Operation Red Nose

This video was produced by an outside agency, which is not subject to the Official Languages Act. It is available in English only.

Man in car laughs ...

"How many drinks have you had tonight?"

Man (looking at his hands):
"I've had ."

"Office party?"

"Yes ."

Officer (in background while camera on man):
"You didn't do anything to embarrass yourself did you?"

Man (reaching into his pocket):
"Oh yeah . let me show you."

Officer (smiling):
"It's OK . you can go."

Officer (turning to the woman in the driver's seat):
"Make sure he gets home safe."

"If you plan on celebrating this holiday season, call Operation Red Nose and they'll make sure you and your vehicle get home safely - free. Check their web site for the Operation Red Nose in your area and be safe this holiday season."