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The Way Forward


The Way Forward is a wide-ranging strategy led by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) to find innovative ways to deliver services smarter, faster and at a reduced cost, and to improve how the Government of Canada does business.

PWGSC provides services that are common to all federal government departments and agencies to help them focus on their own vital roles of serving Canadians — services that include real estate management, goods and services purchasing, IT, as well as translation and consulting and audit.

The Way Forward is part of PWGSC's ongoing commitment to help modernize government and provide the best service to Canadians. It is also part of the government's agenda to improve management and accountability, save money and reallocate the savings to higher priorities such as health care, early childhood development, a new deal for communities and the environment.

There are two fundamental, interrelated objectives at the core of The Way Forward:

  • saving money by maximizing efficiencies, taking advantage of economies of scale and leveraging existing expertise; and
  • doing these things in an open, transparent way so as to preserve the confidence of Canadians in the integrity and fairness of the Government of Canada.

The Way Forward focuses on increasing efficiencies in three key areas:

  • Buying smarter: Our target is to save $2.5 billion over five years on total procurement by leveraging our purchasing power, consolidating what we buy on behalf of the government and using technology. In support of this objective, PWGSC will cut by 50% the time it takes to buy goods and services, and will reduce its internal procurement costs by 10%. We will monitor the impacts of our procurement changes on the supplier community — especially small and medium sized businesses — and address concerns as they arise.
  • Exploring savings in real estate: We are aiming for cost savings of $925 million over five years in this area by managing our portfolio better and improving the application of standards for office space. We will do this without reducing the visibility of the Government of Canada in regions and communities, and in keeping with our commitment to environmental excellence.
  • Taking full advantage of information technology systems: Our goal is to fundamentally change the way the federal government provides services to Canadians. Priorities include the Secure Channel — so that Canadians can exchange confidential information with the government without worry — and a practical, privacy-sensitive "whole-of-government" approach to information technology that will see increased sharing and better management of IT services and products.

In addition, we will be taking steps to help lead the government's sustainable development agenda. We will pursue opportunities to buy environmentally-sound products and services and to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings. Within PWGSC, we will create an Office of Sustainable Operations to act as a centre of expertise to develop and implement sustainable practices in the daily operations of government.

Sound management, ethics and accountability are at the heart of The Way Forward, as our 10-Point Integrity Plan and Ethics Program clearly demonstrate. Our Ethics Program was described by the Conference Board of Canada as a best practice model for both the public and private sectors, and will guide our department every step of the way.

Some elements of The Way Forward are already underway, such as the application of the standard fit-up package for departments requesting office space; and Travel Modernization — an initiative that will reduce the cost and improve the management of travel across government.

In developing and implementing The Way Forward, we will be guided by the following principles:

  • Remaining committed to excellence in service.
  • Ensuring that the government retains its visibility and presence in communities and regions, and that access to services is maintained or enhanced.
  • Working with our partners in departments and agencies and other levels of government to achieve best results.
  • Continuously assessing and seeking to minimize the potential impact on our employees.
  • Continuing our important work in preserving the heritage buildings and assets we own.
  • Promoting Aboriginal economic development.