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Waseskun is a Cree word meaning that time at the end of a storm with the dark clouds breaking, blue sky appearing, and the sun just starting to seep through.


"There is a timing to everything, just like a giant wheel that is turning. Everything happens at its own appropriate time.. That is the only way it happens. No matter how much we have tried in the past to bring things together, as little as we knew about them, they could not happen. We are doing what we are doing here because it is the time for it.

One of the things that we seem not to notice or take account of is that the spirit people are helping us. We still have to do the work, but they are helping us. They are facilitating the work done at Waseskun House. That is why things are happening now. They couldn't have happened before, not in the way they are happening today."

Art Solomon, Ojibway Elder

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Beadwork by Henry Jacques
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Last modified: January 11, 2002