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West Nile virus

Fact Sheets

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Don't Be A Target [français]
What you can do to protect yourself from West Nile virus
June 20, 2006

Mosquito Control for Homeowners
Helpful tips on how to control mosquito numbers around your home area.
July 28, 2006

Disposing of Dead Birds and Small Animals [français]
Birds and animals die of many causes, including infectious diseases. These diseases may be transmitted to humans, but rarely. There is no evidence that anyone has been infected by West Nile virus by merely touching an infected bird or animal. However, it is prudent for many reasons to handle and dispose of dead birds and small animals in a safe manner.
Revised May 1, 2006

Mosquito Bite Reduction [français]
This one-page Fact Sheet offers tips on reducing your chances of being bitten by mosquitoes.
Revised May 5, 2004

Reducing Mosquito Numbers Around Your Home [français]
Reducing or eliminating standing water is an effective and economical way to control mosquitoes and something all Manitobans can do on their property.  This one-page Fact Sheet shows you how.
April 17, 2003

West Nile virus and Tires
Mosquito species often found in tires, like Culex tarsalis and Culex restuans,
are linked to West Nile virus. Here's what can be done to reduce the risk of West Nile virus associated with tires.
June 13, 2005

Fact Sheet on the Use of Malathion in Mosquito Control Programs
From Health Canada - Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)

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