opportunities

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Program/ name Program Delivery Agent Description
Federal Programs
Strategic Development for
Science & Innovation (B - Federally funded component)
  Canada will provide a Contribution to the Strategic Development for Science & Innovation program. The federally funded component will sponsor pilot projects with industry, academic and research institutions so as to fill knowledge gaps identified in the development of value chain innovation strategies
Provincial Program
Nova Scotia Agricultural College Training and Research Programs Provincial The Province will provide funding to the Nova Scotia Agricultural College’s training and research programs in science and innovation development with respect to food safety, renewal, environment and business risk management. Only those parts of this program which comply with section 5.2 .2 of the Framework Agreement are included.
Nova Scotia Agricultural College’s Research Outreach Initiatives Provincial The Province will provide funding to the Nova Scotia Agricultural research outreach initiatives, including hosting the Atlantic Canada and Science and Technology Workshops, lecture series and research briefs and publications. Only those parts of this program which comply with section 5.2 .2 of the Framework Agreement are included.
Atlantic Agricultural Co-ordinating Council Provincial The Province will provide funding to the Atlantic Agricultural Co-ordinating Council (AACC) so as to facilitate research co-ordination, identify research needs, implement regional agricultural programs and facilitate regional agricultural and agri-food co-operation

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Date Modified: 2005-04-20   Important Notices