Ministry of Health ServicesGoverment of British Columbia
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Your CareCard

»  Questions About Your CareCard
»  Replacement of a CareCard
»  Protection Against Fraud

Each B.C. resident enrolled with the Medical Services Plan (MSP) is given a CareCard with a unique lifetime identifier for health care called a personal health number. This number remains the same, regardless of any changes to personal status. You should carry your CareCard at all times, to have it available to be presented whenever you need health care services. However, if you do not have your card with you, your physician or other health care provider can verify that you are enrolled with MSP.

A CareCard is also a valuable way to confirm your identity. For this reason, it is important that your CareCard bear your signature. Children can sign their own cards. A spouse, guardian or other legally responsible adult should sign for anyone who cannot do so and ensure that the card is available as needed.

A gold CareCard is issued to seniors a few weeks before they reach age 65. Many seniors find this card to be useful as proof of age.

Questions about your CareCard

When can I use my CareCard?
As long as you are a resident of B.C. and are enrolled with MSP, you can use your CareCard to obtain insured medical and health care services. Your CareCard can be used as of the date your MSP coverage begins. That date is indicated on the paper attached to the card when it is delivered to you - it is not noted on the CareCard itself. Your CareCard is also used to obtain PharmaCare prescription drug benefits - go to the PharmaCare web site for registration information.

Is the CareCard encoded with personal information about me?
The magnetic stripe on the back contains only the information printed on the front of the card. This stripe on the back allows the CareCard to be read electronically.

How do I change my name on my CareCard?
You need to apply to have a new CareCard issued in the correct name. See Replacement of a CareCard below.

What should I do with my old CareCard?
MSP is concerned about the environment and recycles the plastic of any returned cards. Old CareCards should be cut in half and returned to the address on the back of the card.

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Replacement of a CareCard

A fee is not charged for a card issued when a person first enrolls with MSP or for the first gold CareCard issued to a senior. Nor is a fee charged for a card issued as a result of a surname change or correction of birth month or year.

A fee may be charged to replace a lost, damaged or stolen card. However, if a CareCard is damaged through normal usage and you return the damaged card, a free replacement card may be sent to you.

If payment is required, the fees are $20 for one card, $34 for two family members' cards and $50 for three or more family member cards (note: the $34 and $50 amounts apply if family members are covered under the same account).

The cheque for the replacement CareCard should be made payable to the Minister of Finance and mailed to:

Medical Services Plan
PO Box 9667 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C.  V8W 9P6
When requesting a replacement CareCard, use the CareCard Replacement Form, and make sure to include the following information for each person who requires a replacement:
  • full name
  • birth date
  • personal health number
  • the reason (for example, previous card is lost, stolen or damaged) that a new card is needed
It is also necessary to provide a current mailing address and, if the names or birth date on a card need to be changed, a photocopy of a legal document indicating the correct/new information. Acceptable documentation includes a change of name certificate, marriage certificate, birth certificate, citizenship card (front and back) etc.

If a replacement card is needed because of a name change and you are covered under a plan administered by your employer, union or pension plan, you need to complete a Group Change Form and submit it to your group plan administrator, along with a copy of the legal document showing your name change.

If you pay your premiums directly and need to change your name, complete a CareCard Replacement Form and send it to MSP with the copy of the legal document showing your name change.

To obtain a CareCard Replacement Form or Group Change Form, see MSP Forms. If you cannot download the electronic forms, they are available through MSP's Forms-by-Fax service, by visiting a Government Agent/B.C. Access Centre or by contacting MSP.

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Protection Against Fraud

It is an offence to use another person's personal health number or to knowingly allow your personal health number to be used by another person. In order to maintain B.C.'s health care plans for the benefit of all residents, the plans must be protected against inappropriate use by those who are not residents of B.C. and, therefore, are not eligible for coverage.

If your card is lost or stolen, please contact MSP or your nearest Government Agent/B.C. Access Centre (local offices listed in the blue pages of your telephone directory) as soon as possible to replace it. (See Replacement of a CareCard.)

Any person who has details regarding possible misuse of a CareCard is urged to contact MSP with pertinent information. His or her identity, if given, remains confidential.

Last Revised: October 03, 2005

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