CANADA FLAG Infrastructure Canada Canada

About the ICP

The goal of the Infrastructure Canada Program (ICP) has been to enhance municipal infrastructure in urban and rural communities across the country, and improve Canadians’ quality of life through investments that protect our environment and support long-term economic growth.

Green municipal infrastructure has been the program’s first priority. Examples of eligible projects included the following:

Other priorities include the following:

Local Results

The Infrastructure Canada Program (ICP) was designed to work from the bottom up. Local governments are in the best position to identify which infrastructure needs will have the greatest impact on the quality of life within their own communities. The program has allowed rural and urban municipalities, provinces and territories, First Nations and northern communities to identify their own priorities.

Role of Municipalities

Under the ICP, municipalities have proposed projects for funding. In most cases, the Government of Canada has provided up to one-third of the cost of each municipal infrastructure project. The province or territory, and the municipality itself, have provided the remainder of the funds.

Role of First Nations

Under the ICP First Nations component, administered by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), First Nations have proposed projects for funding. In most cases, the ICP has contributed one third of the costs of the projects. The First Nations and INAC contributed the remaining funds. Regional project review committees, established by INAC, included representatives from First Nations organizations. Projects under the First Nations component can also be shared initiatives, involving municipalities or provincial and territorial governments.

Funding Allocation

In order to take into account the differing needs of all regions, ICP funds were allocated according to a formula based on population and unemployment. The amount allocated to a given province or territory was based on its percentage of Canada’s total unemployment and its percentage of Canada’s total population.

For example, if a given jurisdiction had 10 per cent of the total population of Canada, and 12 per cent of the total number of unemployed in Canada, it would have received 11 per cent of the total funding allocation. (10% + 12%) ÷ 2 = 11%

In addition, each ICP agreement specifies a minimum percentage of funds that must be allocated to green and rural infrastructure projects in that jurisdiction.

View allocation table


The Government of Canada is working closely with its partners to ensure public accountability. Provisions for regular and strong audit and evaluation of the new program are included in each of the agreements signed with provincial and territorial governments.